Top 45+ Angular Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced

Angular has solidified its position as one of the leading frameworks for building dynamic and robust web applications. For experienced developers, mastering Angular means not only understanding the fundamentals but also diving deep into its advanced features and best practices. This article provides experienced developers with a comprehensive set of interview questions and answers tailored to showcase their expertise in Angular. 

Here are 45+ in-depth Angular interview questions along with answers, aimed at candidates with 10 years of experience to assess their technical proficiency.

Top 45+ Angular Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced
Angular Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced

Angular interview questions and answers for experienced

1. What are the main building blocks of an Angular application?
2. What is Change Detection in Angular, and how does it work?
3. Explain the difference between OnPush and Default change detection strategies.
4. How does Angular’s Dependency Injection (DI) system work?
5. What is RxJS, and how does Angular utilize it?
6. What are Angular Modules, and why are they important?
7. What are async and fakeAsync in Angular testing?
8. Explain Angular’s lifecycle hooks and how they work.
9. What is a Service Worker, and how does Angular support PWA?
10. What are Angular Pipes, and how would you create a custom pipe?
11: What are NgModules? How do they differ from ES6 modules?
12: Describe the differences between ViewEncapsulation.Emulated, ViewEncapsulation.None, and ViewEncapsulation.ShadowDom.
13: What are Angular schematics and how have they improved the development workflow?
14: Explain the concept of lazy loading in Angular. How does it improve application performance?
15: What are Angular Elements? How do they enable the use of Angular components in non-Angular environments?
16: Describe the Angular Ivy renderer. What improvements does it bring over the previous rendering engine?
17: How does dependency injection work in Angular? Explain the hierarchical injector system.
18: What are Angular guards? Describe different types of guards and their use cases.
19: Explain the concept of content projection in Angular. What are ng-content and ng-template?
20: What are pure and impure pipes in Angular? When would you use each?
21: Describe the RxJS library and its importance in Angular. What are some common RxJS operators used in Angular applications?
22: What is the purpose of NgZone in Angular? How can you run code outside NgZone?
23: Explain the concept of tree-shakeable providers in Angular. How do they improve application performance?
24: What are Angular Interceptors? Provide an example of how they can be used.
25: Describe the differences between template-driven forms and reactive forms in Angular. When would you choose one over the other?
26: What are Angular directives? Explain the differences between Components, Attribute directives, and Structural directives.
27: Explain the concept of trackBy in ngFor. How does it improve performance?
28: What is the purpose of the async pipe in Angular? How does it handle subscriptions?
29: Describe the concept of Angular workspaces and how they facilitate managing multiple projects.
30: What are Angular resolvers? How do they improve user experience in routing?
31. What are Angular route guards, and how are they implemented?
32. Explain the role of NgModule. What are the declarations, imports, and providers arrays?
33. What is ViewEncapsulation in Angular, and what are the different types?
34. How does Angular handle forms, and what is the difference between Template-driven and Reactive forms?
35. How would you optimize an Angular application for performance?
36. What is the difference between AOT and JIT compilation in Angular?
37. Explain the concept of tree-shaking in Angular.
38. How does Angular handle routing? What is lazy loading, and how is it implemented?
39. What is the role of NgZone in Angular?
40. What is Renderer2 in Angular, and why would you use it?
41. How do you handle error handling in Angular services and components?
42. What is the purpose of APP_INITIALIZER?
43. How do you implement state management in Angular applications?
44. What is Angular Universal, and what are its benefits?
45. How do you secure an Angular application?

1. What are the main building blocks of an Angular application?

Answer: The main building blocks are:

  • Modules: Containers for a coherent set of code related to an application domain.
  • Components: Define the view and behavior, binding data to templates.
  • Templates: Define the HTML structure of a component.
  • Services: Used to share business logic, data, and functions across the app.
  • Dependency Injection (DI): Used for injecting services into components or other services.

2. What is Change Detection in Angular, and how does it work?


Angular’s change detection checks if the model’s state has changed and updates the DOM accordingly. It involves checking for changes in data-binding expressions. Change detection occurs automatically unless we use the OnPush strategy, which requires manually triggering updates.

