Indian Polity and Constitution Test Paper I

Indian Polity and Constitution

Test Paper I

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1) In which year India national congress (INC), officially demanded constituent assembly?

a) 1935

b) 1937

c) 1945

d) 1955

Ans: a) 1935

2) What is the August offer of 1940?

a) British government accepting of framing a constituent assembly

b) British government accepting of freedom to India

c) British government accepting of Muslim league

d) British government accepting of the cabinet mission plan

Ans: British government accepting of framing a constituent assembly

3) Who came to India to draft an independent constitution?

a) Warren hasting

b) Lord Cornwallis

c) Sir Stafford Cripps

d) Lord Minto

Ans: c) sir Stafford Cripps

4) Constituent assembly constituted in November 1946 by?

a) Joh shore

b) Cabinet mission plan

c) Cabinet mission organization

d) Cabinet committee

Ans: Cabinet mission plan

5) Total strength of constituent assembly is 389, of them?

a) 279 seats of British India and 94 of princely states

b) 298 seats of British India and 93 of princely states

c) 296 seats of British India and 93 of princely states

d) 300 seats of British India and 89 of princely states

Ans: 296 seats for British India and 93 of princely states

6) Election to the constituent assembly for 296 seats held in July -August 1946?

a) INC won 208 seats

b) Muslim league won 73 seats

c) Independents won 15 seats

d) All the above

Ans: d) All the above

7) 1st Meeting of constituent assembly held on?

a) 10 Dec; 1946

b) 9 Dec; 1946

c) 8 Dec; 1946

d) 7 Dec; 1946

Ans: 9 Dec; 1946

8) Who were the first President & Vice President of the constituent assembly?

a) HC Mukherjee & Dr. Rajendra Prasad

b) HC Mukherjee & Dr. Satchidananda Sinha

C) Satchidananda Sinha & HC Mukherjee

D) Dr Rajendra Prasad & HC Mukherjee

Ans: Dr. Rajendra Prasad & HC Mukherjee

9) Who the constitutional advisor to constituent assembly?

a) BN Rau

b) HC Mukherjee

c) BN Prasad

D) None of the above

Ans: a) BN Rau

10) Jawaharlal Nehru moved an objective resolution in constituent assembly on 13 Dec 1946, which was unanimously adopted on ?

a) 26 Jan 1947

b) 27 Jan 1947

c) 28 Jan 1947

d) 22 Jan 1947

Ans: d) 22 Jan 1947

11) Constituent assembly performed the following functions

a) Ratified India membership in the commonwealth in May 1949

b) Adopted National Flag on July 22, 1947

c) Adopted National Anthem on Jan 24, 1950

d) Adopted National song on Jan 24, 1950

e) Elected 1st president of India on Jan 24, 1950

f) All the above

Ans: f) All the above

Note: 1st president of India: Dr. Rajendra Prasad

12) Constituent assembly worked for

a) 11 sessions for 2yrs, 11 months, 18 days

b) 12 sessions for 2yrs; 11 months; 18 days

c) 13 sessions for 2yrs; 11months; 18 days

d) 14 sessions for 2yrs; 11months; 18 days

Ans: a) 11 sessions for 2yrs; 11 months, 18 days

13) Final Session Of Constituent Assembly Held On

A) 24 Dec 1950

b) 24 Nov, 1950

c) 24 Jan 1950

c) 24 Feb. 1950

Ans: c) 24 Jan 1950

14) 1st general election in India held on

A) 1950-51

b) 1951-52

c) 1947-78

d) 1948-50

Ans: b) 1951-52

15) Match the following?

