What is GRE Exam ? GRE Exam Pattern and Syllabus 2019 -2020

What is GRE Exam and GRE Exam Pattern and Syllabus

What is GRE Exam: The Graduate Record Examination is an entry criterion test for so many graduate schools in the United States. The GRE is possessed by Educational Testing Service and supervised successfully. For the first time, the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching has started the test in 1936. Many International Universities quantify a candidate’s excellence by use of the GRE score. As per ETS, the GRE intent to evaluate student’s verbal reason, quantitative reasoning, analytical writing, and critical thinking. All these skills employed over a long period. therefore, the GRE scores are a significant part of the entry for both MS and Ph.D. in the US and most of the English speaking countries. The pay for the test is US$205.altough the ETS will dedication of the fee under assure considerations.

History of GRE Examination 

The Graduate Record Examinations was started initially in 1936 by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Harvard University, Yale University, Princeton University, and Columbia University were the foremost universities that examined the test on their students. The students who take the GRE test in 1938 for the first time belonged to The University of Wisconsin.

Exam Pattern of GRE and Syllabus

The GRE General Test is both paper-based and computer-based, Ina computer-based test consists of six segments. The foremost segment is always the analytical writing section, and implying separately timed issue and argument tasks. The following five segments comprising of two verbal sections, two quantitative reasoning sections, and the next segment consist of either an experimental or research section. The segment’s order may vary.

The GRE paper-based General test also comprising of six segments. The analytical writing is having two sections one is for each issue and another is for argument tasks. The remaining four sections comprise of two quantitative analysis and two verbal analysis sections. The section’s order may vary. In the paper-based test, there is no experimental segment.

Verbal Section

The computer-based verbal segments evaluate reading comprehension, critical reasoning, and vocabulary utilization. The verbal ability ranked on a scale of 130-170. In a distinctive examination, each of the verbal segment comprises of 20 questions to be completed in thirty minutes. Each verbal segment comprises of about six text completion, four-sentence equivalence, and ten critical reading questions. By the 2011 changes consists of a cut down emphasis on rote vocabulary knowledge and the voiding of antonyms and analogies.

Quantitative Section

The computer-based Quantitative segments evaluate general high school level mathematical cognition and reasoning skills. The quantitative segment ranked on a scale of 130-170. In a distinctive examination, each of the quantitative segment comprises of 20 questions to be completed in thirty minutes. Each quantitative segment comprises of about eight quantitative comparisons, nine problem-solving questions, and three data interpretation questions. By the 2011 changes including the addition of numeric entry questions and it is multiple choice or a fill-in-the-blank section.

Writing Section

The writing section comprises of writing a different type of Essay.

Analytical Writing Section

The Analytical writing segment comprises of two different essays, an “issue task” and an “argument task”.The writing segment is ranked on a scale of 0–6. By use of the word processing program particularly designed by ETS, students should write their essays on the system. This program only permits some basic computer functions and actions and does not hold a spell checker or any other advanced features in it.

Issue task

The students should write an essay about a selected topic given thirty minutes. The GRE Program has published a pool of questions from which some issue tasks are selected.

Argument Task

In this segment, the student should write an essay on an argument. The students should write the argument’s logic flaws but not their own opinion on that subject or a particular topic. The time slot for this section is Thirty minutes.

Experimental Section

The experimental section comprises of either verbal or quantitative. Although this section does not count for student’s scores, it is unrecognized. Test takers mean students have no particular way of recognizing which segment is experimental so that students should focus on every section of the exam.


Your GRE preparation will judge you where you stand right now. While it is outstanding to grade the highest grade in the GRE .only the GRE grade or score can only impact your admissions. First check out previously attempted student’s average scores then prepare accordingly, so that u can crack very easily. And prioritize enough time for preparation is also another key point

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