Telangana History | Mughal Interregnum and Developments

Telangana History Mughals rulers in Deccan Region and Mughal Interregnum and Developments

Mughal Study Material MCQ Bits For Exams

1) Aurangazeb Conquered Golconda Kingdom in 1687 CE,  sultan Abul Hasan Tana Shah was the last Golconda ruler

2) Sultan Abul Hasan Tana Shah was captivated and imprisoned at Daulatabad fort in 1699 CE, where he died after some time

3) Sultan Abul Hasan Tana Shah’s dead body was buried adjacent to his guru Shah Raj Kakkal’s burial near Khurdabad.

4) By the death of Sultan Abul Hasan Tana Shah, Qutub Shahi Kingdom which ruled the Telangana region with Golconda as its capital from 1518 CE for nearly 175 years has come to an end.

5) Sarvai Papanna’s revolted against the offensive rule of the Mughal viceroys.

6)  Sources to know Golconda fall and establishment, kafi Khan’s Muntakhab-ul-Lubab, travelers accounts and travelogues of Ferishta, Tavernier, Bernier, Thevenot, and Martin 

7) Aurangazeb appointed Rahulla Khan as a temporary representative of the Mughal emperor in Golconda before leaving for Delhi.

8) Rahulla khan Failed to control the Maratha attacks in outskirts of Hyderabad, He took shelter in the Golconda fort due to Maratha attacks

7) Aurangazeb than handed over the responsibility of ruling Hyderabad to subeedar Zansifar Khan.  Zansifar Khan worked as the subedar of Bijapur  in 1687 CE 

8) Zansifar Khan was an efficient military general and an able ruler, he protected Hyderabad from the Maratha attacks.

9) Zansifar khan made repairs of the forts of Kaulas, Elgandal, Koilkonda, Warangal, Pangal etc., and also made a stationary military force at these forts.

10) Zansifar Khan continued the fauzadar’s appointments as present in the Qutb Shahi period. Most of them were Dakkani muslims. Fauzadars had the authority to impose and collect taxes from the lands that were within the radius of 10kms from the Haveli Paraganas.a

11) After 1687 CE, in rule of the Mughal viceroys, there were 9 fauzdaris in Karnataka. They were Kaulas, Elandal, Narsapur, Kohir, Bhongir, Warangal, Khammammet, Chicacolee and Narsapur. Similarly, 4 fauzdars were appointed in Cuddapah, Kurnool, Adoni and Nellore at Rayalaseema. In the east caost, Chicacole, Rajahmundry, Machilipatnam and Nizampatnam were formed as circars.

12) For easy administration, Circar region was divided into several of districts. Each district was placed under the headship of a”deshmukh’.

13) Collecting various taxes from the people, Fauzdars, Deshmukh and Havaldars were appointed, Taxes were collected from the people with help of local zamindars.

14) Zamindars had tiles such as ‘ manne-sultan”

15) Zamindars took advantage of Maratha attacks in the Deccan. After 1687 CE they  declared independence. Some Zamindars declined to accept the Mughal superiority and revolted against them.

16) Some importants Zamindars from telangana revolted against  Mughal viceroy were from Kaulas, Palvnacha, Jataprolu and Noorkoel.

17) The most famous among the Vasireddi Zamindars were Venkatadri Naidu.

18) In Nellore, the Zamindars of venkatagiri, Chundi, muthyalapudu were strong.

19) In Rayalaseema, the poligars revolted against the Mughal officer Rustumdiq Khan. He put down the revolts of the zamindars and poligars, later they signed a peace treaty.

20) Mohammad Shafi abolished the ‘ Ijara’ system during his diwanship. He prepared ‘Zaarm-i-karmir’ (list), of all the taxes to be collected from every district. As a result, the taxes increased from 10 percent to 13 percent.

21) In 1691 CE, when mughal officers humiliated the people of pulivendula, the merchants migrated to other provinces. Later, the local officer, mohammad Jaffar recalled the migrants by promising them with special concessions, facilities and protection.

