Telangana History | Rashtrakutas | Bits for Competitive Exams

Telangana History Rashtrakutas Bits for Competitive Exams

Preparation Guide For Competitive Exams

Indra Raja-I (696-710 A.D)was the founder of the Rashtrakutas dynasty

The Independent Rashtrakutas Kingdom was established by Dantidurga

Sanskrit was the official language in Rashtrakutas kingdom

Rashtrakutas King Genealogy

Datidurga(748-758 A.D)

Krishna – I (758-772 A.D)

Govinda II (772 – 780 A.D)

Dhruva Raja or Dhruva (780-792 A.D)

Govinda III (793-814 A.D)

Amoghavarsha( 814 – 880 A.D)

Krishna II (880 -914 A.D)

Indra III (914 – 928 A.D)

Amoghavarsha II( 928- 929 A.D)

Govinda- IV(930 – 936 A.D)

Amoghavarsha III( 936 – 939 A.D)

Krishna III (967 – 972 A.D)

Karkaraja II(972-973 A.D)

1) Rashtrakutas are more prominent in the history of South India. Many districts of Telangana are used to be under the rule of the Rashtrakutas.

2) Rashtrakutas ruled with Manyakheta in the Karnataka region remained as their capital.

3) According to some historians, Rashtrakuta’s political life started in Maharashtra. Others argue, Karnataka as Original homeland of Rashtrakutas

4) Dr.Fleet opined Rastrakutas belonged to the Rathor descendants of Northern India.

5) R.G.Bhandarkar opined, Rajjakas of the Mauryan days became Rashtrakutas

6) According to Dr.Barnal, Rashtrakutas were Telugu People and after some time they were called Reddis.

7) Mallampalli SomesekharaSarma opined, remaining as Rattadi or Chariot drivers, Rashtrakutas who later became Reddis of Telugu land.

8) Historian felt that Rashrtakutas is not a name of the race but its employer name because in ancient days, Gramakuta means a village official and in the same way Rashtrakutas might indicate employer name

9) During the Mauryan period, ‘Rashtriya’ used to be the viceroy of bigger regions like Gujarat and Kathiawar.

10) In the 1st C.E A.D., Rathikas and Maharathikas were governed small regions in Maharashtra and Berar and they established independent Kingdoms as central government became weak

11) Historian opined Rashtrakutas mother tongue might be Kannada because important of Rashtrakutas became chiefs of Lattaluru and Latur in Bidar district is only this Lattaluru in Kannada-Speaking Latur in Bidar district and hence their mother tongue must have been Kannada

12) Rashtrakutas themselves claimed as they originated from satyaki, the brother of Sri Krishna

13) During the time of Badami Chalukyas,  Rashtrakutas remained as their Feudatories and might belong to the Rathika family in Maharastra areas or to the Reddi family in Andhra and Karnataka regions.

14) When the Badami Chalukya Kingdom got disintegrated Rashtrakutas  established independent Kingdom and within a short time Rashtrakutas became the emperors of Dakshiapatha of South India 

15) Rashtrakutas ruled nearly 200 years. Brother of Nannaraju who ruled Ellichpur in 631 A.D is considered as the ancestor of the Rashtrakutas dynasty.

16) Indra Raja-I (696-710 A.D.)was the founder of the Rashtrakutas dynasty and they ruled Manyakheta and Western Telangana areas as the feudatories of the Badami Chalukyas.
Note: After Indra Raja I,  Govindaraja or Varma-I (710-725 A.D.), Kanakaraja-I(725-735 A.D.) and Indraraja-III (735-748 A.D.) are the feudatories of Badami Chalukyas.

17) The Independent Rashtrakutas Kingdom was established by Dantidurga, he was the son of Indraraja-II. He defeated Kirtivarma-II (735 A.D.), Badami Chalukyan king and established independent Rashtrakutas kingdom.

