Which answer choice does NOT describe a responsibility of a safe social media user?

Homework Help: Questions and Answers: Which answer choice does NOT describe a responsibility of a safe social media user?

Which answer choice does NOT describe a responsibility of a safe social media user?

A. Own a computer
B. Display empathy towards others on social media
C. Protect your personal information
D. Know when to take a break from screens


First, let’s understand the question: We need to identify which option is NOT a responsibility of a safe social media user.

Safe social media responsibilities typically include:

  • Protecting personal information (not sharing private details).
  • Displaying empathy (being kind and respectful).
  • Knowing when to take a break (for mental and physical well-being).

Given Options: Step by Step Answering

A. Own a computer

  • This is about owning hardware and not related to responsible behavior on social media. It’s not a safety practice, just a requirement to access social media.

B. Display empathy towards others on social media

  • This is a responsible behavior, encouraging positive interactions.

C. Protect your personal information

  • This is crucial for safety to avoid sharing sensitive details.

D. Know when to take a break from screens

  • This is a self-care responsibility that relates to social media use and avoiding burnout or fatigue.

Final Answer:

Based on the above analysis, the correct answer is:

A. Own a computer

This option does not describe a responsibility of a safe social media user, while the other options do represent important responsibilities for safe social media use.

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