General Science MCQ Questions | Test Paper 17


General Science MCQ Questions For Competitive exams


Test Paper 17


1. Curd and lemon juice taste as sour because they contain ?

a) Bases

b) Acids

c) Both

d) None

b) Acids


2. Substance which tastes bitter are

a) Bases

b) Acids

c) Both

d) None

a) Bases


3. Natural indicators to test acids and bases

a) Turmeric

b) Litmus

c) China rose petals

d) All the above

d) All the above


4. Acid in Vinegar ?

a) Acetic acid

b) Formic acid

c) Citric acid

d) Lactic acid

a) Acetic acids


5. Acid in Ant’s Sting

a) Acetic acid

b) Lactic acid

c) Citric acid

d) Formic acid

d) Formic acids


6. Acid in Citrus fruits, Oranges and lemons ?

a) Acetic acid

b) Lactic acid

c) Citric acid

d) Formic acid

c) Citric acid


7. Acid in Curd ?

a) Acetic acid

b) Lactic acid

c) Citric acid

d) Formic acid

b) Lactic acid


8. Acid in Spinach ?

a) Acetic acid

b) Lactic acid

c) Citric acid

d) Oxalic acid

d) Oxalic acid


9. Acid in Amla ?

a) Acetic acid

b) Ascorbic acid

c) Citric acid

d) Oxalic acid

b) Ascorbic acid
Note: Vitamin C is known as Ascorbic acid


10. Acids in Grapes, Unripe Mangoes and Tamarind ?

a) Acetic acid

b) Ascorbic acid

c) Citric acid

d) Tartaric acid

d) Tartaric acid


11. Bases in Lime water ?

a) Calcium Hydroxide

b) Ammonium Hydroxide

c) Sodium Hydroxide

d) Magnesium hydroxide

a) Calcium Hydroxide


12. Bases in Window cleaner liquid ?

a) Calcium Hydroxide

b) Ammo Hydroxide

c) Sodium Hydroxide

d) Ammonium Hydroxide

d) Ammonium hydroxide


13. Bases in soap found ?

a) Potassium Hydroxide

b) Ammo Hydroxide

c) Sodium Hydroxide

d) A and C

d) A and C


14. Bases in Milk of Magnesia ?

a) Calcium Hydroxide

b) Ammonium Hydroxide

c) Sodium Hydroxide

d) Magnesium hydroxide

d) Magnesium hydroxide


15. commonly used indicator to test Acid and Bases ?

a) Rose Petal

b) Litmus

c) Both

d) None

b) Litmus


16. Litmus are extracted from

a) Water pond

b) Lichens

c) China Rose petals

d) None

a) Lichens


17. Blue Litmus paper turns to Red when added to

a) Bases

b) Acid

c) Both

d) None

b) Acid


18. Red Litmus paper turns to Blue when added to

a) Bases

b) Acid

c) Both

d) None

a) Bases


19. Litmus paper with neutral solutions turns as

a) Red

b) Blue

c) Either Red or Blue

d) None

c) Either Red or Blue


20. Turmeric stain on white shirt turn to __________ color when it washes with soap solution ?

a) Blue

b) Red

c) Pink

d) None

b) Red
Note: Soap solution is base, so it will turns to red color


21. China rose turns acidic solution to ?

a) Dark Pink

b) Green

c) Both

d) None

a) Dark Pink


22. China rose turns basic solution to ?

a) Dark Pink

b) Green

c) Both

d) None

b) Green


23. Acid rain because of acids

a) Carbonic acid

b) Sulphuric acid

c) Nitric acid

d) All the above

d) All the above


24. Air Pollutants in the following are

a) Carbon dioxide

b) Sulphur dioxide

c) Nitrogen dioxide

d) All the above

c) Nitrogen dioxide


25. Reaction between Acid and Base is known as ?

a) Acid Base Reaction

b) Neutralization

c) Both

d) None

b) Neutralization


26. In Neutralization reaction, which of the are produced with evolution of heat ?

a) Salt

b) Water

c) Both

d) None

c) Both


27. To relive from indigestion problem, which of the following are used ?

a) Bases

b) Antacid

c) Both

d) None

b) Antacid


28.To relieve Ant bites(formic acid) pain, which of the following are used ?

a) Baking soda

b) Calamine Solution

c) Both

d) None

c) Both


29. Baking soda is known as ?

a) Sodium hydrogen carbonate

b) Sodium Carbonate

c) Sodium

d) None

a) Sodium hydrogen carbonate


30. Calamine Solution contains ?

a) Zinc

b) Zinc Carbonate

c) Both

d) None

a) Zinc Carbonate


31. Soil treatment Process – If soil is too acidic, treated with bases like

a) Quick Lime

b) Slaked Lime

c) Both

d) None

c) Both


31. Soil treatment Process – If soil is too basic, treated with

a) Quick Lime

b) Slaked Lime

c) Organic matter

d) None

c) Organic matter


32. Quick Lime is known as

a) Calcium oxide

b) Calcium hydroxide

c) Calcium dioxide

d) None

a) Calcium oxide


33. Slaked Lime is known as ?

a) Calcium oxide

b) Calcium hydroxide

c) Calcium dioxide

d) None

b) Calcium hydroxide


34. Substance which are neither acid or base is called as ?

a) Acid-Base

b) Base-Acid

c) Neutral

d) All the above

c) Neutral


35. Every cell in human body contains ?

a) Acids

b) Bases

c) Both

d) None

a) Acids


36. DNA means ?

a) Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid

b) De Nucleic Acid

c) Dechlro Nucelic Acid

d) None

a) Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid


37. Physical Properties of substance ?

a) Shape

b) Colour

c) Size

d) State

e) All the above

e) All the above


38. Substance which undergoes change in its physical properties is called as ?

a) Damage

b) Physical change

c) Both

d) None

b) Physical change


39. In general physical changes are ?

a) Irreversible

b) Reversible

c) Both

d) None

b) Reversible


40. Burning of Magnesium ribbon, flames are ?

a) Reddish

b) Brownish

c) White

d) None

c) White


41. Carbon dioxide is mixed with lime water gives ?

a) Calcium bicarbonate

b) Calcium carbonate

c) Both

d) None

b) Calcium carbonate


42. When Vinegar mixes with baking soda gives?

a) Oxygen

b) Nitrogrn

c) Carbon dioxide

d) None

c) Carbon dioxide


43. A Change in which one or more new substance is formed is know as ?

a) Physical change

b) Chemical change

c) Substance change

d) None

b) Chemical change


44. Iron rust is known as ?

a) Iron dioxide

b) Iron oxide

c) Both

c) None

b) Iron oxide


45. To Prevent Iron Rust, which of the following are used over metal layer on Iron /

a) Chromium

b) Zinc

c) Both

d) None

c) Both


46. Process of depositing Zinc layer on Iron is known as

a) Zinc coat

b) Iron coat

c) Galvanisation

d) None

c) Galvanisation


47. Satin steel are made up of by mixing Iron with carbon and metals like

a) Chromium

b) Nickel

c) Manganese

d) All the above

a) All the above


48. Crystallization is ?

a) Chemical change

b) Physical change

c) Both

d) None

b) Physical change


49. Ozone is ?

a) O2

b) O3

c) O4

d) None

b) O3


50. Proteins are made of ?

a) Fatty acids

b) Amino acids

c) Nucleic acid

d) All the above

b) Amino acids


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