18) Feudatory of western Chalukyan ruler, Vikramaditya-II, participated in several expeditions and conquered Pallava, Malawa and Gujarat areas

19) Vikramaditya-II gave the titles of ‘ Prithvivallabha ‘ and ‘Khadgavaloka ‘ to Dantidurga

20) Dantidurga got titles of ‘Maharajadhiraja ‘, ‘ParamaMaheswara ‘ and ‘ParamaBhattaraka ‘

21)In 757 AD., Dantidurga conquered Kanchi, Kalinga, Srisalam, Malwa, Lata and Sindhu areas.

22) Inscription of Vayamgadh and inscriptions at Dasavatara temple in Ellora describes Dantidurga great War victories, and

23) Dantidurga invaded Malwa and conquered. He made ‘Hiranyagarbha ‘ donation and declared his victory in Ujjaini

24) Ddantidurga daughter married to Pallava king Nandivarma-II. Within a short period of rule, he established an extensive Rashtrakuta empire and died in 758 A.D.

25) After Dantidurga, Krishna-I has ruled the Rashtrakutas Kingdom.
Note:  He carried conquests that were started by Dantidurga, occupied Southern Konkan and sent crown – Prince Govinda-II to Vengi and they defeated Vengi Chalukyan ruller Vishnuvardhana-IV and occupied some territories

26) During the time of Krishna-I, the rivalry started between the Vengi Chalukyas and the Rashtrakutas

27) Krishna had the titles of ‘Subhattunga ‘ and ‘Akalavarshudu’

28) Krishna builds the Kailasanadha temple(Rock Cut) at Ellora and it got recognition as a world heritage site.

29) After Krishna-I, Govinda-II ruled between 772-780 A.D.  He won victory in the battle of Gangavadi.

30) Govinda-II called ‘ Suvarna Govindaraja ‘ and ‘Prabhuta Varsha’.

31) Dhruva(Dhruva Raja) got the throne by killing his brother Govinda-II. He defeated the kings of Kanchi, Gangadevi, Malwa, Vengi.

32) Dhruva defeated the Eastern Chalukyan ruler Vishnuvardhana-IV and married his daughter Seelamanhadevi

33) Dhruva was the first Rashtrakutas ruler who entered into Tripartite wars which took place between Pala, Pratihara, and Rashtrakutas dynasties

34)  Dhruva defeated Pratihara Kanauj ruler Vatsaraja and as a mark to his victory, he adopted ‘ Ganga-Yamuna Torana ‘ as his kingdom’s emblem.

35) Dhruva had the titles of ‘Srivallabha’ ‘Nirupakelivallabha’ and ‘Daranava’

36) Dhruva expanded the Rashtrakutas KIngdom into a vast empire and for these his sons Karka, stambha, Govinda and Indra helped a lot

37) After Dhruva his son Govinda-III assumed power and he was the greatest among the Rashtrakutas,

38) Govinda-III had  titles of ‘Rajadhiraja’, ‘Prabhutavarsha’, ‘Rajaparameshwara’, ‘Tribhuvanadhavali’, ‘Sri vallabha’ ‘Janavallabha’ and ‘Kirthinarayana’

39) Govinda-III has fought wars with Pallava, Western Ganga, Ghuraja Pratihara and Pala Kings and achieved success and has defeated Pratihara king, Nagabhata-II and he was ruled for 22years.

40) In Sanjan Inscription, Govindha III greatness are mentioned

41) After Govinda-III, his son Amonghavarsha has ruled a kingdom and his original name was Saru.

42) Amoghavarsha defeated the Vengi king, Gunaga Vijayadhitya.

43) In the south, Gangavadi king, Nitidurga declared his independence and amoghavarsha defeated him

44) Amoghavarsha’s daughter Chandrabbalachhen married the Ganga king’s son Buttuga and another daughter Renuka Nirmadi(Revaka Sankha) married the Pallava king, Nandi Varma.

