Pokémon Go, the popular augmented reality game developed by Niantic, is known for its exciting events and legendary Pokémon. One such legendary Pokémon that has caught the attention of players worldwide is Cresselia, a Psychic-type Pokémon from the Sinnoh region.

Cresselia’s Rich Lore
Cresselia is part of the Lunar duo alongside Darkrai. Originally featured in the Diamond & Pearl games of Gen 4, Cresselia eventually made its way into Pokémon Go, debuting in 2018.
Cresselia is renowned for being one of the numerous Legendary and Mythical creatures introduced in the Sinnoh region, contributing to the franchise’s rich lore.
Cresselia’s Appearance in Raids
Cresselia will be making its grand appearance as a 5-Star Raid Boss. Trainers should mark their calendars for February 20, 2024, until February 21, 2024, and again from February 26, 2024, until March 1, 2024.
During these periods, Cresselia will be sharing the spotlight with Heatran. Additionally, trainers will have two special Raid Hours to look forward to, one on February 20, 2024, and the other on February 28, 2024.
Cresselia in Research Tasks
For trainers who prefer a different challenge, Cresselia is also part of the Research Task “Throwback Challenge 2020: Sinnoh”. This gives trainers another avenue to add this legendary Pokémon to their collection.
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Shiny Cresselia
For those shiny hunters out there, you’re in luck! Cresselia can indeed be shiny in Pokémon Go. All of its appearances during both Raid Battles and Raid Hours will give players the possibility to encounter its Shiny version.
The shiny rate for Cresselia, a relatively common Pokémon, is 1 in 20 (about 5%). So, for every 20 Cresselia you catch, you’ll probably only get one shiny version.
With multiple opportunities to encounter Cresselia through Raid Battles and Raid Hours, trainers have ample chances to add this iconic Pokémon to their roster in Pokémon Go.
Whether you’re a shiny hunter or a lore enthusiast, Cresselia’s return to Pokémon Go is an exciting event for all trainers. So trainers, get your Poké Balls ready and embark on your journey to catch Cresselia!