22) In 1700, Khan Sifar khan, subedar of Hyderabad died, succeeded by prince kambaksh as the subedar of Hyderabad.

23) Aurangazeb decided to make kambaksh as the ruler of Hyderabad and bijapur.

24) In 1702 CE, nearly 50,000 Marathas under the leadership of Tarabai, attacked Hyderabad and plundered it for 3 days. Rustum kkhan helped maratha in attack

25) From 1701-1702, severe drought conditions prevailed in the hyderabad, According to the contemporary European accounts, nearly 20,000 people died.

26) By 1704 CE, the Hyderabad people lost faith on the Mughal emperor as the marathas attacks on outskirt areas of Hyderabad. Maratas armies even marched towards Machilipatnam.

27) East India company has come to rescue of the  people and local traders of machilipatnam. Britishers were able to drive away the marathas. Subsequently, the people lost confidence on the Mughal emperor.

28) After the occupation of Golconda Kingdom by Aurangazeb’s army, Golconda Kingdom become an integral part of the mughal Empire. Between 1687 and 1724, the Deccan was under the authority of the Mughal Viceroys.

29)According to Aurangazeb’s Plan, Golconda and Bijapur had made two different kingdoms.The first kingdom consisted of parts of Telangana and Coastal andhra along with the Hyderabad- Karnataka Kingdoms.The second Kingdom comprised the Rayalaseema region along with Bijapur-Karnataka.

30) Aurangazeb e establishment of six subas in the mughal Deccan. These are

a) Khandesh

b) Berar

c) Aurangabad

d) Bidar

e) Hyderabad

f) Bijapur

31) Aurangzeb died in the year 1707 CE at the age of 99 years. After his death war of succession broke among his sons, kambaksh (Deccan Subedar), Azam Shah (viceroy of Gujarat) and Shah Alam (Viceroy of Kabul). All the three princes fought with each other to occupy the throne.

32) In 1708 CE, shah Alam defeated and killed Azam shah in the battle of ‘Jajau’ near Agra. Shah Alam later Crowned himself as the mughal emperor on the throne as ‘Bahadur Shah’. During this time, kambaksh declared himself as the sultan of Golconda in Hyderabad.

33) In 1708 CE, an independent Golconda Kingdom was reestablished with previous territories of the Qutub Shahi Kingdom were brought together again under the rule of Kambaksh.

34)  Khambaksh imposed ‘Jizia’ in hyderabad and raised the taxes. The merchants and traders of Hyderabad were feared by the atrocities of kambaksh.

Sarvai Papanna (1695-1710 CE)

35)  After the end of the qutub shahi rule, Sarvai Papanna made great efforts to liberate the people of telangana from the rule of the Mughal Viceroys between 1695 and 1710 CE. He made center for activities as Khilashapur which is located in the north-east of warangal and is 50 kms from hyderabad

36) Sarvai Papanna’s native of  ‘Tarikonda’. It is located 25 kms from Warangal. Papannna belongs to ‘Kallu gita’ or Gaundle caste.

37) Many heroic acts of Sarvai Papannaas a rebel against the Mughal rule are mentioned in the historic literature, folklore and oral traditions.

38) Khafi-Khan given some valuable information about Sarvai papanna in his work, Muntakab-ul-Lubab.,

39) Papanna’s constructed a small fort at ‘Tarikonda’. He opposed the fauzdars and zamindars who supported the mughal emperor.

40) The solider of kaulas zamindar attacked Papanna and arrested him. But later, the zamindar released him along with his followers. 

41) During 1701 CE, Zamindar Venkata Rao accepted Aurangazeb’s rule and gave away his army. For this, he was given the position of ‘mansabdar’ in Mughal emperor’s army. Thus Venkat Rao became the first Telugu Zamiindar to join the mughal army.

42) Aurangazeb appointed Qasim khan, the fauzdar of kolanupak to suppress Sarvai papanna. In the battle between the forces of Papanna and Mughal fauzdar Qusim Khan at kolanupak lost his life. Thus, the rise of Papanna in Telangana has become an important issue for the Mughal empire.

