Why were magnetic tapes used to replace punch cards in Second Generation computers?

Homework Help: Questions and Answers: Why were magnetic tapes used to replace punch cards in Second Generation computers?

Why were magnetic tapes used to replace punch cards in Second Generation computers?

A. Increased reliability
B. Increased manual labor
C. Increased cost of production
D. Increased computer memory


First, let’s understand about Punch Cards and Magnetic Tapes:

Punch Cards:

  • First-generation computers used punch cards for input and data storage.
  • These cards were unreliable, as they could be damaged easily (bent, torn, or misaligned).
  • They had limited data storage capacity.

Magnetic Tapes:

  • Introduced in the Second Generation of computers.
  • Tapes are more reliable, durable, and capable of storing significantly more data compared to punch cards.
  • They also reduced manual labor involved in handling punch cards and allowed for faster data access.

Given Options: Step by Step Answering

a) Increased reliability

  • Magnetic tapes were more reliable than punch cards, which was one reason for their adoption.

b) Increased manual labor

  • Actually, magnetic tapes reduced manual labor by automating data handling, so this is incorrect.

c) Increased cost of production

  • Although magnetic tapes might have had a different cost structure than punch cards, this was not the main reason for the switch. It was more about performance and reliability.

d) Increased computer memory

  • Magnetic tapes had greater storage capacity, which indirectly affected memory management, but this is not the primary reason either.

Final Answer:

Based on the above analysis, the correct answer is: 

A. Increased reliability.

The main reason for replacing punch cards with magnetic tapes was increased reliability.

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