Fix Webpack Build Failed Error: Step-by-Step Guide for Next.js & Babel Issues

Struggling with build failed because of webpack errors? Webpack issues can arise from various factors, including module resolution problems, incorrect configurations, and package incompatibilities. This guide will help you troubleshoot and resolve common webpack errors efficiently.

How to Fix Build Failed Because of Webpack Errors
How to Fix Build Failed Because of Webpack Errors

1. Review the Error Message

Start by carefully reading the error message in your terminal or console. Webpack typically provides detailed information about what went wrong. Look for specific keywords like “Module not found,” “Syntax error,” or “Unexpected token.”

A common error seen in Next.js applications is:

Error: [BABEL] You gave us a visitor for the node type TSSatisfiesExpression but it's not a valid type

This is often due to an issue with @babel/plugin-transform-typescript.

2. Check for Module Resolution Issues

One of the most common webpack errors occurs when a module is missing or improperly imported. To fix this:

  • Verify that the module exists in node_modules by running npm list <module_name> or yarn list <module_name>.
  • Ensure the import statements match the exact filename, including case sensitivity (important on Linux systems).
  • If a module is missing, reinstall dependencies with npm install or yarn install.

3. Verify Dependencies and Versions

Incompatible package versions can cause webpack to fail. Try these steps:

  • Check for dependency mismatches using npm outdated or yarn outdated.
  • Ensure you are using the correct version of loaders and plugins that match your webpack version.
  • A common fix for Next.js builds is to manually specify the Babel plugin version in package.json:
"devDependencies": {    
  "@babel/plugin-transform-typescript": "7.19.3"
"resolutions": {   
  "@babel/plugin-transform-typescript": "7.19.3"

After making these changes, run npm install or yarn install again.

4. Inspect Webpack Configuration

If you have a custom webpack configuration, errors may stem from incorrect settings.

  • Check for typos or missing plugins/loaders.
  • If you’re using Next.js, ensure that your next.config.js file doesn’t return an undefined webpack configuration.
  • If your build is failing due to CSS minimization issues, try disabling it temporarily:
webpack: (config) => {
  config.optimization.minimize = false;
  return config;

This is only a temporary fix; investigate the root cause of the CSS-related issue.

5. Handle CSS and Asset Errors

Sometimes, webpack errors occur due to CSS or asset file issues.

  • If you see errors like CssSyntaxError: Unknown word, check your CSS files for unexpected characters.
  • Disable CSS minimization temporarily to debug CSS-related issues.

6. Upgrade to Webpack 5

If you’re using an outdated webpack version, consider upgrading to Webpack 5, which has improved performance and better error handling. Run:

npm install webpack@latest

And update any loaders or plugins that require compatibility adjustments.

7. Run Local Builds

Before deploying, try running the build locally using the same environment as your production server. Use:

npm run build

This helps identify discrepancies between development and production builds.

8. Try Alternative Fixes

Some users have reported success with the following additional fixes:

  • Delete node_modules and package-lock.json (or yarn.lock) and reinstall dependencies using:
rm -rf node_modules package-lock.json && npm install
  • Use the --legacy-peer-deps flag when installing dependencies:
npm i --save --legacy-peer-deps
  • Reorganize file paths: Installing dependencies in a higher-level directory and structuring project files differently may help.


Webpack errors can be frustrating, but by systematically checking module paths, dependencies, configurations, and upgrading outdated packages, you can resolve most issues efficiently. Follow these steps, and your build should be up and running in no time!

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