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Which AI technology turns a static model into a dynamic tool that searches the most relevant information?

Fdaytalk Homework Help: Questions and Answers: Which AI technology turns a static model into a dynamic tool that searches the most relevant information?

Which AI technology turns a static model into a dynamic tool that searches the most relevant information

a) LAM
b) CRM
c) RAG
d) SLM


First, let’s understand the question- It asks which AI technology converts a static model into a dynamic tool capable of searching for the most relevant information.

To solve this question step by step, we’ll analyze each option to determine which AI technology turns a static model into a dynamic tool that searches the most relevant information.

Given Options: Step by step Analysis

a) LAM

  • This isn’t a common acronym in AI technology related to dynamic searching.

b) CRM

  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems are used to manage a company’s interactions with current and potential customers. But it is not specific to turning static models into dynamic tools for searching information.

c) RAG

  • Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) is a method where the model retrieves relevant documents or information to generate more accurate and contextually appropriate responses, effectively turning a static model into a dynamic tool.

d) SLM

  • This acronym also doesn’t related to AI technology and dynamic searching.

Final Answer

Based on the above analysis, the correct answer is:

Correct answer: RAG (Option C)

This option correctly identifies the technology that turns a static model into a dynamic tool capable of searching for the most relevant information.

Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) is specifically designed to enhance the capabilities of a model by incorporating dynamic information retrieval into the generation process, making it the most relevant technology for this question.

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