Freedom struggle in Hyderabad State Study Material MCQ Bits

Telangana History Freedom struggle in Hyderabad State

Study Material and MCQ Questions on Telangana History

1) Moulavi Mohit Hussian, the Editor of  Hyderabad Record and Movaliya-i-Shafia 

2) Mulla Abdul Basith started Red Crescent Society

3) In 1918 Hyderabad State Reforms Association started

4) Ithehadul Muslemeen started ‘ Tabliq’ movement and  Arya Samaji’s started ‘Shuddhi ’ movement

5) The formation of Indian National Congress in the year 1885 in Bombay, Gokuldas Tejpal Sanskrit College at 28 December 1885

6) Mulla Abdul Qayyum had major role in the ‘Chanda Railway agitation ’.

 7) Aghoranath Chattopadhyaya, the first person from our country to receive the Doctor of Science degree from a foreign university. 

8) Vedanta Deshikacharya written poems in Sanskrit praising the rule of British Queen.

9) Swadeshi movement was started by Bala Gangadhar Tilak in the Maharashtra region.

10) The swadeshi movement and Ganapati Utsavas were started by Tilak  

11) An organization in Hyderabad, ‘Fakt of Rules’ in Hyderabad issued pamphlets to eat only Swadeshi food.

12) In India, famous Ali brothers,  Shaukat Ali and Mohammad Ali started the khilafat movement. Gandhi Ji was elected as president for this movement.

13) The leaders of Khilafat movement were Barrister Azgarh, Haskari Hasna, Kari Vijjamaan, MD Murtuza, Pandita Keshav Rao, Raghavendra Sharma and other leaders.

14)Hyderabad Mullah Abdul Basid played major role in the ‘Red Crescent Society’.

15) The Paper ‘Al Hilal’ editor Moulana Azad, which became very popular in Hyderabad. 

16) The Indian Muslims who were supporting the Khilafat accepted the Nizam and given the title to him as ‘Mohi-ul-Milat-e-Wardin’.

17) On February 24, 1922, the first session of ‘Andhra Jana sangham’ was held in Hyderabad at Reddy hostel.

18) The first meeting of this ‘Jana Kendrm’ was held in Hanumakonda on 1st April, 1924. 

19) The first meeting of Andhra Maha Sabha was held on March 3rd, 4th, 5th of 1930 in Jogipeta of Medak District. Which presided over by Suravaram Prata Reddy, the Editor of  ‘Golconda’ Paper.

20) Second session of Andhra Maha Sabha was held in March 1931 at Devarakonda under the president of Burgula Ramakrishna Rao. Andhra Mahila Sabha was also established along with ‘Andhra Maha sabha,

21) In order to protect the Mulki rights, Nizam government established Nizam peoples association in the 1934.

23) During Nizam VI, Maharaja Kishan Pershad was the prime minister, during his period Raja Bahadur Venkatram Reddy worked as Hyderabad city Kotwal for 14years from the year 1920.

24) Fourth Maha Sabha held in December 1935 at Sirisilla. The great communist leader, Baddam Yella Reddy’s public life started form this Sirisilla Maha Sabha.

25) Fifth Sabha held in December, 1936 at Shadnagar under the President of Konda Venkata Ranga Reddy. In 1936, Konda Venkata Reddy and Abdullah Pasha were elected to the Hyderabad State Assembly.

26) In 1936, Hyderabad peoples Educational Maha Sabha started under Kasinatha Rao Vaidya  

27) Sixth Andhra Maha Sabha held in 1937 at Nizambad under the leadership of Mandumula Narsinga Rao. 

28) An opposition group formed in the Andhra Maha sabha under the president-ship of Pratapa Redy, Valluri Basava Raju was general Secretary.

29) Seventh Andhra Maha Sabha held in April 1940 at Malkapuram in Warangal District. Mandumula Ramachandra Rao, president  

30) Eighth Maha Sabha held on June, 1941 at Chilkur, Ravi Naryan Reddy president. Under the leadership of Ravi Naryan Reddy, communist party formed association in the villages.

31) Ninth Maha Sabha held on May 1942 at Dharmavaram, Madiraju Ramakoteswara Rao as president

32) Tenth Maha sabha held on May 1943 in Hyderabad, K.V. Ranga Reddy was elected president.

