Who Can Donate Blood ?

Who Can Donate Blood


Donate Blood – Save Life

Who Can Donate Blood: Person with age 17 years  and above with good health condition can donate blood

 A + ( A Positive Blood Group)

If your blood group is A+ then you can give your blood to those people who have their blood group of A+, AB+. So additionally, you can get  blood from A+, A-, O+, O- blood group people.

  B+ ( B positive Blood Group)

In case your blood group is B+ then you can give your blood to those people who have their blood group B+, AB+. Likewise, you can get the blood from B+, B-, O+ and O-blood groups people.

 O+ ( O Positive Blood Group)

If your blood group up is O+ then you can give your blood to those people who have their blood group O+, A+, B+, AB+. So additionally, you can get/recognize the blood from O+, O- blood group people.

 AB+ (AB positive blood gathering)

If your blood group is AB+ then you can give your blood to those people who have their blood group AB+,  are outstandingly most lucky people. They can get of the blood from everyone, from all sorts of blood group persons whether it is A or B, AB, O or negative or positive doesn’t have any kind of effect.

 A-( A Negative Blood Group)

If your blood group is A- then you can give your blood to those people who have their blood group A+, A-, AB+ and AB-. You can get the blood from A-, and O-blood groups people.

  B-( B negative Blood Group)

In case your blood group is A+ then you can give your blood to those people who have their blood  group  B+, B-, O+, O-. So likewise, you can get the blood from B-, and O-blood groups people.

 O-( O Negative Blood Group)

O negative blood group persons are known as the general blood promoters. If your blood group is o negative then you can give your blood to everyone. In any case, if you need, can get the blood from just O – group people.

 AB negative blood  

If your blood group is AB-then you can give your blood to those people who have their blood group AB+, AB-. So additionally, you can get  the blood from AB+, A-, B-and O-blood group people.

 Pictorial Explanation 

Donor With A+ Blood Group 

Who Can Donate Blood

A+ Blood donor can donate to A+ and AB+ blood group persons 


Donor With A – Blood Group 

Who Can Donate Blood

A- Blood donor can donate to A+, AB+, A- and  AB- blood group persons

Donor With B + Blood Group 

Who Can Donate Blood

B+ Blood donor can donate to B+ and AB+ blood group persons

Donor With B + Blood Group 

Who Can Donate Blood

B+ Blood donor can donate to B+, AB+, B- and AB- blood group persons

Donor With O + Blood Group 

Who Can Donate Blood

O+ Blood donor can donate to O+, A+, B+ and AB+ blood group persons

Donor With O – Blood Group 

Who Can Donate Blood

O- Blood donor can donate to all blood group persons

Donor With AB+ Blood Group 

Who Can Donate Blood

AB+ Blood donor can donate to AB+ blood group persons

Donor With AB- Blood Group 

Who Can Donate Blood

AB- Blood donor can donate to AB+ and AB- blood group persons


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Who Can Donate Blood

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