45) Amoghavarsha was a great poet, written ‘kavirajamarga’ the first ‘alankara’ work and also wrote ‘Prasonttora Ratnamalika’

46)Amoghavarsha had title ‘Kaviraja’
Note: Jain poets of his period, Mahavira Acharya wrote ‘Ganitasara Sangraha’ and Saktyana wrote ‘Amoghavritti’.

47) Amoghavarsha built Manyakheta(Malkhed) city and made it as capital Note: Arab traveler, Suleman described activities of Amoghavarsha and praised him as one of the four great emperors in the world.

48) Amoghavarsha adopted Janism and has observed ‘Sallekhanavrata’ and died.

49) After Amoghavarsha his son KrishnaII, became the king, from his time on wards decline of the Rashtrakutas started

50) Eastern Chalukya Kings Gunaga Vijadhitya has invaded Rashtrakutas kingdom and  destroyed  Kiranapur, Archalapur and Chakrakuta cities

51) Krishna II gave his daughter in marriage to Chola King, Adhitya-I.

52) After Krishna-II, Indra III(914-928 A.D) ruled the kingdom and in his time Arab traveler Al-Masudi visited the Rashtrakutas Kingdom

53) Rashtrakutas got back to glory in the time of Krishna III, He Invaded Chola Kingdom and killed Crown- prince Rajaditya and assumed the title of Tanjavoor Konda

54) In Takkolam Battle, Krishna III defeated Prantaka Chola I and erected victory pillar at Rameswaram

55) After Krishna III his brother Khotiga became the ruler and he ruled between 967-972 A.D

56) Khotiga died with an insult as Malwa king Harshaseyaka has defeated Khottiga and destroyed Manyakheta

57) Karkaraja II (972-973 A.D.) was the last ruler of Rastrakutas was KarkarajaII. During his period feudatories became independent

58) Chalukyan Tailapa(feudatory), ruler of Tondavadi defeated Karkaraja II and killed him and occupied Manyakheta which ended the rule of Rashrakutas permanently
Note: Thilapa II established the Kalyani Chalukyan dynasty.

59) In the beginning Ellichpur, Ellora and Paithan cities remained capitals of Rashrakutas and later during Amoghavarsha’s region Manyakheta used to be the capital.

60) Rashtrakutas kings assumed the titles of ‘Maharajadhiraja’, ‘Dharavarsha’ and ‘Vikramavaloka’.

61) Inscriptions had details about posts of Mahamatya, Mahasandhivigrahaka. Kings, officials were appointed at different places in a kingdom called Rajasthaneeya 

62) The kings divided the kingdom into Rashtra, vaishya, and villages. The ‘Mahasamantha’ or ‘Mahamandaleswara’ is the governing head of Rashtra.

63) District officials called as ‘Vishayapati’ and ‘Bhogapati’

64) Governing head of a town called as ‘Nagarapati’ and for village ‘Gramapati’ used to be head

65) The village assembly known as ‘Mahajanam’ belonged to Agrahara. Combined village assemblies generally had farmer assembly.

66) Members of Janism, such as Bankaya and Sri Vijaya used to be the commander-in-chief. For Soldiers who died in the wars, the government used to give relief or pensions.

67)Police personnel consisted of ‘Chorodharinukulu’ and ‘Dandaposikulu’.

68) Land tax was the main source of income of Rastrakutas. ‘Padenela tax’ levied for army maintenance and ‘Sandhi Vigraha’ tax was imposed for the defense of the kingdom.

69) In Rastrakutas, professional taxes are imposed for craftsmen, such as potter, washer-man, barber and blacksmith have to professional taxes.
Note: Taxes like property tax, land tax, house tax, oil-mill tax, cattle tax, sheep herd tax, shop tax etc are present in Rastrakutas

70) Out of the income that was received,3 parts to army maintenance,1 part as a reserve fund and 1/12th share for charities, palace, and maintenance

71) King remained as the main judicial head and judicial administration was carried through the ‘Dharmasana’ that belonged to the Grama sabha.

