List of Nobel Prizes 2018

List of Nobel Prizes Awards 2018


Nobel Prizes Awards 2018

Nobel Prizes were awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the Swedish Academy annually.  Noble prizes will given to persons/institutes for outstanding contributions in the fields chemistry, physics, literature, peace, and physiology or medicine.

Since 1901, Nobel Prize has been honoring people/Institutes from around the globe for remarkable accomplishments/achievements in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, and for work in peace.


Nobel Prizes for 2018







Nobel Prizes for Physics 2018


Inventions in the field of laser physics

1) Arthur Ashkin

2) Gérard Mourou

3) Donna Strickland

Arthur Ashkin awarded for the work of the optical tweezers and their application to biological systems

Gérard Mourou and Donna Strickland were awarded for the work of method of generating high-intensity, ultra-short optical pulses

Note: The Nobel Prize in Physics is awarded annually by Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm, Sweden


Nobel Prize for Chemistry 2018


Evolution of enzymes and Bacteriophage of peptides and antibodies

1) Frances H. Arnold

2) George P. Smith 

3) Sir Gregory P. Winter

Frances H. Arnold awarded for the work of the directed evolution of enzymes

George P. Smith and Sir Gregory P. Winter  awarded for the work of the phage display of peptides and antibodies

Note:  Frederick Sanger is only one person who has been awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry twice i e., in the year 1958 and 1980

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry is awarded annually by Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm, Sweden


Nobel Prize for Physiology/Medicine 2018


Work on Cancer therapy 

James P. Allison

Tasuku Honjo 


Nobel Prize for Physiology/Medicine 2018 awarded for James P. Allison and Tasuku Honjo for their discovery of cancer therapy by inhibition of negative immune regulation

Note: The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine is awarded annually by Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden.


Nobel Prize for Peace 2018


Sexual violence as a weapon of war and armed conflict

Denis Mukwege 

Nadia Murad 

Nobel Prize for Peace 2018 awarded for 
Denis Mukwege and Nadia Murad for work/efforts to end the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war and armed conflict

The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded annually by a committee elected by the Norwegian Parliament

Note: Red Cross awarded for 3 times i.e., 1917, 1944 and 1963. Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees awarded for 2 times i e., 954 and 1981


Nobel Prize for Economics 2018


Work on Macroeconomic

William D. Nordhaus

Paul M. Romer


Nobel Prize for Economics 2018 awarded for William D. Nordhaus in work of integrating climate change into long-run macroeconomic analysis

Nobel Prize for Economics 2018 awarded for Paul M. Romer in work of integrating technological innovations into long-run macroeconomic analysis

Note: Nobel Prize for Economics is also known as Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences

The Prize in Economic Sciences is awarded annually by Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm, Sweden


Nobel Prize for Literature 2018

Yet to announce !

Check this Space for update on Nobel Prize for Literature 2018


Nobel Prize for 2017


Nobel Prize for Physics 2017

Rainer Weiss

Barry Barish

Kip Thorne


Nobel Prize for Chemistry 2017

Jacques Dubochet

Joachim Frank

Richard Henderson


Nobel Prize for Physiology/Medicine 2017

Jeffrey C. Hall

Michael Rosbash

Michael W. Young


Nobel Prize for Literature 2017

Kazuo Ishiguro


Nobel Prize for Peace 2017

International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons


Nobel Prize for Economics 2017

Richard Thaler


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