Which of the following should you do first before running a data deduplication process using a Matching Activity?

Homework Help: Questions and Answers: Which of the following should you do first before running a data deduplication process using a Matching Activity?

Which of the following should you do first before running a data deduplication process using a Matching Activity?

a) Create a Data Quality Services knowledge base
b) Run a Data Cleansing Activity
c) Perform knowledge discovery
d) Create domain


To solve this question, let’s first understand each given option in the context of data deduplication and a Matching Activity.

Given Options: Step by Step Answering

a) Create a Data Quality Services (DQS) knowledge base

  • A Data Quality Services knowledge base stores domain knowledge about data quality, such as rules and information for correcting and validating data.
  • While it is crucial for maintaining data quality, creating a knowledge base doesn’t necessarily have to happen first before running a deduplication process. It’s more of an optional preparation step to enhance data quality later.

b) Run a Data Cleansing Activity

  • A Data Cleansing Activity is performed to clean the data, such as removing errors, standardizing formats, or correcting values.
  • This step makes the data cleaner and more reliable for subsequent processes like deduplication.
  • Cleansing the data is important before running a deduplication process because it improves the accuracy of matching by ensuring consistent and valid data.

c) Perform knowledge discovery

  • Knowledge discovery refers to the process of finding patterns, correlations, or insights in data.
  • It is more commonly associated with advanced analytics or machine learning, and it doesn’t directly relate to preparing data for deduplication.

d) Create domain

  • In DQS, a domain is a structure that defines the rules, formats, and validation criteria for a specific type of data (e.g., email addresses, phone numbers).
  • Creating domains is essential to categorize and validate data correctly. However, this typically happens during the setup of the knowledge base, not necessarily as a first step before deduplication.

Final Answer

Based on the above analysis, the correct answer is:

b) Run a Data Cleansing Activity

Before running a deduplication process, it’s essential to clean the data to ensure that matches are based on accurate, standardized values. This is typically the first step in preparing data for deduplication.

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