Land Tenures and Revenue System of Asafjahis | Study Guide – MCQ Bits

Telangana History Land Tenures and Revenue System of Asafjahis

Asaf Jahi dynasty Rule Revenue Land Tenure System

1) In Hyderabad state agriculture remained essentially, out of the total population, 68% depended on agricultural occupations for their living.

2) Lands under the direct administration of the Diwan or Prime minister of the Nizam’s Government were called “Diwan Lands”.

3) Diwan lands were also known as “Khalsa lands”

4) Lands under property of H.H. the Nizam, were called as Sarf-I-Khas lands.

5) Lands were subject of state grants, and the revenue their assigned wholly as ‘Jagir’ or ‘Inam’ 

6) The land tenures were listed below:

Diwani or Khalsa LandsOther Khalsa LandsNon-Khalsa Lands
Ryotwari Tenure Cultivating Tenures

a) Pattedari

b) Pot-Pattedari

c) Shikmidari

d) Asami Shikmidari

a) Pan-Maqta

b) Tahud or Sarbasta

c) Ijara

d) Agrahar

a) Sarf-i-Khas

b) Samsthan or Peshkash

c) Jagir

i) Paigah

ii) Al-Tamgha Jagirs

iii) Zat Jagirs

iv) Tankha Jagirs

v) Mashrooti Jagirs

vi) Madad Mash Jagirs

d) Inam

7) Ryotwari system

a) Pattedari –  when the occupant cultivates personally or by hired labour.

b) Pot- Pattedari – two or more cultivators amalgamate on the joint-stock principle.

c) Shikmidari – occupant makes over the land to cultivators on certain terms. Such cultivators are known as ‘Shikmidars’ 

d) Asami- Shikmidars are tenants at will.

8) In Pattedari tenure, the owner or pattedar was himself the cultivator of the land, no interference was made with his land rights as long as assessment that was determined and fixed from time to time was paid

9) In pot-Pattedari – two or more cultivators worked together jointly and the rights of all partners remained equal. The Pattedar could neither expel the pot-pattedar nor enhance the assessment payable by him.

10) Shikmidars and Asami-were as protected tenants and tenants at will respectively.

11) In Asami-Shikmi tenure, could become a Shikmidar if he had been a partner in the cultivation, uninterrupted occupation for 12 consecutive years.

12) Committee appointment in 1940 to enquire into the tenancy problem and the passing of the Asami-Shikmi Act in 1945

13) Hyderabad Tenancy and agricultural Lands Act passed on 10th June, 1950

14) Patel village officer maintined law and order and Patwari.  the Pan-Maqta villages were regarded as non-Khalsa.

15) Before  introduction of modern Ryotwari system,the land revenue of the state contained certain other cessed, such as Abkari(excise), Mohtarfa (tax on professions) 

16) Tahud  – farming of tax collection was called as Tahud

17) Revenues were farmed out to zamindar of the district, transaction was termed Sarbasta or Bil-Maqta.

18) The Tahud or Sarbasta tenure resembles to Pan-Maqta. In Pan-Maqta, the amount levied was fixed by the Government once for all and the lease was in perpetuity. Whereas in Tahud or Sarbasta,  Kowl was for a specified no of years only, and the amount entered in the Kowlnama was liable for alteration after the period of Kowl had expired.

19) In Maqtedar tenure system, Maqtedar can became the owner of the land. But Tahuddar never became owner, remains only a contractor

20) Sir Salar Jung I, the prime Minister, abolished Tahud or Sarbasta tenure in 1866A.D.

21) Tahud or sarbasta system or tenure, did not affect position of Deshmukhs (hereditary village chiefs) and Deshpandyas (village Accountants who collects land revenue) 

22) In Watandari tenure- district level holders were allowed by the Government, and annual pension on hereditary basis, known as Rusum-i-zamindari, with 7.1/2 % on the revenue collections, out of which 5%  share of Deshmukhs and 2.1/2 to Deshpandyas.  

23) Watandars, at the village level, consists of  Patels and Patwaris, besides some others such as Talari, Sethsindhi, Neredu,  Dhein or messenger, etc., who assisted in village administration.

24) Talari known as Village Peon for tax collection purposes

25) Sethsindhi known as village Watchman

26) Neredu were who looked after irrigational sources and water supply to the fields

27) Dhein known as  messenger

28) Deshmukhs and Deshpandyas, Watandars were higher level 

29) Taluqs of a district is under the control of one Rusumdar or Watandar  

30) Gumasthas called as the agents of land holders

31) The Ijara tenure introduced in Hyderabad State in 1878 AD.