3. Explain the difference between OnPush and Default change detection strategies.


  • Default: Angular checks every component’s bindings when any event or asynchronous operation happens.
  • OnPush: Angular only checks for changes in a component when its input properties change or an event originates from within the component itself.

4. How does Angular’s Dependency Injection (DI) system work?


Angular’s DI system allows services to be injected into components or other services. A hierarchical injector pattern is used, where child injectors can override dependencies from parent injectors. Providers can be registered at the module, component, or service level.

5. What is RxJS, and how does Angular utilize it?


RxJS is a library for reactive programming using observables. Angular uses RxJS for handling asynchronous data streams, such as HTTP requests, WebSockets, or user input events. Angular’s HttpClient returns observables, and developers can apply RxJS operators like map, filter, and mergeMap to process the stream.

6. What are Angular Modules, and why are they important?


Angular modules are used to organize the application into cohesive blocks. They declare which components, directives, and pipes belong to the module and define dependencies. Lazy-loaded modules can improve performance by loading features on demand.

7. What are async and fakeAsync in Angular testing?


  • async: Wraps asynchronous operations inside a zone to detect when the operation completes. It waits for all asynchronous calls to finish before continuing.
  • fakeAsync: Simulates asynchronous passage of time using tick(). It allows controlling time-related async tasks in tests without real waiting.

8. Explain Angular’s lifecycle hooks and how they work.

Answer: Angular components have several lifecycle hooks, including:

  • ngOnInit: Called once the component is initialized.
  • ngOnChanges: Called when an input-bound property changes.
  • ngDoCheck: Custom change detection.
  • ngOnDestroy: Cleanup logic before the component is destroyed. Lifecycle hooks are used to control various stages of a component’s lifecycle.

9. What is a Service Worker, and how does Angular support PWA?


A Service Worker is a script that runs in the background and helps with caching, offline capabilities, and push notifications. Angular provides @angular/service-worker to easily add service workers and support Progressive Web Applications (PWA).

10. What are Angular Pipes, and how would you create a custom pipe?


Pipes in Angular are used to transform data in templates. A custom pipe can be created using the Pipe decorator and implementing the PipeTransform interface, which has a transform method to define the transformation logic.

11. What are NgModules? How do they differ from ES6 modules?


NgModules are containers for a cohesive block of code dedicated to an application domain, a workflow, or a closely related set of capabilities. They can contain components, service providers, and other code files whose scope is defined by the containing NgModule. Differences from ES6 modules:

  • NgModules provide a compilation context for components.
  • NgModules declare dependencies and provide dependency injection.
  • NgModules can import functionality from other NgModules and export functionality for use by other NgModules.
  • ES6 modules deal with object and function exports, while NgModules deal with Angular-specific artifacts.

12. Describe the differences between ViewEncapsulation.Emulated, ViewEncapsulation.None, and ViewEncapsulation.ShadowDom.

Answer: These are different view encapsulation strategies in Angular:

  • ViewEncapsulation.Emulated (default): Angular modifies the component’s CSS selectors to simulate Shadow DOM behavior. Styles are scoped to the component.
  • ViewEncapsulation.None: No encapsulation is applied. Styles are global and can affect any part of the application.
  • ViewEncapsulation.ShadowDom: Uses the browser’s native Shadow DOM API to encapsulate styles. This provides true style isolation but is not supported in all browsers.

13: What are Angular schematics and how have they improved the development workflow?


Angular schematics are templating tools that help generate or modify code. They are used by the Angular CLI to create components, services, modules, etc. Schematics have improved the development workflow by:

  • Providing a consistent way to generate code across projects.
  • Allowing customization of generated code through configuration.
  • Enabling the creation of custom schematics for project-specific needs.
  • Facilitating the update process for Angular versions and third-party libraries.
  • Automating repetitive tasks and enforcing best practices.

14: Explain the concept of lazy loading in Angular. How does it improve application performance?


Lazy loading is a technique where you load JavaScript components asynchronously when a specific route is activated. It improves application performance by:

  • Reducing the initial bundle size, leading to faster initial load times.
  • Loading feature modules on demand, improving the application’s perceived performance.
  • Allowing for better organization of code into feature modules.