a) Union power committee 1) BR Ambedkar

b) Provincial constitution committee 2) Jawaharlal Nehru

c) Drafting committee 3) JB Kripalani

d) Steering committee 4) Dr. Rajendra Prasad

5) Sadar Patel

a) 2, 1, 5, 4

b) 1, 2, 5, 4

c) 2, 5, 1, 4

d) 2, 5, 4, 1

Ans: 2, 5, 1, 4

16) Important committee & heads

a) Union constitution committee – Jawaharlal Nehru

b) Fundamental rights subcommittee – JB Kripalani

c) Minorities subcommittee – HC Mukheerjee

d) States committee – Jawaharlal Nehru

17) Committee & heads

a) committee on functions of constituent assembly- G.V Mavalankar

b) House committee- B. Pattabhi Sitaramayya

c) Ad-hoc committee on National flag- Rajendra Prasad

d) Special committee to examine draft constitution- Alladi Krishna Swamy Ayyar

18) Drafting committee headed by BR AMBEDKAR, constituted in

a) 29 Aug 1947

b) 30 Aug 1948

c) 19 Aug 1948

d) 30 Aug 1949

Ans: 29 Aug 1947

19) Seven members of the drafting committee?

a) B.R Ambedkar- Chairman

b) N Gopalaswamy Ayyangar

c) Alladi Krishnaswamy Ayyar

d) K.M Munshi

e) Syed Mohammad Saadullah

f) N. Madhava Rao – Replaced by B L Mitter

g) T T Krishnamachari – Replaced by D P Khaitan

20) Indian constitution was adopted on 26th Nov 1949 with

a) Preamble, 400 Articles and 8 schedules

b) Preamble, 396 Articles and 8 schedules

c) Preamble, 395 Articles and 8 schedules

d) Preamble,400 Articles and 7 schedules

Ans: Preamble, 395 Articles and 8 schedules

21) Who is known as “Father of the constitution of India?

a) B.R Ambedkar

b) Jawaharlal Nehru

c) Gandhi

d) Sardar Patel

Ans: a) B.R Ambedkar

22) Constitution of India came into force on?

a) 26 Jan 1950

b) 27 Jan 1960

c) 25 Jan 1950

d)15 Aug 1947

Ans: a) 26 Jan 1950

23) When Purna swaraj day was celebrated?

a) 26 Jan 1950

b) 26 Jan 1930

c) 26 Jan 1948

d) 26 Jan 1947

Ans: 26 Jan 1930

24) Member of cabinet mission

a) Lord Patrick Lawrence

b) Sir Stafford Cripps

c) AV Alexander

d) All the above

Ans: d) All the above

25) Constituent assembly met as_____ on Nov 17, 1947 and elected GV Mavalankar as Speaker.

a) Legislature

b) Union legislature

c) Dominion legislature

d) None of these

Ans: c) Dominion legislature

26) Which amendment is known as Mini-constitution?

a) 73rd Amendment

b) 44th Amendment

c) 7th Amendment

d) 42nd Amendment

Ans: d) 42nd Amendment

27) Constitution of India originally contained

a) Preamble, 395 articles (divided into 22 parts) and 8 schedules

b) Preamble, 380 articles (divided into 22 parts) and 8 schedules

c) Preamble, 450 articles (divided into 22 parts) and 8 schedules

d) Preamble, 450 articles (divided into 22 parts) and 12 schedules

Ans: a) Preamble, 395 articles (divided into 22 parts) and 8 schedules

28) At present, the constitution of India contained

a) preamble, 450 articles (divided into 24 parts) and 12 schedules

b) Preamble, 400 articles (divided into 24 parts) and 12 schedules

c) Preamble, 350 articles (divided into 24 parts) and 12 schedules

d) Preamble, 300 articles (divided into 24 parts) and 12 schedules

Ans: a) Preamble, 450 articles (divided into 24 parts) and 12 schedules

29) The parliamentary system is based on principle of

a) Cooperation and coordination between legislative and executive

b) Cooperation and coordination between union and centre

c) Separation and power between legislative and executive

d) Separation and power between union to centre

Ans: a) Cooperation and coordination between legislative and executive

30) Presidential system is based on?