32) The system of leasing of Government lands was in force untill the year 1318 Fasli (1909 AD)

33) Agraharik is being independent in revenue administration

34) Sarf-i-Khas lands covered an area of 1/10th of  Dominions and spread over 18 Taluqs of different Districts

35) Saf-I-Khas villages, belongs to the Ruler, But were kept under the administration of Diwani officials.

36) Paigah, mean fort stable or cavalry. It was also a kind of Jagir, were originally granted by H.H. the Nawab Nizam Ali Khan (1761-1803)

37) Paigah’s had full control of revenue and judicial administration. They run their own Departments of education, health, public, works, survey and settlement etc.

38) The Mughals making land grants to noblemen was introduced with necessary modifications introduced by Nizam-ul-mulk, the founder and first Nizam of the state.

39) Madadmash Jagirs were granted as a gratuity (benefits received by an employee for services rendered to an organisation) either the sole or as a supplement

40) Taluqdars  were known as District Collectors

41) Some of Taxes

Shadi-Patti (Marriage cess)

Ghar-Patti (House tax)

Mohtarfa’ (tax on Handlooms)

42) Inam is an Arabic word which means favor or reward. Inam were usually granted for the staff associated with religious institutions

43) Inam Commission was established in 1865 AD., which worked till 1912 

44) The taxes levied from Pan-Maqtas held by local zamindars, The amount of Peshkash annually paid by them is shown below

Raja of Wanaparti – Rs.83,8662,00

Raja of Jatpol -Rs.71,944.00

Raja of Gopalpet – Rs.22,663.00

Raja of Bhadrachalam – Rs. 45,875.00

Note: The above data the source was the Nizam Government revenue Administrative report, 1324 Fasli (1914 – 1915 AD)

45) Raja Venkat Lakshman Rao Bahadur of Jatpole died in the year of 1929

46) Salar Jung I establishment of a survey and settlement Department in 1875.

47) Mr. O’Connor, Director General of Statistics, in Nizam’s Government 

48) Kharif referred to the first or monsoon season in which the sowings are made in the month of June.

49) Rabi follows the Kharif season and the sowings are made in September or October

50) Tabi referred to second crop of rice, sown in January, February and harvested in April-May.

51) Girdavars are said to be Revenue Inspectors.

MOCK TEST MCQ Questions Revenue and Tenures of Asafjahis

1) Diwan of the Asafjahi period was known as ?

a) President

b) Prime Minister

c) Chief Minister

d) None of the above

b) Prime Minister

2) In Hyderabad at the time of Asafjahis remained as_______ percentage agricultural depended on agricultural based activities of their living?

a) 70%

b) 60%

c) 68%

d) 80%

c) 68%

3) Lands which were under the control of Nizam’s government are called as?

a) Diwani Lands

b) Private Lands

c) Poramboke Lands

d) Patta Lands

a) Diwani Lands

4) Lands which were the property of H.H. the Nizam are generally called as?

a) Sarf-I-Khas Lands

b) Diwani Lands

c) Private Lands

d) Pattedar Lands

a) Sarf-I-Khas Lands

5) Diwani Lands are also known as ___?

a) Khalsa Lands

b) Sarf-i-khas lands

c) Nizam Lands

d) None of the above

a) Khalsa Lands

6) The cultivation of tenures of Khalsa or Diwani lands were ___?

a) Pattedari

b) Shikmidari

c) Asami Shikmi

d) All of the above

d) All of the above

7) Pan-Maqta was a tenure of ____ Lands?

a) Private Lands

b) Diwani Lands

c) Khjalsa Lands

d) Both b and c

d) Both b and c

8) ________ among the following are Non-Khalsa lands.

a) Sarf-i-khas lands

b) Jagir Lands

c) Both a and b

d) None of the above

c) Both a and b

9) Registered occupant of the land was basically known as _____?

a) Pattedar

b) Ryotwar

c) Both a and b

d) None of the above

a) Pattedar

10) ____________ among the following are the protected tenants of the lands?

a) Shikmidars

b) Asami Shikmidars

c) Both a and b

d) None of the above

c) Both a and b

11) Tenants are generally called as ____?

a) Kowldars

b) Pattedars

c) Shikmidars

d) Ryotwars

a) Kowldars

12) The condition of Kowldars were not better at the time of Asafjahis under _____ tenure system.

a) Jagirs

b) Maqtas

c) Inams

d) All of the above

d) All of the above

13) Watndari tenure is a tenure of ____ lands.

a) Diwani Lands

b) Private Lands

c) Both a and b

d) None of the above

a) Diwani Lands

14) The Village officer who looked after the law and order at the time of Asafjahis was called as __?