Implementation involves using the loadChildren property in the route configuration and using dynamic imports.

15: What are Angular Elements? How do they enable the use of Angular components in non-Angular environments?

Answer: Angular Elements is a feature that allows Angular components to be used outside of Angular applications. It works by:

  • Packaging components as custom elements (Web Components).
  • Providing a way to bootstrap these components in non-Angular applications.
  • Handling change detection and data binding within the custom element.

This enables the use of Angular components in various environments like React, Vue, or even plain JavaScript applications.

16: Describe the Angular Ivy renderer. What improvements does it bring over the previous rendering engine?

Answer: Ivy is Angular’s next-generation compilation and rendering pipeline. Key improvements include:

  • Smaller bundle sizes through tree-shaking and locality.
  • Faster compilation times.
  • Improved template type checking.
  • Better build errors and runtime debugging.
  • Easier to create custom decorators.
  • Backwards compatibility with existing Angular applications.
  • Improved internationalization.

17: How does dependency injection work in Angular? Explain the hierarchical injector system.

Answer: Dependency Injection (DI) in Angular is a way to supply dependencies to classes instead of creating them internally. The hierarchical injector system works as follows:

  • There are multiple injector levels: root, module, component.
  • When a component requests a dependency, Angular looks for it in its own injector, then its parent, all the way up to the root injector.
  • Providers can be configured at different levels, affecting their scope and instance sharing.
  • The @Injectable() decorator is used to define a class that can be injected.
  • UseClass, UseValue, UseFactory, and UseExisting are different ways to configure providers.

18: What are Angular guards? Describe different types of guards and their use cases.

Answer: Angular guards are interfaces that can be implemented to control the accessibility of a route. The main types are:

  • CanActivate: Controls if a route can be activated.
  • CanActivateChild: Controls if children of a route can be activated.
  • CanDeactivate: Controls if a user can leave a route.
  • CanLoad: Controls if a module can be loaded lazily.
  • Resolve: Performs route data retrieval before route activation.

Use cases include authentication checks, unsaved changes warnings, and data preloading.

19: Explain the concept of content projection in Angular. What are ng-content and ng-template?

Answer: Content projection is a pattern where you insert, or project, the content you want to use inside another component.

  • ng-content is used to create a placeholder for that content.
  • ng-template defines a template that is not rendered by default but can be used with structural directives.

Content projection allows for more flexible and reusable component designs.

20: What are pure and impure pipes in Angular? When would you use each?


  • Pure pipes are executed only when Angular detects a pure change in the input value (i.e., a change to a primitive input value or a changed object reference).
  • Impure pipes are executed on every change detection cycle, regardless of whether the input has changed.

Use pure pipes for operations without side effects and when the output is solely determined by the input. Use impure pipes when you need to incorporate external factors or want the pipe to run on every change detection cycle.

21: Describe the RxJS library and its importance in Angular. What are some common RxJS operators used in Angular applications?

Answer: RxJS (Reactive Extensions for JavaScript) is a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences. It’s crucial in Angular for handling asynchronous operations, event handling, and state management. Common operators:

  • map: Transforms the items emitted by an Observable.
  • filter: Emits only those items that pass a predicate test.
  • switchMap: Maps to an Observable, flattens it, and cancels previous subscriptions.
  • mergeMap: Maps to an Observable and flattens it, allowing concurrent subscriptions.
  • catchError: Handles errors in an Observable chain.
  • tap: Performs side effects without modifying the Observable.
  • debounceTime: Emits a value from the source Observable only after a specified time has passed.

22: What is the purpose of NgZone in Angular? How can you run code outside NgZone?

Answer: NgZone is a wrapper around Zone.js, which is used by Angular to detect when to trigger change detection. Its main purposes are:

  • Providing execution context where asynchronous operations can be performed.
  • Automatically triggering change detection when async operations complete.

