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Which of the following is a closed source large language model?

Fdaytalk Homework Help: Questions and Answers: Which of the following is a closed source large language models?

Which of the following is a closed source large language model?

a) GPT-3
b) T5
c) OpenLM
d) All of the above


First, let’s understand what is a “closed source” large language model means: A closed source model is one where the code, training data, and model weights are not publicly available.

To determine which of the given options is a closed-source large language model, let’s analyze each option step by step.

Given Options: Step by step Analysis

a) GPT-3

  • GPT-3, developed by OpenAI, is a large language model known for its capabilities in natural language understanding and generation. GPT-3 is a closed-source model, which means its underlying code, model parameters and its training data are not publicly available. 

b) T5  (Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer)

  • T5, developed by Google Research, is an open-source large language model. Its code and pre-trained models are available to the public, allowing researchers and developers to use and modify it.

c) OpenLM

  • OpenLM generally refers to models or initiatives that are open-source. If we consider this to be an open-source model (the name suggests open), it is not a closed-source large language model.

d) All of the above

  • We’ll consider this if all other options seem correct.

Final Answer:

Based on the above analysis, the correct answer is:

Correct answer: GPT-3 (Option A)

Among the given options, the only one that correctly identifies as a closed-source large language model is GPT-3.

  • GPT-3: Closed-source model.
  • T5: Open-source model.
  • OpenLM: Open-source model (name suggest open)

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