43) In 1702 CE, the deputy governor of Hyderabad suba, ‘Rustumdil khan’ confronted Papanna with a huge army. Papanna and his key follower ‘Sarvadu’ escaped

44) After the death of Aurangazeb in Feb 1707 CE, war of succession broke among his sons. Considering this, Sarvai Papanna occupied the forts of Warangal in April 1708 CE and Bhuvangiri in June 1708 CE.

45) During this period, Sarvai Papanna encouraged agriculture in the khilashapur region. This has increased his profits and replenished his treasury.

46) By Jan 1707, Hyderabad had become an epicenter for Mughal politics. Both kambaksh and Bahadur shah I contested for the Mughal throne. kambaksh was defeated and was killed.

47) The emperor Bahadur shah I, recognized Sarvai Papanna as a king and honored him by gifting ‘Robe of Honor’.In return, Papanna offered to the emperor vast wealth. The local high muslims could not digest the way sarvai papanna was honored by the Mughal emperor in Hyderabad.

48) Muslims(Shah-i-Nayath) complained to the Mughal emperor about Sarvai Papanna. Bahadur Shah I ordered Hyderabad’s new Governor Yousuf Khan to punish Sarvai Papanna. But according contemporary historian khafi-khan, Hyderabad Governor ordered Military commander ‘Dilawar Khan’ to take responsibility

49) After 1709 CE, war fought between the armies of Sarvai Papanna and Dilawar Khan. In this battle, Papanna lost not only his army but also his fort. Papanna left Khilashapur along with few followers and reached Tarikonda.

50) In 1710 CE, Sarvai Papanna again fought against the armies of Dilawar Khan and died in the battle field.

51) Sarvai Papanna army consisted of the Hindus, Muslims and forest tribes. Among them Hasan, Hussian, Imam, Pir, Kotwal, Mir Saheb, Hanumanthu, Sarvanna, maranna, Govindu, Venkanna, Chittela, Perumallu, Pasel and others 

 Mughal Officers, their Activities and Victories in the Deccan (1713 CE- 1724 CE):

52) After the death of aurangazeb, his eldest son Bahadur Shah I was made the emperor of Delhi. Bahadur Shah, I ruled from 1707-1713 CE.

53) After Bahadur shah I, the Delhi throne was occupied by Jahandar, who ruled for less than a year, followed by Farukh Siyar who ruled from 1713-1719 CE.

54) During the rule of Farukh siyar that the Deccan suba and Hyderabad were placed under two efficient Sardars namely, Mubrezkhan and Mir khamruddin Chin Qilich Khan.

55) Farukh siyar appointed Mubrez Khan as the governor of Hyderabad in June 1713. 

56) As governor of Hyderabad, Mubrez Khan received several Privileges and concessions from the emperor Farukh siyar.

First Victory of Mubrez khan over the Marathas (1724 CE):

57) After Mubrez Khan took up the responsibility as the governor of Hyderabad, the Marathas, under the leadership of ‘Krishnamalhar’ attacked Hyderabad.

58) In the battle between the two forces on the outskirts of Hyderabad, Mubrez’s armies had defeated the Maratha armies. Maratha army chief Krishnamalhar escaped.

59)  Mubrez occupied Elgandal fort and defeated Venkata Naidu. Mubrez also occupied Chengapetta fort and renamed fort as Farukh Nagar, in honor of the Mughal emperor.

60) In 1715 CE, Diwan Mohammad jaffar along with others zamindars competed with Hyderabad Governor 

Treaty between Mubrez Khan and Hussian Ali Khan (1715 CE)

61) Between 1714 and 1715, the internal politics of Delhi darbar changed. After the death of Bahadur Shah, Hasan Ali and Hussan Ali brothers have emerged as kingmakers.

62) Nizam-ul-Mulk was appointed as the subedar of 6 provinces in the Deccan in the year 1713. But in 1715, Sayyed brothers forced the Mughal emperor to remove Nizam-ul-mulk from the position of subedar of the Deccan.

63) The war between Mubrez Khan and Hussian Ali Khan. At last, Mubrez khan won over Hussian Ali with Huge wealth and tried to place his son as the ruler of the Golconda fort.