33) In the Tenth Maha Sabha, communists introduced amendments to resolutions favoring Muslims and to provide 50% power to the Itheduhal Muslemeen in the formation of national government.

34) Eleventh Maha sabha held on May 1944 at Bhongir, which completely dominated by communists.  

35) Twelfth Maha Sabha was held on April 1945 at Madkonda village of Warangal, Mudiraja Ramakoteshwara Rao as president.

36) Communist group conducted their meetings on April 26th and 27th of 1945 in Khammam under the name of Nizam Rahstra Andhra Maha Sabha, Ravi Naryana Reddy as president

37) The last,13th Andhra Maha Sabha held on May 10th, 1946 under the president, Jamalapurm keshava Rao at Kandi Village in Medak District. Communist also conducted the Last Andhra Maha sabha meetings under the president of Baddam Yella Reddy in Karimnagar District.

38) Swami Dayananda saraswati founded the Arya smaj organization in 1875. 

39) In the year 1929, Siddiqui Deendar declared himself as the incarnation of China Basaveswara, the founder of Lingayat religion

40) During the AsafJahi period, this Jagirdari system was very popular in Telangana. 

41) Bhagya Reddy Verma was important person who started anti-untouchable movement in 1906.

42) Bhagya Reddy Verma estabilished the ‘Nyaya Panchayats’ under the guidance of caste elders to resolve the disputes. Arige Ramaswamy and B.S.Venkatrao were the judges in the central Nyaya Panchayats. Madar Bhagya Reddy Verma was the chief Justice.

43) On April 1st, 1925, a religious meeting of ‘Hindu Dharma Parishad’, under the president ship of Raja Pratapa Girji. Dalit leader Papanna was the president of the first league meeting of 1921.

44)  On 8th October, 1942, National flag was hoisted in Victory ground in Hyderabad.

45) Swami Ramananda Tirtha in September 1938 founded the Hyderabad state congress.

 46) Indian National flag was hoisted on 15th August, 1947 at 10AM att Sultan Bazar by minister Motilal which was personally handed over by Jawaharlal Nehru to Swami Ramananda Tirtha

47) Jayaprakash Naryan, the leader of socialist party given the call for Hyderabad to Join in Indian Union on 7th May, 1947

MCQ Questions Freedom struggle in Hyderabad State

1) In 1918, ______________was founded as a political organization to look into the constitutional reforms in Hyderabad ?

a) Salrjung Reforms

b) Hyderabad State Reforms

c) National Reform

d) None of the above

b) Hyderabad State Reforms

2) The formation of Indian National Congress in the year 1885 in _______________?

a) Bombay

b) Mysore

c) Karnataka

d) Punjab

a) Bombay

3) Who started ‘Tabliq’ movement?

a) Ithehadul Muslemeen

b) Mulla Abdul Qayyum

c) Aghoranath Chatopadhyaya

d) None of the Above

a) Ithehadul Muslemeen

4) Jagatguru shankaracharya identified Aghoranath’s Knowledge and given title of ___________ ?

a) Vidhyanatra

b) Vidyaratna

c) Vidwanta

d) None of the Above

b) Vidyaratna

5) Who wrote poem in Sanskrit praising the rule of British Queen in 19th Century ?

a) Vedanta Deshikacharya

b) Vedavidyanam

c) Both (a) & (b)

d) None of the Above

a) Vedanta Deshikacharya

6) Swadeshi movement was started by Bala Gangadhar Tilak in ?

a) Maharastra

b) Hyderabad

c) Warangal

d) Mysore

a) Maharastra

7) Mahbub-Ali-Khan died in the year ____________ ?

a) 1915

b) 1965

c) 1911

d) 1952

c) 1911

8) In India, famous Ali brothers, Shaukat Ali and Mohammad Ali started which of the following movement ?

a) Khilafat

b) Quit India

c) Satyagraha

d) None of the Above

a) Khilafat

9) In which war, Turks were defeated which made Muslims in India to develop negative attitude against the Britishers.?

a) Balkan war

b) First world war

c) Second World war

d) None of the Above

a) Balkan war

10) During March and April, 1920, many meetings were organized on the eve of _____________ Day ?