72) In South India, agriculture land was specially referred to as ‘Yeripatti’ or ‘Cheruvukuttu’ land and tax paid as one-sixth to one-tenth of the crop from the land.

73) Textile industries became famous among all the industries. Gujarat, Berar, and Telangana remained as important centers where clothes were exported to foreign countries.

74) Cosmos indico plusters mentioned about the trade between the eastern and western coastal areas in south India and Western and southwest Asian countries.
Note: Pepper, Cardamom and Pearls were main articles for export

75) ‘Manigaram’ was the local trade guild. ‘Nagaram ‘ meant an organized sales center in South India.

76) Mahabalipuram, Nagapattinam, Kaveripattanam, Motupalli, and Krishnapatnam on the eastern coast and Chaul, Sopara and Calicut on the western coast are the famous port towns.

77) Rashtrakutas considered as ‘Sat-Kshatriyas’ a special subset among the Kshatriyas. Oridinary Kshatriyas used to follow the rites and rituals of ‘Dvijas’.

78) Vaisyas belonged to trading and agriculture classes were called as ‘Komaties’ and ‘Seths’.

79) Sudhras mainly took up the occupations of agriculture, agricultural labor and military services

80) Rattadi or Reddi, Vellala and Kapu are major sudra classes

81) ‘ VettiChakiri’ was condemned in ‘Yasastilaka’, literacy work of 10th century A.D.

82) ‘Gurava’ community persons are able to obtain the position of Purohit in Siva temples.

83) New Religious movements such as Virasaivism, Aaradhyasaiavam, and Sri Vaishnavam were patronized by craft classes and landlord farmers.

84) Rastrakutas showed a lot of interest in the development of education and literature and temples. Temple areas are also developed as education institutions like Trayipurusha temple at Selorgi in Karnataka region that was a big college with 27 hostels

85) Vedas, Puranas, Grammer, Astrology, Literature, Philosophy, Dharmashatra, Jurisprudence and Sanskrit education used to be subjects of higher educations.
Note: Rashtrakuta Kings patronized Sanskrit and Kannada literature

86) In the Dhulia inscription that was issued by Dhruva

87) In 975 AD, 200 acres(50 Mattaras) were donated to Mutt which is loacted in Bhujabheswara temple in Dharward Mandal.

88) Sanskrit was the official language in Rashtrakutas kingdom and Jain literature flourished in the Rashtrakutas kingdom

89) Sanskrit was the official language in Rashtrakutas kingdom and Jain literature flourished in the Rashtrakutas kingdom
Note: King Krishna III and Halayudha wrote ‘Kavairahasyam’, explains the use of Sankrit Dhatuvulu and Prassati or praise of emperor Krishna

90) Jinasena was the teacher of Amoghavarsha

91) Jinasena wrote Adipurana, a biography of Jain Trithakaras was completed by his disciples 

92) Jinasena in his ‘Parsvabhuyudayam ‘ every sloka line of ‘ Meghasandesam’ has been wounderfully applied to the life of jain parsva and therby made meaning coordination.

93) In Amoghavarsha period, work on grammar, titled amoghavritti and another work titled ‘GanitaSarasangraha’ were written respectively by Sakatayana and Ganitayana Vircharya

94) ‘Kavirajamarga’, the first work on poetics in kannada language wasauthored by Amoghavarsha and he also wrote ‘Ratnamalika’ and ‘Neetikavuyam’.

95) Ponna, who was 2nd in the triumvirate of Kannada writers, happened to be the court poet of Krishna III, wrote ‘Shanti Puranam’

96) Pampa, who was 1st in kannada triumvirate was a court poet of Vemulavada Chalukyas wrote Adipura and Vikramarjuna Vijayam.

97) In Rashtrakutas, cave temples were carved at ellora. 1st cave, Dantidurga build the Dasavatara temple. Nandi mandapam in this temple stands as an ancient monument of rashtrakutas art.

