In Procrastination: Crash Course Study Skills #6 the speaker says that according to the Pomodoro Technique, if the desire to visit a distracting website arises while studying, the best thing to do is to.

Homework Help: Questions and Answers: In Procrastination: Crash Course Study Skills #6 the speaker says that according to the Pomodoro Technique, if the desire to visit a distracting website arises while studying, the best thing to do is to.

In Procrastination: Crash Course Study Skills #6 the speaker says that according to the Pomodoro Technique, if the desire to visit a distracting website arises while studying, the best thing to do is to.

a) close your eyes
b) write it down
c) say ”’no”” aloud
d) breath very deeply
e) put on music instead
f) give in once


First, let’s understand Pomodoro Technique:

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method that helps people work with time, not against it. It involves:

  • Working for a set period (typically 25 minutes, called a “Pomodoro”).
  • Taking a short break (usually 5 minutes).
  • After completing four Pomodoros, taking a longer break (around 15-30 minutes).

The technique also includes ways to deal with distractions that arise during focused work.

Now, let’s analyze each given options in the context of dealing with distractions using the Pomodoro Technique.

Given Options: Step by Step Answering

(a) Close your eyes

  • This doesn’t seem to relate to the Pomodoro Technique’s suggestions for managing distractions.

(b) Write it down

  • This aligns with the Pomodoro Technique. If a distracting thought comes up (like wanting to visit a website), the technique suggests writing it down and returning to the task. You can address the distraction during your next break.

(c) Say “no” aloud

  • While it might be effective for some, this isn’t part of the Pomodoro Technique’s specific advice.

(d) Breathe very deeply

  • Deep breathing might help calm your mind but is not part of the standard technique for managing distractions.

(e) Put on music instead

  • While some people may use music to focus, this isn’t the Pomodoro Technique’s recommendation for dealing with distractions.

(f) Give in once

  • The Pomodoro Technique emphasizes resisting distractions, so this would go against the method.

Final Answer

Based on the above analysis, the correct answer is:

b) Write it down

According to the Pomodoro Technique, the best thing to do when you feel distracted is to write it down and continue focusing on your task until the next break.

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