The Prophecy Dungeon in Destiny 2, widely regarded as the best dungeon in the game, offers a challenging yet enjoyable experience for players. Available for free to all players, it has become a staple in many players’ weekly activities due to its unique gear and loot drops.

All Loot Pool in Prophecy Destiny 2
Players love The Prophecy Dungeon because it offers exclusive gear and loot. You can only find the unique weapons and armor in The Prophecy, which makes it a favorite spot for players to farm. The loot table for The Prophecy became even more attractive after Update 7.3.5, which expanded and improved it.
Here’s what you can find in The Prophecy:
- 1st Encounter – Phalanx Echo: Relentless Strand Pulse Rifle, Adjudicator Kinetic Submachine Gun, Moonfang-X7 Helm, Moonfang-X7 Arms, Trials of the Nine Chest Armor, Moonfang-X7 Class Item
- 2nd Encounter – The Cube: A Sudden Death Void Shotgun, Darkest Before Solar Pulse Rifle, Trials of the Nine Helm, Moonfang X-7 Helm, Moonfang X-7 Class Item, Trials of the Nine Class Item
- 3rd Encounter – Kell Echo: Judgment Stasis Hand Cannon, Trials of the Nine Leg Armor, Moonfang-X7 Leg Armor, Trials of the Nine Class Item, Moonfang X-7 Class Item
- Emissary Chest: Prosecutor Arc Auto Rifle, Trials of the Nine Arms, Moonfang X-7 Arms, Moonfang-X7 Chest Armor, Moonfang X-7 Chest Armor

Changes in Update 7.3.5
Update 7.3.5 made significant changes to the weapon loot pool in Prophecy. It replaced three weapons and updated the remaining ones with new perks and, in some cases, new archetypes/elements. All final weapons also got a new Origin Trait: Crossing Over.
Here are the changes:
- Removed: A Swift Verdict Sidearm, The Long Walk Sniper Rifle, The Last Breath Auto Rifle
- Added: Prosecutor Auto Rifle (Precision Frame, Arc), Adjudicator Submachine Gun (Precision Frame, Kinetic), Relentless Pulse Rifle (High-impact Frame, Damage changed from Kinetic to Strand)
- Updated: Judgment (Damage changed from Kinetic to Stasis), Darkest Before (Damage changed from Arc to Solar), A Sudden Death (Damage changed from Arc to Void)
Farming the Prophecy Dungeon
The Prophecy Dungeon can be farmed for unlimited loot. All you need is a committed Fireteam and a couple of hours ahead of you. You can run this dungeon as many times as you want on any given week. Here’s how you can farm the Prophecy Dungeon:
- Go through the dungeon on your first character until you reach the encounter you want to farm.
- Start the encounter and wipe (i.e., die without beating it).
- Ask your Fireteam to wait. Change characters and log into a character that hasn’t run the dungeon that week.
- On that second character, join your Fireteam again.
- Wipe again. Now your second character has the proper checkpoint.
You can now farm that encounter ad nauseam until reset! To continue farming, you need to:
- Launch the dungeon using your second character (the one that is holding the checkpoint).
- Change characters and rejoin your Fireteam on your first character.
- Complete the encounter for loot.
- Exit the dungeon, switch characters again, and repeat Step 1.
Destiny 2 Prophecy Weapons and Rolls
The Prophecy Dungeon offers six Legendary weapons, all reissued from Trials of the Nine. These weapons stand out not only for their good stats but also for their unique Perks and an exclusive Origin trait: Crossing Over.
Let’s look at some of these weapons and their recommended rolls:
- Judgment: This is a Stasis Hand Cannon. For PvE, we recommend it with Demolitionist and Timed Payload.
- A Sudden Death: This Void Shotgun is excellent in PvP with Threat Detector and Elemental Capacitor.
- Darkest Before: This Solar Pulse Rifle works great for PvE with Surplus and Rampage.
These weapons, along with others in the Prophecy Dungeon, give players a wide range of options. Players can choose based on their preferred playstyle and the specific requirements of different encounters within the dungeon. This makes the Prophecy Dungeon not just a fun and challenging activity, but also a great source of powerful and versatile weapons.
The Prophecy Dungeon in Destiny 2 offers a unique and challenging experience for players. With its exclusive loot and the ability to farm encounters, it’s no wonder that it has become a favorite among players. Whether you’re looking forward to farming more top-tier loot from Destiny 2’s endgame activities or just enjoying the challenge, The Prophecy Dungeon is sure to provide an exciting adventure.