64) In 1717-1718 CE Mubrez Khan invaded the coastal Andhra. Similarly, between 1718 CE and 1720 CE he fought with the Marathas. In 1718 CE, Mubrez Khan was defeated by the Maratha’s armies.

65) Battle of ‘Shakarkhed’ in1724 CE took place between the Mughal forces, Mubrez Khan and the armies of Nizam-ul-mulk. In this battle, the Mughal forces were defeated and Mubrez khan lost his life.

Role of Mir Qamruddin in the Deccan Matters (1713-1724 CE):

66) One of the most important events in Indian history was the establishment of the independent Hyderabad state in 1724 CE. This state was founded by Mir Qamruddin-chin-Qulichkhan. His successors ruled the modern Telangana, Andhra and Rayalseema regions from 1724 CE to 1948 CE.

67) The ancestors of Niam-ul-mulk belong to Balapur village in Samarkhand province of central Asia. His family claims its decent from Caliph Abu Bakr. Khwaja-Abid-Bujaro, who was the first generation member of the family who migrated to India, when it was under the rule of the Mughal emperor Shah jahan.

68) In 1687 CE, Khwaja-Abid-Bujaro lost his life, while fighting against the Golconda rulers. One of his five sons, Shihabuddin returned from samarkhand to join in the service of Aurangazeb in 1669 CE. The emperor conferred on him the tittles of ‘Ghazi-ud-din’ and ‘Firoz Jung’ and honored him.

69) Qamrudin, born in 1671 to Khwaja-Abid-Bujaro and Saphia Khanam. He participated in several battles along with his father. 

70) In 1691 CE, Qamrudin commanded the Mughal army to occupy the fort of Adoni. Aurangazeb impressed about his courage and bravery and conferred with title of ‘Chin-Qulich-Khan’. He also became the leader of the ‘Turanis’ in the Mughal Darbar.

71) During 1700-1707 CE, Qamrudin worked as a Governor of Bijapur.  

72) Bahadur shah I appointed Zulfiqur Khan as the subedar of the deccan in 1708 CE.

73) In Dec 1707 CE, Bahadur Shah I appointed Qamruddin as the Royal representative of Awadh and as Fauzdar of Gorakhpur.

74) In 1713 CE, the Mughal emperor appointed Kwaja Mahmad as the governor of Hyderabad.

75) Between 1715 and 1720 CE Qamruddin faced several problems. With influence by the Sayyed brothers, Mughal emperor discontinued Qamruddin as the Subedar of the deccan and transferred him to Muradabad.

76) Qamruddin appointed Hussian Ali, one of the sayyed brothers as the deccan Subedar. Qamruddin made agreement with marathas Peshwa Balaji Vishwanath and gave the Marathas the right to collect Chauth and Sardeshmukhi.

77) In 1719, Mohammad Shah was crowned as the emperor of Delhi. 

78) In 1719 CE,  sayyed brothers influenced the emperor to appoint Nizam-ul-Mulk as the subedar of Malwa.  

79) In oct 1720 CE, Hussian Ali was muderred. Sayyed Abdullah was defeated and killed in a battle by the followers of Nizam-ul-Mulk. In this sayyed brothers and Marathas were defeated in the hands of Nizam-Ul-Mulk.  Mughal emperor, Muhammed Shah impressed and appointed Nizam-ul-Mulk as the chief of six subas in the Deccan.

80) In 1722 CE, the Mughal emperor appointed Nizam-ul-mulk as the Wazir.

81) Muhammad Shah treated Nizam-ul-Mulk leaving Delhi without taking his permission as big mistake. He ordered governor of Hyderabad Muubrez Khan to either catch or kill Nizam-ul-Mulk.

82) On Oct 1st, 1724 CE, Nizam-ul-Mulk defeated and killed Mubrez Khan, the Mughal representative and his army in the historic battle of Shakher kheda. With this victory, Nizam-ul-Mulk emerged as the sole ruler of Deccan and Hyderabad.

