Badminton related GK questions


Badminton Related GK Questions For Exams Malaysia Open Badminton The Malaysia Open or Malaysia Super Series is an annual badminton tournament that has been held since 1973. It has been…


 SUMMITS MEETINGS Group – 8 (G – 8) The G – 8 is an inter – governmental political forum of the world’s major highly industrialized economies in countries that view…
Portuguese settlements India

Advent of Europeans Portuguese

Portuguese Advent of India On May 17th, 1498, Vascodagama discovered sea route to India and reached Calicut. He was received by Zamorin king of Calicut Background of Protuguese Advent In 1486,…

History Test 5

Indian History General Knowledge Bits: Indian History General Knowledge [qsm quiz=19] FOR MORE MCQ's QUESTIONS- Click Here Indian History General Knowledge Follow Us – Never Miss Update Fb/Page, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest  [metaslider id=3165] Recent …