a) Patel

b) Pattedar

c) Patwari

d) Tahalisdar

a) Patel

15) The Village officer who maintained land record and collected land revenue at the time of Asafjahis was known as ___?

a) Patel

b) Patwari

c) Tahaliosdar

d) Zamindar

b) Patwari

16) Mohtarfa was a ___ tax?

a) Tax on house

b) Tax on industries

c) Tax on Professions

d) None of the above

c) Tax on Professions

17) Watandari Tenure is also known as ___?

a) Tahud

b) Sarbasta

c) Both a and b

d) None of the above

c) Both a and b

18) Sir Salar Jung I, the prime minister, got the Tahud or Sarbasta tenure abolished in _____.

a) 1863 AD

b) 1864 AD

c) 1865 AD

d) 1866 AD

d) 1866 AD

19) The hereditary village chiefs who involved in the administration are called as?

a) Deshmukhs

b) Deshpandyas

c) Sirdeshmukhs

d) Sardeshpandyas

a) Deshmukhs

20) The village accountants who also participated in the collection of land revenue are called as?

a) Deshmukhs

b) Deshpandyas

c) Sirdeshmukhs

d) Sardeshpandyas

b) Deshpandyas

21) _____ among the following are the revenue officers at the time of Asafjahis?

a) Patels

b) Patwaris

c) Deshmukhs

d) All of the above

d) All of the above

22) Watandars group consisted of ___ among the following.

a) Patels

b) Patwaris

c) Both a and b

d) None of the above

c) Both a and b

23) Village peon for the purpose of tax collection is basically known as ____?

a) Watandar

b) Zamindar

c) Sardeshpandya

d) Talari

d) Talari

24) Claiming of land revenue remission for crop damage, either due to excess or less rainfall or for natural calamities is known as ___.

a) Talafmal

b) Taccavi

c) Both a and b

d) None of the above

a) Talafmal

25) Loans for Ryots were given at the time of droughts and this type of system is known as ___.

a) Talafmal

b) Taccavi

c) Both a and b

d) None of the above

b) Taccavi

26) The agents are appointed to look after the village related issues by revenue officials and they are called as ___?

a) Zamindars

b) Patels

c) Gumasthas

d) None of the above

c) Gumasthas

27) The Ijara tenure was primarily concerned with the _____?

a) Land development

b) Land Ownership

c) Agricultural Business

d) All of the above

a) Land development

28) The Ijara tenure system was introduce in the Hyderabad State in the year of?

a) 1870 AD

b) 1878 AD

c) 1799 AD

d) 1880 AD

b) 1878 AD

29) Gairan land was a _____?

a) Pasture land for grazing

b) Cultivable land

c) Both a and b

d) None of the above

a) Pasture land for grazing

30) Raja Venkat Lakshman Rao Bahadur of Jatpole died in the year of?

a) 1929 AD

b) 1930 AD

c) 1945 AD

d) 1938 AD

a) 1929 AD

31) The annual tribute was paid to the Imperial Government for not interfering their territories, this system is called as?

a) Peshkash

b) Illari

c) Both a and b

d) None of the above

a) Peshkash

32) Government grazing lands are generally called as ___?

a) Peshkash

b) Bancherai

c) Both a and b

d) None of the above

b) Bancherai

33) The Raja or the Chief who remitted the process of ‘Peshkash’ was called as?

a) Peshkash Guzars

b) Patels

c) Zamindars

d) Patwaris

a) Peshkash Guzars

34) In order to set right the Mal-Administration, a Commission was set up called as ____.

a) Inam Commission

b) Commission of Pattedars

c) Both a and b

d) None of the above

a) Inam Commission

35) Inam Commission was established in the year of ___.

a) 1865 AD

b) 1875 AD

c) 1885 AD

d) 1895 AD

a) 1865 AD

36) Taluqdars are generally known as?

a) Ministers of State

b) Members of Administration of the Village

c) District Collectors

d) None of the above

c) District Collectors

37) Paigah is a term which is originated from ___ word.

a) Italian Word

b) Persian Word

c) American Word

d) Islamic Word

b) Persian Word

38) Military service was not in force at the period of ___?

a) British Rule

b) The First World War

c) Asafjahis

d) None of the above

c) Asafjahis

39) Which people were being independent in Revenue administration at the time of Asafjahis.

a) Patels

b) Inamdars

c) Watandars

d) Agrahariks

d) Agrahariks

40) Taluqs of the district were under the control of _____.

a) Watandar

b) Zamindar

c) Pattedar

d) Rusumdar

d) Rusumdar

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