How to Prepare Elementary Mathematics for SSC GD Constable 2021 Exam?

How to Prepare Elementary Mathematics for SSC GD Constable 2021 Exam?

The exam dates regarding the SSC GD Constable 2021 have been released. The official exam notification will be declared on March 25, 2021, and the application window is due to open from March 25th, 2021 to May 10th, 2021.

The SSC GD Constable 2021 exam will be held from August 8th-25th, 2021, which leaves plenty of time for your exam preparation. In this article, we shall focus on the Mathematics side of the SSC GD Constable 2021 syllabus and list down expert tips that will help you make the most out of your preparation efforts.

 SSC GD Constable 2021: Exam Pattern

The SSC GD Constable 2021 syllabus is made up of four major sections as mentioned below. Each section carries 25 questions and 25 marks each. The exam duration is 90 minutes. Negative marking is not applicable.

General Intelligence & Reasoning2525
General Knowledge & Awareness2525
Elementary Mathematics2525

SSC GD Constable Exam Preparation: Elementary Mathematics

The following pointers have been listed down to help you score above par on the Elementary Mathematics section of the SSC GD Constable 2021 syllabus.

  • SSC GD Constable 2021 Syllabus: [Profit & Loss, Percentages, Simple & Compound Interest, Time & Work, Average, Ratio & Proportion, Functions, Linear Equations, Quadratic Equations, Case Study Analysis, Probability, Graphs, Speed & Distance, Number System, Simplification, Time & Work, Partnership, Data Interpretation, Permutation & Combination, etc.]
  • Assessing the previous year’s questions papers, the overall difficulty level of the exam was adjudged to be at the easy-moderate level. Further, the elementary mathematics section had a difficulty level of easy, in particular. Out of the 25 questions, try to mark all questions and have an aim of 19-21 questions correct at all costs.
  • SI/CI/Profit & Loss is the most important sub-section with 5 questions. After that, Mensuration/Geometry typically carries 2-3 questions and the same goes with Time & Work [3 questions] and Data Interpretation [3 questions]. Algebra, Percentage & Averages, Speed and Distance all generally have a weightage of 2 questions. Rest is miscellaneous. Here is an example from the arithmetic section.

Q. Sugar bag A of 5 kg is mixed with another bag of Sugar B of 4 kg. Sugar A costs 6 per kg and the mixture costs 7 per kg. What is the price of the costlier sugar?

a) 8.04   b) 8.75  c)  8.52   d) 8.25   e) 8.75

Answer: d) 8.25

Here is an example from the series section.

Q. 23, 25, 29, 37, ?

a) 53   b) 54   c) 55   d) 56   e) 57

Answer: a. 53

  •  To get the most out of the above Maths SSC GD Syllabus topic-wise, you must focus on some fundamental portions in the first phase of your SSC GD Constable exam preparation. During this phase, restrict yourself to ratio & proportion, averages, geometry techniques and formulae, simplification, unitary method, divisibility rules, number system and like. In the next phase, you can move on to data interpretation and algebra questions.
  • An important trick you can make use of for Data Interpretation questions is to visualise and prepare diagrams or flow charts to highlight the basic information, what you have been asked to find or calculate, logical flow of argument and assess the plausibility of available choices.
  • For DI questions, in particular, you will be presented with a bar graph/line chart/pie chart/histogram, etc., a problem statement and choices, for instance, the performance of a company through 3-4 years. Typically, you will be asked to calculate ratios such as profit & loss ratios, profit percentage, loss percentage, etc. Here is an example.

 Q. Given below is an Income-Savings table of Mr Saurav from the year 2013-17, following which are certain questions and choices. Select the most appropriate choice.


Q. What is the yearly increase in salary through the five years?

 a) 5000 b) 4000 c) 6000 d) 7000 e) 8000

Answer: a. 5000

Q. What is the average salary earned by Mr Saurav through 2013-2015?

 a) 20000 b) 22500 c) 25000 d) 27500 e) 30000

Answer c. 25000

Q. What is the Income to Savings Ratio for the year 2015?

a) 12:1 b) 11:1 c) 13:1 d) 14:1 e) 15:2

Answer a. 12:1

Q. If Mr Saurav’s salary increases by 25% in the year 2018, what will be his salary for that year?

a) 42500 b) 45000 c) 52000 d) 50000 e)55000

Answer d. 50000

  • To vividly remember formulae and strategies include creative learning techniques such as puzzles, quizzes, flow charts, diagrams, charts as well as online assessments, self-explanation, keyword mnemonic, summarization, distributed practice and interleaving practice.
  • Important Quant Preparation Books: NCERT Mathematics textbooks Class IX & X; Quantitative Aptitude by R.S Aggarwal; Fast Track Objective Arithmetic by Rajesh Verma; Quantitative Aptitude for All Competitive Examinations by Abhijit Guha/ McGraw Hill Education.

How to Prepare SSC GD Constable 2021: Key Takeaways

  • Time Management: You have 90 minutes to solve 100 questions. This gives just less than a minute to each question. Therefore, be strict with yourself. If you are stuck on a question, mark it for revision and come back to it later while revising.
  • Revision: Either you can undertake section-wise revision after completing each section or revise everything at the end. For the former, keep out 3-4 minutes per section and for the latter, save at least 10-15 minutes in the end. In this time, revisit long calculations, questions not attempted, marking and silly errors, amongst others.
  • Temperament: Keep a firm and positive outlook. Don’t panic under family expectations or peer pressure. Remember your exam strategies, be optimistic and confident. Eat and drink healthily, sleep adequately and don’t attempt any mock tests during the last week or at least the last two days.

Give your best for the SSC GD Constable 2021 exam

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