98)Other famous structures consist of ‘ChhotoKailasa’ temple among the cave temples at ellora, the mandapam infront of 15th cave and jain temple at Pattadakal.

99) Kailasanatha temple(rock-cut temple) at Ellora has been the artistic creation of Krishna I, it has been a wonderful masterpiece of sculptures that explained episodes in Puranas of Hinduism
Note: Other famous structures consist of ‘ChhotoKailasa’ temple, the mandapam infront of 15th cave and jain temple at Pattadakal.

100) The Dasavatara temple was built with wounderful Sculpture, decorated with the images of saiva and vaishnava gods and goddesses.

101) In Rastrakutas times, ‘kalamukha’ and ‘Kopalika’ sects were prevailing. By Inscriptions sources of 9th C.E A.D. proving that a new non-Brahmin devotee group known as ‘Gurava’ has come into existence.

102) Srisailam recognized as a great ‘kalipaka’ centers.

103) Rashtrakutas kings had the title of sreePrathiviVallabha’, declared themselves as the avatara or the incarnation of vishnu.

104) Sriparvatam is the important center for the worship of ‘Vajrapani Dharani’

105) The teachers and Professors in this movement are called ‘siddhus ‘ and Kalipanika Vedukas like ‘Mantra’,’Mudra’ and ‘Mandala’ are implied in Vijraya form of Worship. and by 12th and 13th-century A.d. Amaravati, Guntupalli, Sriparvatam or Nagarjuna Konda and Salihundam in Andhra.

106) During the time of the Rashtrakutas, Jainsm had greater prominence than Buddhism

107) Famous Jain sects- Muasangha, Yavaneeya, and Dravidasangha predominate in Andhra. Perur, Danuvalapadu, Vemulapadu, Ramathirtam, Hanumakonda, Patancheruvu, Kollipaaka were been famous Jain centers in Andhra region

108) Rashtrakutas king Amoghavarasha I and Chamundraya were famous patrons of janism. Among several Jain temples centers, Sravanabelagola in Karnataka was most famous.

109) Dasavatara temple at Ellora, Kailasanadha temple and the statue of Maheswara in elephanta island stand as great specimens for their rock-cut architecture.

Rashtrakutas MCQ Questions Bit Bank

1. Who felt that Rashtrakutas belonged to the Rathor descendent of north India?

a) R.G.Bhandarkar

b) Dr. Fleet

c) Dr. Barnal

d) None of the above

b) Dr. Fleet

2. Under the rule of Rashtrakutas the capital of Karnataka region is ___________?

a) Mayuri

b) Ellichipur

c) Manyakheta

d) Kolhapur

c) Manyakheta

3. Rashtrakutas were Reddis of Telugu people according to ______________?

a) Dr. Barnal

b) A.S. Altekar

c) Somashekhara Saram

d) Janavallabha

a) Dr. Barnal

4.Who was the founder of the Rashtrakuta dynasty ___________?

a) Varma-I

b) Vikramaditya-I

c) Krishna-I

d) Indra Raja-I

d) Indra Raja-I

5. Who established the independent Rashtrakutas kingdom?

a) Kirtivarma-I

b) Dantidurga

c) Nandivarma-II

d) Nagaraju

b) Dantidurga

6. Dantidurga has defeated Kirtivarma-I in the period____________?

a) 753 A.D.

b) 725 A.D.

c) 757 A.D.

d) None of the above

a) 753 A.D.

7) Who gave the titles of ‘ Prathvivallabha ‘ and ‘ Khadgavaloka ‘ to Dantidurga?

a) Vikramaditya-I

b) Varma-I

c) Indra Raja-I

d) Vikramaditya-I

d) Vikramaditya-I

8) Dantidurga has established a Rashtrakutas empire and died in the period?

a) 758 A.D.

b) 748 A.D.

c) 757 A.D.

d) None of the above

a) 758 A.D.

