How to Stay Safe on Public Wi-Fi: Protect Your Data from Hackers When Using Public Wi-Fi Networks

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Public Wi-Fi networks are commonly used for various purposes, from social media to financial transactions. But are they safe?

More than half of Brits (52%) believe they are most vulnerable to cyberattacks when using public Wi-Fi in places like pubs, cafes, and restaurants.

Despite their concerns, 41% of Brits still use unsecured Wi-Fi when given the chance.

Report by NordVPN

51% of Brits believe they could be hacked while using public Wi-Fi on public transport, and 50% consider shopping centers as risky places for using public Wi-Fi.


Many Brits fear using unsecured public Wi-Fi in hospitality venues, airports, and public transport but don’t protect their data.

It is always recommended to avoid entering sensitive information, such as banking details, while connected to unsecured public Wi-Fi, as this could risk the theft of personal data by hackers.

One of the best practices is to check for a lock symbol or “https” in the address bar to confirm that your connection is encrypted while using public Wi-Fi.

Another effective way to secure your public Wi-Fi connection and protect your data from hackers is to use a VPN (Virtual Private Network).

A VPN creates a secure tunnel between your device and the internet, encrypting your traffic and hiding your IP address.

NordVPN, a leading VPN provider, suggests using reliable antivirus software, enabling device firewalls, and downloading a VPN to secure public Wi-Fi connections and protect data from hackers.