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Which prompt is an example of using Personas in generative Al?

Fdaytalk Homework Help: Questions and Answers: Which prompt is an example of using Personas in generative Al?

Which prompt is an example of using Personas in generative Al?

a) “Create an image of a dog chasing a kite through a corn field.”
b) “Write a poem about elephants in the style of William Shakespeare.”
c) “Find out what caused the vehicle’s engine to malfunction.”
d) “Predict what the weather will be like next week based on historical trends.”
e) I don’t know this yet.


First, let’s understand what “Personas in generative AI” means:

A persona in generative AI refers to adopting the characteristics, style, or perspective of a specific person or character when generating content. This often involves emulating the voice, tone, or mannerisms of a particular individual or fictional character.

Now with this understanding, we can easily eliminate wrong given options.

Given Options: Step by step analysis 

a) “Create an image of a dog chasing a kite through a corn field.”

  • This prompt asks for an image creation but does not specify adopting a particular style or perspective. It is about a specific scene rather than a persona.

b) “Write a poem about elephants in the style of William Shakespeare.”

  • This prompt explicitly asks to write a poem in the style of William Shakespeare, which means adopting his persona.

c) “Find out what caused the vehicle’s engine to malfunction.”

  • This prompt is a analytical query and does not involve adopting any particular persona.

d) “Predict what the weather will be like next week based on historical trends.”

  • This prompt is an predictive task and does not involve adopting any particular persona.

e) “I don’t know this yet.”

  • We’ll consider this if none of the other options seem correct.

Final Answer:

Based on above analysis, the correct answer is:

b) “Write a poem about elephants in the style of William Shakespeare.”

This prompt uses the persona of William Shakespeare in generative AI

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