a) Khilafat day

b) Cargon day

c) Quit day

d) None of the day

a) Khilafat day

11) The First meeting of this ‘Jana Kendrm’ held in _______________ on 1st April, 1924 ?

a) Hyderabad

b) Bhojpur

c) Hanumakonda

d) None of the Above

c) Hanumakonda

12) The First meeting of Andhra Maha Sabha was held on March 3rd, 4th, 5th of 1930 in Jogipeta of ______________ District ?

a) Warangal

b) Medak

c) Khammam

d) Nalgonda

b) Medak

13) The Mulki Movement which was started in _________________ A.D ?

a) 1857

b) 1886

c) 1856

d) 1892

a) 1857

14) During the period of Nizam VI, who was the prime minister ?

a) Maharaja Kishan pershad

b) Narayana Reddy

c) Narasimha Rao

d) None of the Above

a) Maharaja Kishan pershad

15) In which year Konda Venkata Reddy and Abdullah Pasha were elected to the Hyderabad State Assembly ?

a) 1965  

b) 1936  

c) 1966  

d) 1933  

b) 1936

16) The comrades association started in Hyderabad in ______________ year, under the president ship of Kasinath Rao Vaidya ?

a) February 1950

b) December 1931

c) November 1942

d) December 1939

d) December 1939<

17) Seventh Andhra Maha Sabha was held in April 1940 at Malkapuram in _________________ District ?

a) Adilabad

b) Khammam

c) Warangal

d) None of the Above

c) Warangal

18) In which Maha sabha held at Bhongir was completely dominated by communists ?

a) Eleventh, May 27th to 29th 1944

b) Fifth, May 27th to 29th 1943

c) Tenth, May 27th to 29th 1942

d) Second, May 27th to 29th 1941

a) Eleventh, May 27th-29th 1944 

19) In 1891, Arya Samaj branch was started in Dharur village of Bhid District in ?

a) Mysore

b) Hyderabad

c) Karnataka

d) None of the Above

b) Hyderabad

20) Swami Dayananda saraswati founded the Arya samaj organization in ?

a) 1855

b) 1875

c) 1872

d) 1822

b) 1875

21) The central representative assembly of Arya Samaj formed in 1932 under the guidance of ?

a) Jawaharlal Nehru

b) mahatma Gandhi

c) Mahatma Narayan Swamy

d) None of the Above

c) Mahatma Narayan Swamy

22) In the year 1935, Arya Samaj mandirs and Havana Kundalas were destroyed in ?

a) Bidar

b) Hanumakona

c) Bijapur

d) None of te Above

a) Bidar

23) Who was the president for this Fifth Arya Samaj meeting was held in the year 1946 at Warangal ?

a) Pandit Vinayak Rao

b) Narasimha Rao

c) Ram Mohan Rao

d) None of the Above

a) Pandit Vinayak Rao

24) After the decline of kakatiya Kingdom, Telangana region was the under the ruler of ?

a) Qutub Shahis

b) Asaf jahis

c) Both (a) & (b)

d) None of the Above

c) Both (a) & (b)

25) Who was the important person, started anti-untouchable movement in 1906 ?

a) Arige Ramaswamy

b) Bhagya Reddy Verma

c) B.S.Venkatrao

d) None of the Above

b) Bhagya Reddy Verma

26)  Who was the Editor of  ‘Golconda’ Paper ?

a) Suravaram Prata Reddy

b) Prata Reddy

c) Suravaram Shanker Reddy

d) None of the Above

a) Suravaram Prata Reddy

27) Sirivancha camp was established in which district under the Supervision of Sriramulu ?

a) Karimnagar

b) Warangal

c) Khammam

d) Hyderabad

a) Karimnagar

28) Indian National flag which was personally handed over by pandhit Jawaharlal Nehru to Swamiji was hoisted on_____________ ?

a) 26th January, 1947

b) 15th August, 1947

c) 15th August, 1948

d) 26th January, 1945

b) 15th August, 1947

29) Who founded the Hyderabad state congress in September 1938 ?

a) Swami Ramananda Tirtha

b) Ramananda Tirtha

c) Congress

d) None of the Above

a) Swami Ramananda Tirtha

30) Fourth Maha Sabha was held in December 1935 at _____________ ?

a) Ghanpur

b) Hanumakonda

c) Gajwal

d) Sirisilla

d) Sirisilla

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