Select ALL the correct responses. If you are a military personnel and you knowingly leaked classified information to an unauthorized user, what sanctions might be imposed on you?

Homework Help: Questions and Answers: Select ALL the correct responses. If you are a military personnel and you knowingly leaked classified information to an unauthorized user what sanctions might be imposed on you?

Select ALL the correct responses. If you are a military personnel and you knowingly leaked classified information to an unauthorized user, what sanctions might be imposed on you?

a) None, since you thought the user had the proper need to know and security eligibility to receive the information
b) Loss of pay
c) Dishonorable discharge
d) Incarceration


First, we need to understand the scenario (question):

  • You are military personnel
  • You knowingly leaked classified information
  • The recipient was an unauthorized user

To solve this problem, let’s analyze the possible sanctions that might be imposed on military personnel for knowingly leaking classified information to an unauthorized user.

Given Options: Step by Step Answering

a) None, since you thought the user had the proper need to know and security eligibility to receive the information.

  • This is incorrect. The phrase “knowingly leaked” implies that the person was aware the user was unauthorized, regardless of what they might have thought. In such cases, sanctions would likely be imposed.

b) Loss of pay

  • This is correct. Loss of pay can be a potential consequence for military personnel who violate rules and regulations, including leaking classified information.

c) Dishonorable discharge

  • This is correct. Dishonorable discharge is a severe penalty that can be imposed for serious offenses, including knowingly leaking classified information.

d) Incarceration.

  • This is correct. Incarceration is a possible punishment for leaking classified information, depending on the severity of the breach and the laws governing such actions.

Final Answer:

Based on the above analysis, the correct responses (options) are:

b) Loss of pay
c) Dishonorable discharge
d) Incarceration

Loss of pay, dishonorable discharge, and incarceration are all potential sanctions for knowingly leaking classified information to an unauthorized user.

The severity of the punishment would likely depend on the nature of the information leaked and the circumstances of the leak.

Therefore, the correct response is to select options b, c, and d.

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