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What is chain of thought prompting?

Fdaytalk Homework Help: Questions and Answers: What is chain-of-thought (CoT) prompt?

What is chain of thought prompting?

a) Asking a series of related questions to guide the model
b) Providing a single, simple query to the model
c) Ignoring previous responses from the model
d) Asking only complex questions


First, let’s understand what is “chain of thought (CoT) prompting”?

It’s a technique used in interacting with AI models where a series of related questions or prompts are used to guide the model’s responses step by step. This helps in breaking down complex tasks into simpler, more manageable parts and can improve the quality and relevance of the AI’s output.

Given Options: Step by step Analysis

a) Asking a series of related questions to guide the model

  • This option suggests that chain of thought prompting involves asking multiple related questions to guide the AI model’s thought process. It’s a correct statement, as the prompting involves guiding the AI through a logical sequence of steps, which helps it provide more accurate and coherent responses.

b) Providing a single, simple query to the model

  • This option suggests that CoT prompting involves only one simple query. This is incorrect because chain of thought prompting specifically involves multiple related prompts, not just a single query.

c) Ignoring previous responses from the model

  • This option suggests that CoT prompting involves ignoring previous responses. This is also incorrect because in chain of thought prompting, each prompt builds on the previous responses to create a logical flow of thought.

d) Asking only complex questions:

  • Again, incorrect. While the overall task might be complex, but chain of thought prompting breaks it down into simpler, more manageable questions.

Based on the above analysis, the correct options is:

Correct answer:  Asking a series of related questions to guide the model (Option A)

This CoT prompting technique helps the AI model process information in a structured way, which indeed gives more accurate and coherent responses by logically breaking down the task into a series of related steps.

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