General Science MCQ Questions | Test Paper 26


General Science MCQ Questions For Competitive exams


Test Paper 26


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1.  Reproductive part of plant ?

a) Root

b) Stem

c) Flowers

d) Leaves

  c) Flowers


2. Asexual reproduction of plants, Plants reproduces new plants  ?

a) Without Seeds

b) With Seeds

c) Both

d) None

  a) Without Seeds


3. Sexual reproduction of plants, Plants reproduces new plants  ?

a) Without Seeds

b) With Seeds

c) Both

d) None

 b) With Seeds


4. Asexual reproduction of plants, new plant produces from ?

a) Roots

b) Stem

c) Leaves

d) Buds

e) All the above

 e) All the above


5. Vegetative parts of plants are ?

a) Roots

b) Stems

c) Leaves

d) All the above

d) All the above


6. In Flower, Stamens are ?

a) Male reproductive part

b) Female reproductive part

c) Both

d) None

 a) Male reproductive part


7. In Flower, Pistil are ?

a) Male reproductive part

b) Female reproductive part

c) Both

d) None

 b) Female reproductive part


8. Which of the following produce Unisexual flowers ?

a) Papaya

b) Corn

c) Cucumber

d) All the above

 d) All the above


9. Which of the following produce bisexual flowers ?

a) Petunia

b) Rose

c) Mustard

d) All the above

 d) All the above


10. Transfer of Pollen grains from anther to stigma of flower is called as ?

a) Transformation

b) Pollen grains

c) Pollination

d) None

 c) Pollination


11. Pollen grains falls on stigma of same flower is called as ?

a) Cross Pollination

b) Self Pollination

c) Multi Pollination

d) None

 b) Self Pollination


12. Pollen grains falls on stigma of another flower is called as ?

a) Cross Pollination

b) Self Pollination

c) Multi Pollination

d) None

 a) Cross Pollination


13. After fusion of gametes is known as ?

a) Zygotism

b) Zyote

c) Zygote

d) None

 c) Zygote


14. Zygote develops into ______________ ?

a) Fruit

b) Seed

c) Embryo

d) None

c) Embryo


15. Pollination happens in plants with help of ?

a) Wind

b) Water

c) Insects

d) All the above

 d) All the above


16. Fertilized egg is called as ?

a) Zygote

b) Embryo

c) Developed egg

d) None

 a) Zygote


17. Fruit is known as ?

a) Matured seed

b) Matured Ovary

c) Matured stem

d) None

 b) Matured Ovary


18. Desert plants are ?

a) Saguaro Cactus

b) Hydnora Africana

c) Barrel Cactus

d) All the above 

 d) All the above


19. Which of the following is called as false fruit ?

a) Banana

b) Apple

c) Pipe Apple

d) None

 b) Apple


20. Distance covered by object in unit time is called as  ?

a) Acceleration

b) Speed

c) Both

d) None

 b) Speed


21. Basic unit of time ?

a) Second

b) Minute

c) Hour

d) None

 a) Second


22. Heart beat of healthy adult at rest is about 72 times in minute and in 10 seconds ?

a) 5 times

b) 20 times

c) 12 times

d) 25 times

 c) 12 times


23. One Micro second is about ?

a) 1 Billionth second

b) 1 Millionth second

c) 10 Millionth second

d) 10 Billionth second

 b) 1 Millionth second


24. One Nano second is about ?

a) 1 Billionth second

b) 1 Millionth second

c) 10 Millionth second

d) 10 Billionth second

 a) 1 Billionth second


25. Rockets attains speed while launching upto ?

a) 80 Km/hr

b) 8 km/hr

c) 8 km/second

d) None

 c) 8 km/second


26. Tortoise moves with speed of ?

a) 1 Km/hr

b) 0.5 km/hr

c) 8 cm/second

d) None

 c) 8 cm/second


27. Distance ?

a) Speed * Time

b) Speed / Time

c) Speed + Time

d) None

 a) Speed * Time


28. Speedometer ?

a) Measures the speed 

b) Measures the total distance

c) Both

d) None

a) Measures the speed


29. Odometer ?

a) Measures the speed 

b) Measures the total distance

c) Both

d) None

 b) Measures the total distance


30. Basic unit of speed ?

a) m/s

b) km/hr

c) km/s

d) None

 a) m/s


31.Time keeper of India (Precise Timing Systems)?

a) CSIR National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi

b) CSIR National Physical Laboratory, Hyderabad

c) CSIR National Physical Laboratory, Pune

d) CSIR National Physical Laboratory, Chennai

 a) CSIR National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi


32. SI Unit of Length ?

a) meter

b) Km

c) meter/second

d) None

 a) meter


33. SI Unit of Mass ?

a) Gram

b) Kilogram

b) Kilo

c) None

  b) Kilogram


34. SI Unit of time ?

a) Second

b) Milli Second

c) Minute

d) None

 a) Second


35. Unit of Electric current ?

a) Milli Ampere

b) Watt

c) Ampere

d) None

 c) Ampere

36. Unit of temperature ?

a) Kelvin 

b) Degree

c) Both

d) None

 a) Kelvin


37. Unit for amount of substances ?

a) Gram

b) kg

c) mole

d) None

c) mole


38. SI unit of Luminous intensity ?

a) candela

d) power

c) watt

d) None

  a) candela


39. SI unit of Electric charge ?

a) Watt

b) Volt

c) coulomb

b) None

 c) coulomb


40. SI unit of Plane angle ?

a) Steradian

b) Radian

c) Angle

d) None

 b) Radian


41. SI unit of Solid angle ?

a) Steradian

b) Radian

c) Angle

d) None

 a) Steradian


42. SI unit of  pressure and stress ?

a) Pascal

b) Newton

c) Pascal/newton

d) None

 a) Pascal


43.  SI unit of electrical capacitance ?

a) Coulomb

b) Farad/Coulomb

c) Farad 

d) None

  c) Farad


44. SI unit of electrical conductance ?

a) Ohm

b) Siemens

c) Siemens/Ohm

d) None

 b) Siemens


45. SI unit of Luminous flux and Illuminance ?

a)  lumen and lux

b) lux and lumen

c) lumen and siemens

d) siemens and lux

 a) lumen and lux


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