a) Cooperation of coordination between legislative and executive

b) Cooperation of coordination between union and centre

c) Separation of power between legislative and executive

d) Separation of power between union to centre

Ans: c) Separation of power between legislative and executive

31) Features of parliamentary government in India

a) Presence of nominal and real executives

b) Majority party rule

c) Collective responsibility of the executive to the legislature

d) Prime minister & Chief minister

e) Dissolution of lower house ( Lok Sabha or Assembly)

f) All the above

Ans: f) All the above

32) Part III of the Indian constitution guarantees how many number of fundamental rights to citizens

a) 6

b) 7

c) 8

d) 9

Ans: 6

33) In constitution of India, right to equality are of

a) Article 19 to 18

b) Article 21 to 24

c) Article 14 to 18

d) Article 25 to 30

Ans: c) Article 14 to 18

34) In constitution of India, right to freedom are of

a) Article 19 to 18

b) Article 19 to 22

c) Article 14 to 18

d) Article 25 to 30

Ans: b) Article 19 to 22

35) In constitution of India, Right against exploitation are of

a) Article 23 to 24

b) Article 19 to 22

c) Article 22 to 25

d) Article 23 to 25

Ans: a) Article 23 to 24

36) In constitution of India, Right to freedom of religion are of

a) Article 25 to 29

b) Article 25 to 28

c) Article 22 to 25

d) Article 23 to 25

Ans: b) Article 25 to 28

37) In Constitution of India, cultural & educational rights are of

a) Article 29 to 30

b) Article 30 to 32

c) Article 22 to 25

d) Article 23 to 25

Ans: a) Article 29 to 30

38) In the constitution of India; the right to constitutional remedies is?

a) Article 326

b) Article 32

c) Article 44

d) Article 123

Ans: Article 32

39) For the restoration of fundamental rights, the supreme court can issue writs of?

a) Habeas corpus

b) Mandamus

c) Prohibition

d) Certiorari

e) Quo warranto

f) All the above

Ans: f) All the above

40) According to BR Ambedkar, the directive principles of state policy are?

a) Novel feature

b) Socialistic features

c) Gandhian features

d) None of the above

Ans: Novel feature

41) Fundamental duties were added during internal emergency 1975-77 by

a) 44th amendment

b) 42nd amendment

c) 76th amendment

d) 41st amendment

Ans: 42nd amendment

42) Fundamental duties were added on the recommendation of?

a) Swaran sigh committee

b) Manmohan sigh committee

c) Kumara Singha committee

d) None of the above

Ans: Swaran sigh committee

43) The term secular was added to preamble by

a) 44th amendment, 1976

b) 42nd amendment, 1976

c) 76th amendment, 1976

d) 86th amendment, 1976

Ans: 42nd amendment, 1976

44) By which amendment, the voting age was reduced to 18 yrs from 21 yrs in 1989

a) 66th amendment

b) 65th amendment

c) 61th amendment

d) 60th amendment

Ans: c) 61th amendment

45) Emergency provision in the constitution of India

a) National emergency on ground of war

b) National emergency on external aggression or armed rebellion

c) State emergency

d) Financial emergency

e) All the above

Ans: e) All the above

46) Which article mentions about national emergency?

A) Article 351

b) Article 352

c) Article 356

d) Article 360

Ans: b) Article 352

47) Which Article Mentions About State’s Emergency?

A) Article 365 & Article 365

B) Article 351 & Article 321

C) Article 451 & Article 256

D) Article 261 & Article 360

Ans: A) Article 365 & Article 365

48) Which article mentions about financial emergency?

a) Article365

b) Article 354

c) Article 361

d) Article 360

Ans: d) Article 360

49) By which amendment, internal disturbance term is replaced with armed rebellion?

a) 42nd amendment

b) 44th Amendment

c) 76th amendment

d) 88thanmendment

Ans: 44th amendment

50) Part 9 of the Indian constitution provides _____, which were added by 73rd amendment

a) Panchayat raj system

b) Nagar panchayats raj system

c) Both

d) None

Ans: a) Panchayat raj system

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