83) Victory at Shakher kheda battle earned Nizam-ul-Mulk the suberdarship of the Deccan and also land with vast wealth and Hyderabad. He received the annual profit of nearly 160 million rupees from the six subas.

84) Nizam-ul-mulk ruled Hyderabad between 1724 CE and 1748 CE. Mughal emperors recognized him as an independent ruler. The Mughal supremacy over Deccan which began in 1687 CE, with the conquest of Golconda has ended in 1724 CE.

85) In the Deccan, the foundation of the (Nizam-ul-mulk) Asaf Jahi rule was laid, their rule continued till 1948 CE .

Mughal Interregnum Developments MCQ Bits For Competitive Exams

1) The Qutub Shahi Kingdom which ruled the Telangana region and _________ as its capital?

a) Golconda

b) Warangal

c) Panagal

d) None of the above

 a) Golconda

2) Aurangazeb died in the year?

a) 1709 CE

b) 1706 CE

c) 1707 CE

d) 1710 CE

 c) 1707 CE

3) The areas that were ruled by the Golconda sultans came under the control of the Mughal viceroys from __________  to ________ period?

a) 1687 CE to 1714 CE

b) 1685 CE to 1699 CE

c) 1654 CE to 1698 CE

d) 1687 CE to 1724 CE

 d) 1687 CE to 1724 CE

4) Who was the last Golconda Sultan ______________ ?

a) Abul Hasan Tana

b) Rahulla Khan

c) Zansifar Khan

d) None of the above

a) Abul Hasan Tana

5) Before leaving Delhi, Aurangzeb appointed______________ as a temporary representative of the Mughal emperor in Golconda ?

a) Zansifar Khan

b) Rahulla Khan

c) Mohammad Shah

d)  Mir Qamruddin

 b) b) Rahulla Khan

6) During the rule of the Mughal viceroys, there was __________ number of fauzdaris in Karnataka?

a) Six

b) Twelve

c) Ten

d) Nine

 a) Six

7) Circar region was divided into several of districts which placed under the headship of a ____________?

a) Havaldars

b) Deshmukh

c) Fauzdar

d) All the Above

 b) Deshmukh

8) For Collecting various taxes from the people ________________ were appointed ?

a) Havaldars

b) Fauzdar

c) Deshmukh

d)  All the Above

d)  All the Above

9) Zamindars were conferred with the titles such as _______________ ?

a) Manne-sultan

b) Tarabai

c) Padshah

d) none of the Above

a) Manne-sultan

10) Who was the most famous among the Vasireddi Zamindars were ______________?

a) Venkatagiri

b) Zaarm-i-karmir

c) Venkatadri Naidu

d) Khan Sifar khan

c) Venkatadri Naidu

11) Mohammad Shafi abolished the __________ system during his diwanship?

a) Ijara

b) Subedar

c) Berar

d) None of the Above

 a) Ijara

12) The commercial taxes , sales taxes, toll taxes, market taxes etc  ___________were appointed to collect these taxes ?

a) Chadharis

b) Subedar

c) Mughal officers  zamindars

d) Zamindars

 a) Chadharis

13)  In _____________ CE., Khan Sifar khan, who was appointed by Aurangazeb as the subedar of Hyderabad?

a) 1703 CE

b) 1707 CE

c) 1700 CE 

d) 1710 CE

c) 1700 CE 

14) who held important positions in Hyderabad between 1687 and 1700 CE?

a) Khan Sifar khan

b) Rustumdil Khan

c) Riza khan

d) None of the Above

 b) Rustumdil Khan

15) Between 1687 and 1724, the Deccan was under the authority of the __________ ?

a)  Mughal Viceroys

b) Cuddapah Kingdom

c) Qutub Shahi Kingdom

d) None of the Above

a)  Mughal Viceroys

16) According to Aurangazeb’s Plan, the first kingdom consisted of parts of Telangana and Coastal andhra along with the ___________ __Kingdoms?

a) Bijapur-Karnataka

b) Hyderabad- Karnataka

c) Aurangabad- Karnataka

d) Hyderabad- Bijapur

 b) Hyderabad- Karnataka

17) According to Aurangazeb’s Plan, the second Kingdom comprised the Rayalaseema region along with __________ kingdoms?

