Select all of the answers that are true: a) A SAS program file can be saved and reused b) A raw data file contains variables and observations

Homework Help: Questions and Answers: Select all of the answers that are true:

Select all of the answers that are true:
a) A SAS program file can be saved and reused
b) A raw data file contains variables and observations
c) A SAS data set contains variables and observations
d) A SAS dataset name can be up to 32 characters in length
e) A SAS data set can contain a dollar sign ($)
f) The prefix temp can be added to the beginning of a temporary SAS data set name.
g) The naming convention for a SAS program file is the same regardless of the operating environment.

a) A SAS program file can be saved and reused
b) A raw data file contains variables and observations
c) A SAS data set contains variables and observations
d) A SAS dataset name can be up to 32 characters in length
e) A SAS data set can contain a dollar sign ($)
f) The prefix temp can be added to the beginning of a temporary SAS data set name.
g) The naming convention for a SAS program file is the same regardless of the operating environment.


Let’s analysis each given option step by step to determine if they are true or false.

a) A SAS program file can be saved and reused

  • True: A SAS program file, typically with a .sas extension, can indeed be saved and reused. You can run the same program multiple times.

b) A raw data file contains variables and observations

  • False: A raw data file usually contains raw data, but it does not necessarily have variables and observations as structured in a SAS dataset. It might just contain plain text or comma-separated values, for example.

c) A SAS data set contains variables and observations

  • True: A SAS dataset is organized into variables (columns) and observations (rows). This is a fundamental characteristic of SAS datasets.

d) A SAS dataset name can be up to 32 characters in length

  • True: SAS allows dataset names to be up to 32 characters long.

e) A SAS data set can contain a dollar sign ($)

  • False: A SAS dataset name cannot contain special characters like the dollar sign ($). Variable names, however, can have a dollar sign if they represent character variables in certain contexts (e.g., CHARVAR$).

f) The prefix temp can be added to the beginning of a temporary SAS data set name.

  • False: The prefix temp is not a standard way to designate a temporary dataset in SAS. Temporary datasets in SAS are typically stored in the WORK library and do not require a specific prefix.

g) The naming convention for a SAS program file is the same regardless of the operating environment.

  • False: The naming convention for SAS program files can differ depending on the operating environment. For example, the case sensitivity and allowed characters in file names may vary between Windows, UNIX, and other operating systems.

Final Answer

Based on the above the analysis, the correct answer is:

True: a), c), d)
False: b), e), f), g)

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