Telangana Bits For Competitive Exams | Pre-Historical Age

Pre Historical Age in Telangana

Telangana History most Frequent and commonly asked Questions in all Exams- “Telangana Bits For Competitive Exams Pre Historical Age”

Q) Hyderabad state Department of Archaeology established in





Q) Salvage Archaeology means

Study of sites which are in danger

Study of sites which are in danger of submerging

Study of sites in submerging

Study of sites which are in danger of submerging

Q) __________ and ___________ are renowned persons, who did research and identified several prehistorical sites in Telangana

Raja Ramsingh, Dyavanpalli Satyanarayana

Raja veraswami, Dyavanpalli swami

Robert william, Dr. V.V. Krishna Sastri

Raja Ramsingh, Dyavanpalli Satyanarayana

Q) Match the Following

1. Lower Paleolithic a. 1 or 0.5 to 0.20 lakh years
2. Middle Paleolithic b. 3,000 BCE to 3,000 BCE
3. Upper Paleolithic c. 3 to 1.30 Lakh Years ago
4. Mesolithic d. 1500 BCE to 300 CE
5. Neolithic e. 8,500 BCE to 3,000 BCE
6. Megalithic f. 20,000 BCE to 10,000 BCE

1 C, A, F, E, B, D

2 C, D, F, E, B, A

3 C, A, E, F, B, D

1 C, A, F, E, B, D

Q) Neolithic Age used _______ and Megalithic age used _____

Copper, Iron

Iron, Copper

Zinc, iron

Copper, Iron

Q) Humans used _________ in Lower Paleolithic, _________ used in Middle Paleolithic,___________ used in Mesolithic

Pebbles, flakes, coppers

Pebbles, flakes, blades

flakes, Pebbles, Iron

Pebbles, flakes, blades

Q) Humans used __________ in Neolithic and __________used in Megalithic age.

Smooth Stones, Iron

Flakes, Iron

Iron, copper

Smooth Stones, Iron

Q) Important sites of Lower Paleolithic Age?

1) Boath, Pochchera waterfalls

2) Godavarikhani, Ramagundem, Palvancha

3) Rayavaram, Yeleswaram, Nagarjunkonda

4 ) Chandraguptapattanam, Eerladinne

a) 1 & 2 b) 2 & 3 c) 1 & 4 d) All

d) All

Q) _________ discovered on the left bank of River Krishna at Yavadevipadu in Mahbubnagar.

Skeleton of Dog

Skeleton of Ox

Skeleton of Horse

Skeleton of Ox

Q) Important sites of the Middle Paleolithic Age?

a) Appapur, Borapur, Chandraguptapattanam

b) Salewaram, Kadalivanam, Medimankal

c) Kyaturu, somasila , Dasarapalle

d) All.

d) All.

Q) First Holocene age?

Neolithic Age

Mesolithic Age

Paleolithic Age

Mesolithic Age

Q) Humans Used Microlith tools and weapons in?

Neolithic Age

Mesolithic Age

Paleolithic Age

Mesolithic Age

Q) Painting which animals seen in the caves during Mesolithic Age?




All the above

All the above

Q) Economy of the Neolithic age


Animal Husbandry and Agriculture


Animal Husbandry and Agriculture

Q) In the Neolithic Age, humans learned to grow






Q) Megalithic Burial which found at _____ is regarded as first one in the country

Hyderabad Central University compound



Hyderabad Central University compound

Q) Burial type of keeping one stone slab is known as

Cist Burial


Rock-cut Burial

Cist Burial

Q) Stones in human form and cross (+) form seen near dolmen burials at?

Janampet in Warangal

Mangapeta in Warangal



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