Top Exams In English Proficiency

Top Exams In English Proficiency

If you have the inclination and the ability to attain proficiency in the English language then on being certified, you can easily expect to get well-paid assignments in the travel and tourism sector, in relations management, professional communication, entertainment or in a startup and entrepreneurship.

Liberalization and globalization have only bettered these prospects. As more and more foreign investment comes in, foreign collaborations are worked out, multinational companies come in, more and more tourists from foreign parts venture to discover the sights and sounds of our country, experts in foreign languages discover more and varied opportunities to utilize their knowledge in an attempt to increase the money they can obtain from the field.

Learning a foreign language or foreign languages may start out as a hobby or an interest or a passion but it definitely enriches one and broadens one’s horizons. You learn the history, culture, society and the general background of the people native to the country of its origin. Knowledge of a foreign language opens up our eyes to the lifestyle, food habits, customs, and literature which may be similar or even divergent from our own. Globe-trotting is definitely more meaningful and interesting if we are able to communicate with the local population in their own mother tongue.

Preferred Skills

Different jobs require special attributes but in general career in foreign languages or as a linguist requires a good general academic background, interest in national and international events, a quick and flexible mind, interest in the culture and society of a country which may be your own native country or some foreign country also.

The starting of your enhancing proficiency in the field of English language must include the cultivation of the quality to learn extensively and with an open mind. You should also be fluent in your native language, and the language which you have studied. The requirement of working hard and setting goals diligently is very important for acquiring proficiency in the field of acquiring proficiency in the English language. The requirement is equally important for learning any of the foreign languages. Since the opportunities to try out your new skills in the English language would be necessarily limited you have to make use of every opportunity to practice and perfect. The best way of using a language is to work/live in the country where it is spoken, maybe by taking up a temporary job. Learning any language involves various stages and one has to be patient as well as diligent as you learn to listen, speak, read and then write.

Flair for languages is an inherent quality in us and usually, it is found that if you can acquire proficiency in one language you can also become proficient in any other language provided you go through the right process and work hard.



TOEIC is a more business-oriented English assessment test. The TOEIC test score of an individual is checked before he or she is given a job in foreign countries especially in Asia and the African countries. The TOEIC scores are generally valid for two years. The credibility of the TOEIC score is high and the company may also ask the employees to apply and clear the test on regular intervals if the job tenure is long enough.


IELTS is a popular test that is accepted by many renowned Universities around the World. IELTS is an English proficiency test which is the main eligibility criterion for studying in the Universities of the English speaking countries.

It is the most common academic test worldwide and it is thought of as a highly accurate test to check the proficiency of the applicant in English. The scoring in the IELTS exam is done in the form of bands. Every University and country has specified its own cut-off for the number of bands that are required for matching the IELTS eligibility criteria of the University.


OPI and OPIC are meant for checking the proficiency in spoken English only.  The test is used in the English language and in the recruitment for English teachers who have the job of teaching in the higher educational institutions.

Contact Leverage Edu to kickstart your preparation for the English language proficiency exam and create an awesome career for yourself

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