a) Aurangabad- Karnataka

b) Hyderabad- Bijapur

c) Hyderabad- Karnataka

d) Bijapur-Karnataka

d) Bijapur-Karnataka

18) Aurangazeb establishment of _________ subas in the Mughal Deccan?

a) Twelve

b) Nine

c) Six

d) Five

 c) Six

19) After Mughal,  Deccan Hyderabad suba came to be known as _________ ?

a) Balagha 

b) Panighat

c) Both (a) and (b)

d) None of the Above

 c) Both (a) and (b)

20) Siddhavatam, kambham, and Gandhikota were merged to form ___________ Kingdom, under the control of Pathan Kings?

a) Cuddapah Kingdom

b) Golconda kingdom

c) Qutb shah Kingdom

d) None of the Above

 a) Cuddapah Kingdom

21) The Second Suba spread from Guntur to Kaleman in Coromandal coast, It was called as ___________ suba?

a) Balaghat suba

b) Arcot suba

c) Khandesh suba

d) Panighat suba

 b) Arcot suba

22) Aurangzeb died in the year 1707 CE at the age of ________ Years?

a) 100 years

b) 99 Years

c) 67 Years

d) 78 Years

 b) 99 Years

23) In 1708 CE, Shah Alam defeated and killed Azam shah in the battle of ‘Jajau’ near _______ Place?

a) Agra

b) Warangal

c) Hyderabad

d) Bijapur

a) Agra

24) Shah Alam later Crowned himself as the mughal emperor on the throne as _____________ Shah?

a) Qutub Shah

b) Azam shah

c) Bahadur Shah

d) None of the Above

 c) Bahadur Shah

25) In 1708 CE, the Qutub Shahi Kingdom were brought together again under the rule of _________?

a) Rustum Khan

b) Kambaksh

c) Sarvai papanna

d) Bahadur Shah

b) Kambaksh

26) Kambaksh imposed _____________ in Hyderabad and raised the taxes ?

a) Jizia

b) Dhimma

c) Gita

d) None of the Above

a) Jizia

27) Sarvai Papanna made great efforts to liberate the people of telangana from the rule of the Mughal Viceroys between  ____________ period ?

a) 1695 – 1710 CE

b) 1699 – 1710 CE

c) 1678 – 1702 CE

d) 1692 – 1714 CE

 a) 1695 – 1710 CE

28) Sarvai Papanna’s native village was _____________ ?

a) Tarikonda

b) Bijapur

c) Both (a) and (b)

d) None of the Above

 a) Tarikonda

29) Sarvia Papannna belongs to _____________ Caste ?

a) Kallu gita

b) Gaundle 

c) Both (a) and (b)

d) None of the Above

 c) Both (a) and (b)

30) Sarvia Papannna constructed a small fort at __________ Place ?

a) Golconda

b) Tarikonda

c) Hanamkonda

d) None of the Above

 b) Tarikonda

31) The solider of ___________ Zamindar attacked Sarvai Papanna and arrested ?

a) kaulas zamindar

b) kamma zamindar

c) Velama zamindar

d) None of the Above

a) kaulas zamindar

32) Who was the first Telugu Zamiindar to join the mughal army?

a) Venkata Rao

b) Rustumdil khan

c) Venkatapati

d) None of the Above

a) Venkata Rao

33) Aurangazeb appointed __________ , the fauzdar of kolanupak to suppress Sarvai papanna ?

a) Qasim khan

b) Rustumdil khan

c) Purdhil Khan

d) Dilawar Khan

b) Rustumdil khan

34) In 1702 CE, the deputy governor of Hyderabad suba, __________confronted Papanna with a huge army ?

a) Dilawar Khan

b) Purdhil Khan

c) Rustumdil khan

d) Qasim khan

 d) Qasim khan

35) Sarvai Papanna built a new stone fort in place of the old fort at?

