Db2 Error Codes Explained: A Guide for Developers and Administrators

IBM Db2 is a powerful relational database management system widely used in enterprise environments. Db2 returns an SQLCODE and an SQLSTATE to indicate the outcome of SQL statement execution. Developers and database administrators use these codes to identify and address issues effectively.

Db2 Error Codes
Db2 Error Codes

What Are Db2 Error Codes?

Db2 uses SQLCODE to indicate if an SQL operation succeeds, encounters warnings, or fails due to an error:

  • Positive SQLCODE: Successful execution with warnings.
  • SQLCODE = 0: Successful execution without any issues.
  • Negative SQLCODE: Unsuccessful execution (error).
  • SQLSTATE: A five-character alphanumeric code that provides additional information about the error.

Common Db2 Error Codes

Below, we explain some of the most frequently encountered Db2 error codes.

1. SQLCODE -007:

  • Description: The SQL statement contains an illegal character.
  • Solution: Review the statement for syntax errors or unsupported characters.

2. SQLCODE -010:

  • Description: A string constant is not terminated properly.
  • Solution: Ensure all string constants have matching opening and closing quotes.

3. SQLCODE -029:

  • Description: The SQL statement is missing a required INTO clause.
  • Solution: Add the INTO clause to the SELECT statement.

4. SQLCODE -104:

  • Description: The SQL statement contains an illegal symbol.
  • Solution: Verify the syntax and remove or replace the invalid symbol.

5. SQLCODE -117:

  • Description: The number of values assigned does not match the number of specified or implied columns.
  • Solution: Ensure the number of values in the INSERT or UPDATE statement matches the table definition.

6. SQLCODE -180:

  • Description: The date, time, or timestamp value is invalid.
  • Solution: Correct the invalid date, time, or timestamp format.

7. SQLCODE -204:

  • Description: The specified name is an undefined name.
  • Solution: Check that the table, view, or column exists and is spelled correctly.

8. SQLCODE -305:

  • Description: A null value was found where it is not allowed.
  • Solution: Ensure that the column allows null values or provide a default value.

9. SQLCODE -407:

  • Description: An update or insert value is null, but the object column cannot contain null values.
  • Solution: Provide a non-null value for the column.

10. SQLCODE -803:

  • Description: An insert or update operation attempted to insert a duplicate key.
  • Solution: Check for duplicate values and ensure unique constraints are not violated.

11. SQLCODE -904:

  • Description: The resource required for execution is unavailable.
  • Solution: Verify that the required resource (e.g., tablespace) is available and operational.

12. SQLCODE -911:

  • Description: The current unit of work has been rolled back due to a deadlock or timeout.
  • Solution: Identify and resolve deadlock issues or adjust timeout settings.

How to Handle Db2 Error Codes

Follow these best practices to handle Db2 error codes effectively:

  1. Error Logging: Implement error logging in your application to capture SQLCODE and SQLSTATE values for debugging and monitoring.
  2. Graceful Error Handling: Use try-catch blocks or equivalent mechanisms to handle errors gracefully and provide meaningful feedback to users.
  3. Documentation Reference: Keep the official IBM Db2 error code documentation handy for quick troubleshooting.
  4. Testing and Validation: Test SQL statements thoroughly in development environments to identify and resolve potential issues before deployment.
  5. Monitoring Tools: Leverage monitoring tools to track database performance and detect recurring errors.


Developers and database administrators find Db2 error codes invaluable for diagnosing and resolving issues. Understanding these codes and implementing effective error-handling mechanisms can significantly improve database performance and reliability. For a detailed list of error codes and their descriptions, refer to the IBM Db2 documentation.

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