9) Wo was the Pallava king married the daughter of Dantidurga?

a) Sri Vallabha

b) Nandivarma-II

c) Krishna-I

d) None of the above

b) Nandivarma-II

10) Who ruled the Rashtrakutas Kingdom after Dantidurga ?

a) Govinda-II

b) Dhruva Raja

c) Krishna-I

d) Nagabhata-II

c) Krishna-I

11. Who had the titles of ‘ Subhattunga ‘ and ‘ Akalavarshudu ‘?

a) Dhruva Raja

b) Krishna-I

c) Amoghavarsha

d) Varma-I

b) Krishna-I

12. Krishna-I had built the Kailasanandha temple(Rock-cut) at the place________?

a) Kanchi

b) Ellora

c) Simhala

d) None of the above

b) Ellora

13. Govinda-II ruled the Rashtrakutas Kingdom between the period of___________?

a) 780 – 792 A.D.

b) 795 – 799 A.D.

c) 772 – 780 A.D.

d) None of the above

c) 772 – 780 A.D.

14. Tripartite wars took place between the _____________ dynasty’s ?

a) Pala dynasty

b) Pratihara dynasty

c) Rashtrakutas dynasty

d) All the above

d) All the above

15. Dhruva Raja has adopted _____________ as his kingdom’s emblem after the victory defeating the ‘vastraja’ ?

a) Ganga-Yamuna Torana

b) Yamuna Torana

c) Sri Chakra

d) None of the above

a) Ganga-Yamuna Torana

16. ‘Kavirajamarga ‘ the first alankara work was written by __________?

a) Krishna-II

b) Varma-II

c) Amoghavarsha

d) Dhruva

c) Amoghavarsha

17) After Amoghavarsha the kingdom was ruled by his son_________?

a) Krishna-II

b) Krishna-I

c) Dhruva

d) None of the above

a) Krishna-II

18. Who visited the Rashtrakutas Kingdom during the Indira-III ruled?

a) Al-Masudi

b) Aditya

c) Sulieman

d) None of the above

a) Al-Masudi

19. Who ruled the Rashtrakutas Kingdom after Amoghavarsha-II ruler?

a) Govinda-I

b) Krishna-II

c) Govinda-IV

d) Adhitya- I

c) Govinda-IV

20. Amoghavarsha II ruled the Rashtrakutas Kingdom in the period________?

a) 930-939 A.D.

b) 928-929 A.D.

c) 880-914 A.D.

d) 914-928 A.D.

b) 928-929 A.D.

21. After Krishna III, his brother Khottiga became the ruler of the Rashtrakutas kingdom in the period?

a) 967-972 A.D.

b) 982-989 A.D.

C) 939-966 A.D.

d) None of the above

a) 967-972 A.D.

22) Who was the last ruler for the Rashtrakutas kingdom?
a) Thilapa-II

b) Karkaraja-II

c) Govinda-IV

d) None of the above

b) Karkaraja-II

23. Who had established the rule of the Kalyani Chalukyas dynasty?

a) Karkaraja-II

b) Govinda-IV

c) Thilapa-II

d) Nandivarma-II

c) Thilapa-II

24. Rashtrakuta kings assumed the titles of ________________?

a) Maharajadhiraja

b) Dharavarsha

c) Vikramavaloka

d) All the above

d) All the above

25. The Ministers were used to be called as in kingdoms _____________?

a) Mahamatya

b) Mahamantri

c) Purohit

d) None of the above

b) Mahamantri

26. _______ were appointed at different places in the kingdom for adminstration__?

a) Rajastaneeya

b) Mahamatya

c) Mahasandhivigrahaka

d) None of the above

a) Rajastaneeya

27. Governor head of rashtra ___________?

a) Mahasamanha

b) Mahamandaleshwara

c) Both(a) & (b)

d) None of the above

c) Both(a) & (b)

