
Ed in Street Fighter 6: Everything You Need to Know About the New Fighter

Street Fighter 6, since its launch in June, has been a game-changer in the fighting game community. With a roster of 18 diverse fighters and an abundance of single-player content, it has kept players engaged and wanting more. The game’s post-launch content plan, reminiscent of the successful strategy employed with Street Fighter V, continues to add new dimensions to the game.

Image credit: CAPCOM Co., Ltd

The latest addition to this plan is Ed, a character first introduced in Street Fighter IV as a non-playable character and later added to the roster in Street Fighter V’s second DLC wave.

Ed: Street Fighter 6

Ed, a character with a unique backstory, was raised by the notorious organization Shadaloo as a potential replacement body for M. Bison. This upbringing has endowed him with the ability to wield Psycho Power, a skill he uses to devastating effect in Street Fighter 6.

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Trained by Balrog, Ed’s fighting style is a blend of boxing and Psycho Power. He is adept at both close and far-range attacks, but his strength lies in his mid-range combat. His medium kick, for instance, triggers a low-to-high mid-range punch combo that requires quick reflexes from opponents to block.

Special Moves and Techniques

Ed’s special moves include a charging uppercut and a Psycho Power projectile, similar to Luke’s fireball. However, his mid-range attacks are where he truly shines. For example, a charged attack can lift his opponent into the air, setting them up for a combo. Charging his heavy punch allows him to execute a Superman Punch that passes through the opponent, leaving them vulnerable to further attacks.

Image credit: CAPCOM Co., Ltd

His Super Arts are equally formidable. They include a rapid-fire punch attack, a slow-moving, multi-hit projectile, and a cinematic Critical Art that ensnares the opponent with ropes of Psycho Power, allowing Ed to unleash a barrage of punches.

Speed and Strategy

Ed’s speed allows him to dart in and out of combat, making him a difficult opponent to pin down. His high skill ceiling means that mastering his moves can lead to devastating combos, especially when cornering an opponent.

Joining the Fight

Ed is set to join the Street Fighter 6 roster on February 27 as part of the Year 1 Character Pass, which also includes Rashid, AKI, and the upcoming Akuma. For more insights and updates on Street Fighter 6, stay tuned to our coverage.

This deep dive into Ed’s gameplay in Street Fighter 6 offers a glimpse into the strategic depth and variety that the game offers. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the franchise, there’s always something new to learn and master. Stay tuned for more updates on Street Fighter 6 and happy gaming!

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