To run code outside NgZone (avoiding unnecessary change detection):

constructor(private ngZone: NgZone) {}
 runOutsideAngular() {
    this.ngZone.runOutsideAngular(() => {
 // Code here runs outside Angular's zone

23: Explain the concept of tree-shakeable providers in Angular. How do they improve application performance?

Answer: Tree-shakeable providers are services that can be eliminated from the final bundle if they’re not used in the application. They improve performance by:

  • Reducing the overall bundle size.
  • Improving load times and runtime performance.

To make a provider tree-shakeable, use the providedIn property in the @Injectable decorator:

 providedIn: 'root'
export class MyService { }

24: What are Angular Interceptors? Provide an example of how they can be used.

Answer: Interceptors in Angular are a way to intercept HTTP requests and responses. They can modify or log these requests and responses before they are handled by the .then() or .catch() methods. Example use case – Adding an authorization header:

 export class AuthInterceptor implements HttpInterceptor {
   constructor(private authService: AuthService) {}
 intercept(req: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler): Observable<HttpEvent<any>> {
 const authToken = this.authService.getAuthToken();
 const authReq = req.clone({
   headers: req.headers.set('Authorization', `Bearer ${authToken}`)
 return next.handle(authReq);

25: Describe the differences between template-driven forms and reactive forms in Angular. When would you choose one over the other?

Answer: Template-driven forms:

  • Use two-way data binding with [(ngModel)].
  • Are easier to set up and require less code.
  • Validation is primarily handled in the template.
  • Suitable for simple forms with basic validation.

Reactive forms:

  • Use a reactive programming approach.
  • More flexible and powerful, especially for complex forms.
  • Validation is handled in the component class.
  • Better for dynamic form generation and complex validation scenarios.

Choose template-driven forms for simple scenarios and when rapid prototyping is needed. Choose reactive forms for complex forms, dynamic form fields, and when you need more control over validation and form state.

26: What are Angular directives? Explain the differences between Components, Attribute directives, and Structural directives.

Answer: Directives are classes that add additional behavior to elements in Angular applications. There are three kinds of directives:

  1. Components: Directives with a template. They are the main building blocks of Angular applications.
  2. Attribute directives: Change the appearance or behavior of an element, component, or another directive. Examples: ngStyle, ngClass.
  3. Structural directives: Change the DOM layout by adding and removing DOM elements. Examples: ngIf, ngFor, ngSwitch.

The main difference is that components have their own template, attribute directives modify existing elements, and structural directives modify the structure of the DOM.

27: Explain the concept of trackBy in ngFor. How does it improve performance?

Answer: trackBy is a function used with ngFor to give Angular a way to identify and track changes in iterated items. It improves performance by:

  • Allowing Angular to track which items have been added, removed, or moved.
  • Reducing the number of DOM manipulations when the list changes.


<li *ngFor="let item of items; trackBy: trackByFn">{{}}</li>
  trackByFn(index, item) {
  return; // unique id corresponding to the item

This is particularly useful for large lists or when list items can change frequently.

28: What is the purpose of the async pipe in Angular? How does it handle subscriptions?

Answer: The async pipe subscribes to an Observable or Promise and returns the latest value it has emitted. Its purposes include:

  • Automatically subscribing to observables and unwrapping their values.
  • Handling unsubscription when the component is destroyed.
  • Triggering change detection when new values arrive.

It simplifies working with asynchronous data in templates:

<div>{{data$ | async}}</div>

The async pipe manages the subscription and unsubscription process, helping to prevent memory leaks.

29: Describe the concept of Angular workspaces and how they facilitate managing multiple projects.

Answer: Angular workspaces are a way to organize and manage multiple Angular projects (applications and libraries) in a single repository. Key aspects include:

  • A workspace can contain multiple projects (apps and libraries).
  • Shared configuration and dependencies across projects.
  • Ability to create and use libraries within the workspace.
  • Simplified management of related projects.

Workspaces are defined in the angular.json file and can be created using the Angular CLI with the command ng new my-workspace --create-application=false.

30: What are Angular resolvers? How do they improve user experience in routing?