28. District officials called as_________?

a) Bhagopati

b) Nagarapati

c) Villages

d) Gramapati

a) Bhagopati

29. The police staff of those days consisted of _________?

a) Chorodharinukulu


c) Both(a)&(b)

d) None of the above

c) Both(a)&(b)

30. The main source of income to the kingdom is____?

a) Land tax

b) Pandela tax

c) Sandhi vigraha tax

d) None of the above

a) Land tax

31. __________ tax was imposed for the defence of the kingdom?

a) Padenela tax

b) Sandhi vigraha tax

c) Both (a) & (b)

d) None of the above

a) Padenela tax

32. Judicial administration was carried through ________ _, that belonged to the ‘Grama Sabha’?

a) Kudivaram

b) Dharmasana

c) Vishayapati

d) None of the above

b) Dharmasana

33. Agriculture land was specially referred to as _____________land?

a) Yeripatti land

b) Cheruvukattu land

c) Both (a)&(b)

d) None of the above

c) Both (a)&(b)

34. Rashtrakutas considered as ___________ a special sub-sect among the kshatriyas?

a) Dvijas

b) Sat-Kshatriyas

c) Chandra

d) None of the above

b) Sat-Kshatriyas

35. Vaisyas belonged to trading and agriculture classes and were known as _________?

a) ‘Komaties’ and ‘Seths’

b) ‘Vellala’ and ‘Kapu’

c) Vettichakiri

d) Rattadi

a) ‘Komaties’ and ‘Seths’

36. __________ Community persons are able to obtain the position of purohit in the Shiva temples?

a) Gurava

b) Brahmins

c) Both (a) and (b)

d) None of the above

a) Gurava

37. The Rashtrakutas emperors showed lot of interest in the development of __________________?

a) Education

b) Literature

c) education and literature

d) None of the above

c) education and literature

38. what was the official language in the Rashtrakutas kingdom?

a) Puranas

b) Sanskrit

c) Science

d) Vedas

b) Sanskrit

39. Who wrote ‘ Kavirahasyam ‘ during the time of king Krishna-III?

a) Ratranamalika

b) Chandrabbalachhen

c) Halayudha

d) None of the above

c) Halayudha

40. ______________ happened to be biography of Jain Tirthankaras ?

a) Adipurana

b) Meghasandesam

c) Both (a) and (b)

d) None of the above

a) Adipurana

41. During the time of the Rashtrakutas, cave temples were carved at _______ place?

a) Ellora

b) Kanchi

c) Ajanta

d) None of the above

a) Ellora

42. Kailasanatha temple at Ellora has been the artistic creation of __________ king.

a) Varma-II

b) Krishna-I

c) Dhruva

d) Krishna-I

a) Varma-II

43. Srisailam has come to be recognised as a great ______________ center ?

a) Kapalika

b) Kalamukha

c) Both (a) and (b)

d) None of the above

b) Kalamukha

45. The teachers or Professors in Buddhism were called as_____________?

a) Siddhus

b) Gurava

c) Rajakas

d) None of the above

a) Siddhus

46. Govinda-III ruled between the period of______?

a) 772-780 A.D.

b) 782-790 A.D.

c) 793-814 A.D.

d) 752-765 A.D.

c) 793-814 A.D.

47. Govinda III ruled for __________ no of years?

a) 22

b) 30

c) 16

d) 20

a) 22

48) In Karnataka region ________ were the chief patrons of jainism ?

a) Vishnukunds

b) Kakatiyas

c) Rashtrakutas

d) Vakataykas

c) Rashtrakutas

49. ______________ was the famous jain centers

a) Digambara

b) sravanabelagola

c) Hanuamkonda

d) Kollipaka

b) sravanabelagola

50. Dasavatara temple located at_____________place?

a) Ellora

b) Perur

c) Vemulaparu

d) None of the above

a) Ellora

51. The kingdoms of Rashtrakutas were divided into ______________?

a) Rastra

b) Vishaya

c) Both (a) and (b)

d) None of the above

c) Both (a) and (b)

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