a) khilashapur

b) Vijayanagaram

c) Bijapur

d) Karnataka

 a) khilashapur

36) Sarvai Papanna was recognized as the sole opponent of the Mughal authority in the ________ __region?

a) Telangana region

b) Coastal region

c) Karnataka region

d) None of the Above

a) Telangana region

37) Sarvai Papanna occupied the forts of Warangal and Bhuvangiri in _____________ CE ?

a) 1703 CE

b) 1702 CE

c) 1709 CE

d) 1708 CE

 d) 1708 CE

38) The Bahadur Shah I organized a people’s Darbar and invited several Zamindar’s and also  Sarvai Papanna as a king but also honored him by gifting  _____________?

a) Zamindar’s  

b) Sarvai Papanna

c)  Both

d) None of the Above

 c) Both

39) Bahadur Shah, I ordered Hyderabad’s new Governor Yousuf Khan to punish __________ _?

a) Rustumdil khan

b) Dilawar Khan

c) Sarvai Papanna

d) None of the above

 c) Sarvai Papanna

40) In which year Sarvai papanna fought valiantly against the armies of Dilawar Khan and died in the battle field?

a) 1710 CE

b) 1711 CE

c) 1712 CE

d) 1709 CE

 a) 1710 CE

41) After the death of Aurangazeb, his eldest son Bahadur Shah was made the emperor of ___________ Place?

a) karnataka

b) Golconda

c) Delhi

d) None of the Above

 c) Delhi

42) Bahadur Shah ruled between _________________ Period ?

a) 1710-1713

b) 1708-1717

c) 1707-1713

d) 1707-1715

 c) 1707-1713

43) During the rule of Farukh siyar that the Deccan suba and Hyderabad were placed under sebadars namely, __________ _?

a) Mir khamruddin Chin Qilich Khan & Mubrezkhan

b) Dilawar Khan & Mubrezkhan

c) Mir khamruddin Khan & Dilawar Khan 

d) None of the Above

a) Mir khamruddin Chin Qilich Khan and Mubrezkhan

44) Farukh Siyar ruled between _________________ Period ?

a) 1711-1719 CE

b) 1715-1719 CE

c) 1716-1718 CE

d) 1713-1719 CE 

d) 1713-1719 CE 

45) Farukh siyar appointed ______________ as the governor of Hyderabad in June 1713 CE ?

a) Mubrez Khan 

b) Dilawar Khan

c) Mir khamruddin Chin Qilich Khan

d) None of the Above

a) Mubrez Khan 

46) During Mubrez Khan, governor of Hyderabad, the Marathas under the leadership of _____________ attacked Hyderabad?

a) Farukh siyar

b) Venkata Naidu

c) Krishnamalhar

d) None of the Above

c) Krishnamalhar

47) Who acquired the full power to control over Machilipatnam, Nizampatnam, Chicacole, eluru, rajahmundry, Kondapalli, Khammammet, Diamond minds?

a) Dilawar Khan

b) Mubrez Khan

c) Rustumdil khan

d) Qasim khan

 b) Mubrez Khan

48) Mubrez Khan and his army successfully occupied Chengapetta fort and renamed fort as _________ Fort, in honor of the mughal emperor?

a) Warangal fort

b) Farukh Nagar

c) Bhuvangiri Fort

d) None of the above

 b) Farukh Nagar

49) In 1715 CE, Diwan Mohammad Jaffar along with others zamindars competed with __________Governor to protect his position and privileges?

a) Hyderabad

b) Karnataka

c) Vijanagaram

d) None of he Above

 a) Hyderabad

50) After death of Bahadur Shah, _______________ brothers have emerged as kingmakers ?

a) Hasan Ali 

b) Hussan Ali

c) Boh (a) & (b)

d) None of the Above.

 c) Boh (a) & (b)

51) Who pressurized by the sayyed Brothers to replace Dawood panni, the subedar of Deccan with Turani leader Nizam-ul-mulk?

a) Muhammad Shah

b) Feroz Shah 

c) Jahandar Shah

d) Qutb Shah

 c) Jahandar Shah

52) Nizam-ul-mulk was appointed as the subedar of six provinces in the deccan in the  ________ year?

