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What does the term “prompt engineering” mean?

Fdaytalk Homework Help: Questions and Answers: What does the term “prompt engineering” mean?

What does the term "prompt engineering" mean?

a) It’s a type of search engine that focuses on maintaining the web index database.
b) This is when you try to get good results from the reasoning engine with short and effective prompts.
c) It’s when an engineer prompts the system through a regular series of reboots.
d) It’s a term for the computer scientists that assemble the system or “prompt” the system to life.


First, let’s understand what is Prompt engineering?

Prompt engineering is the practice of designing and optimizing input prompts for AI language models or systems to generate desired outputs or behaviors. It involves crafting effective questions or instructions to get the best possible responses from AI.

With this understanding, now we can easily eliminate wrong given options about prompt engineering.

To solve this question step by step, we’ll analyze each option and its relation to the term “prompt engineering”.

Given options: Step by step analysis

a) It’s a type of search engine that focuses on maintaining the web index database

  • This is incorrect. Prompt engineering is not related to search engines or web indexing. The concept of prompt engineering pertains to AI and language models.

b) This is when you try to get good results from the reasoning engine with short and effective prompts

  • This aligns with our definition. It correctly describes the goal of prompt engineering. The process of crafting prompts is to get the desired output from a language model or reasoning engine.

c) It’s when an engineer prompts the system through a regular series of reboots

  • Prompt engineering doesn’t involve rebooting systems. So, this is incorrect statement.

d) It’s a term for the computer scientists that assemble the system or “prompt” the system to life

  • This is also incorrect. While it uses the word “prompt,” it’s not about designing inputs but rather about system assembly.

Final Answer

Among the given options, the only one that correctly states about Prompt engineering is:

Correct answer: b) This is when you try to get good results from the reasoning engine with short and effective prompts

This option (b) accurately describes prompt engineering as the practice of crafting and optimizing inputs to AI systems to achieve desired outputs.

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