Answer: Resolvers in Angular are a way to provide route data before a component is instantiated. They improve user experience by:

  • Ensuring that necessary data is available before navigation completes.
  • Preventing display of partially loaded views.
  • Allowing for better loading indicators during data fetching.

Example resolver:

  providedIn: 'root'
 export class DataResolver implements Resolve<any> {
 constructor(private dataService: DataService) {}
 resolve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot): Observable<any> {
 return this.dataService.getData(route.paramMap.get('id'));

31. What are Angular route guards, and how are they implemented?

Answer: Route guards prevent unauthorized access to certain routes. Angular provides CanActivate, CanDeactivate, Resolve, CanLoad, and CanActivateChild guards. They are implemented by creating a service that implements the guard interface and writing logic in the canActivate method.

32. Explain the role of NgModule. What are the declarations, imports, and providers arrays?


  • Declarations: Declare components, directives, and pipes that belong to this module.
  • Imports: Import other modules whose components are required in this module.
  • Providers: Specify the services and dependencies that will be available for DI within the module.

33. What is ViewEncapsulation in Angular, and what are the different types?


  • Emulated: Styles are scoped to the component using attribute selectors.
  • None: No encapsulation, styles are global.
  • Shadow DOM: Uses native shadow DOM to encapsulate styles, not supported in older browsers.

34. How does Angular handle forms, and what is the difference between Template-driven and Reactive forms?


  • Template-driven forms: Simpler, where the form logic is defined in the template using directives like ngModel.
  • Reactive forms: More powerful, where the form control logic is defined in the component and is programmatically handled using FormGroup and FormControl.

35. How would you optimize an Angular application for performance?


  • Use OnPush change detection strategy.
  • Use lazy loading for modules.
  • Optimize template expressions.
  • Implement service worker and caching.
  • AOT (Ahead-of-Time) compilation.
  • Remove unnecessary ChangeDetectorRef.detectChanges() calls.

36. What is the difference between AOT and JIT compilation in Angular?


  • AOT (Ahead-of-Time): Compiles the Angular HTML and TypeScript code into efficient JavaScript during the build phase, reducing rendering time and improving security.
  • JIT (Just-in-Time): Compiles the application in the browser during runtime, which leads to longer load times.

37. Explain the concept of tree-shaking in Angular.


Tree-shaking is a process of removing dead code (unused imports and variables) from the application, reducing bundle size. It is enabled by default in Angular when using AOT and can be improved by ensuring services are only injected where needed.

38. How does Angular handle routing? What is lazy loading, and how is it implemented?


Angular uses a router to manage navigation between views. Lazy loading is implemented using the loadChildren property in the route configuration to load modules only when they are required, reducing the initial bundle size and improving performance.

39. What is the role of NgZone in Angular?


NgZone is used to optimize the application’s change detection mechanism by running asynchronous tasks outside Angular’s zone, reducing the number of change detection cycles.

40. What is Renderer2 in Angular, and why would you use it?


Renderer2 is an Angular service that provides a way to manipulate the DOM in a platform-agnostic way, allowing Angular applications to run on platforms like web workers or server-side rendering (SSR).

41. How do you handle error handling in Angular services and components?


Errors in services (e.g., HTTP requests) can be handled using RxJS catchError and in components using Angular’s ErrorHandler class to globally capture exceptions.

42. What is the purpose of APP_INITIALIZER?


APP_INITIALIZER is used to delay the app’s bootstrapping until the provided function completes, useful for loading configurations or data before the app starts.

43. How do you implement state management in Angular applications?


State management can be done using services or external libraries like NgRx or Akita, which use Redux-like patterns to handle application state immutably and predictably.

44. What is Angular Universal, and what are its benefits?


Angular Universal is the server-side rendering (SSR) version of Angular. It improves performance, SEO, and allows the app to be displayed before fully bootstrapped.

45. How do you secure an Angular application?


  • Use route guards to restrict access to routes.
  • Sanitize user inputs using Angular’s built-in sanitization methods.
  • Enable Content Security Policy (CSP) headers.
  • Avoid using innerHTML and direct DOM manipulations.
  • Implement JWT or OAuth-based authentication and secure HTTP calls with HttpInterceptor.

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