a) 1713 CE

b) 1716 CE

c) 1709 CE

d) 1707 CE

a) 1713 CE

53) In 1715, the sayyed brothers forced the Mughal emperor to remove ___________from the position of subedar of the Deccan?

a) sayyed Abdhulla

b) Wazir Khan

c) Muhammad Shah

d) Nizam-ul-mulk

 d) Nizam-ul-mulk

54)In which period, Mubrez Khan invaded the coastal Andhra and established his authority?

a) 1717-1718 CE

b) 1711-1718 CE

c) 1703-1706 CE

d) 1717-1720 CE

 a) 1717-1718 CE

55) In 1718 CE, Mubrez Khan was defeated by the ______________armies ?

a) Bahamani 

b) Nayaka 

c) Marathas

d) Chalukya

c) marathas

56) In which period, the battle of ‘Shakarkhed’, took place between the Mughal forces, Mubrez Khan and the armies of Nizam-ul-mulk

a) 1724 CE

b) 1714 CE

c) 1717 CE

d) 1723 CE

 a) 1724 CE

57) Hyderabad state was founded by ___________ ?

a) Dilawar Khan

b) Mir Qamruddin-chin-Qulich

c) Both (a) & (b)

d) None of the Above

 b) Mir Qamruddin-chin-Qulich

58) Mir Qamruddin-chin-Qulich khan successors ruled the modern Telangana, Andhra and rayalseema regions from _______________ Period ?

a) 1722 CE to 1930 CE

b) 1727 CE to 1941 CE

c) 1724 CE to 1948 CE

d) 1719 CE to 1945 CE

 c) 1724 CE to 1948 CE

59) Who was the first generation member of the family, migrated to India in period of Mughal emperor Shah jahan?

a) Khwaja-Abid-Bujaro 

b) Abid Khan

c) Wazir Khan

d) None of the Above

 a) Khwaja-Abid-Bujaro

60) Khwaja-Abid-Bujaro had the tittles?

a) Firoz Jung

b) Ghazi-ud-din

c) Both (a) & (b)

d) None of the Above

c) Both (a) & (b)

61) During 1700-1707 CE, Qamrudin worked as a Governor of ______________ Place ?

a) Bijapur

b) Hyderabad

c) Karnataka

d)  None of the Above

 c) Karnataka

62) Bahadur shah I appointed _____________ Khan as the subedar of the deccan in 1708 CE?

a) Wazir Khan

b) Abid Khan

c) Dilawar Khan

d) Zulfiqur Khan

 b) Abid Khan

63)  In Dec 1707 CE, Bahadur Shah I appointed ____________ as the Royal representative of Awadh and as Fauzdar of Gorakhpur?

a) Qamruddin

b) Muhammad

c) Qilich Khan

d) None of the Above

 b) Muhammad

64) Mughal emperor, influenced by the Sayyed brothers, discontinued Qamruddin as the Subedar of the deccan and transferred him to ___________ Place?

a)  Hyderabad

b) Aurangabad

c) Muradabad.

d) Bijapur

 a)  Hyderabad

66) Qamruddin appointed  _______________ as  one of the sayyed brothers as the deccan Subedar ?

a) Hussian Ali

b) Hasan Ali

c) Both (a) & (b)

d) None of the Above

 a) Hussian Ali

67) The Mughal emperor, Muhammed Shah appointed ___________ as the chief of six subas in the Deccan?

a) Feroz Shah

b) Mubrez Khan

c) Nizam-ul-Mulk

d) None of the Above

c) Nizam-ul-Mulk

68) Nizam-ul-mulk ruled Hyderabad between _________________ Period ?

a) 1726 -1741 CE

b) 1724 -1748 CE

c)1723 -1739 CE

d) 1725 -1748 CE

 b) 1724 -1748 CE

69) On Oct 1st, 1724 CE, Nizam-ul-mulk defeated and killed __________, in the historic battle of Shakher kheda?

a) Mubrez Khan

b) Qilich Khan

c) Abid Khan

d) None of the Above

 a) Mubrez Khan

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