Best Recommended for Competitive Exams
1. Oxford English Grammar 1st Edition
2. English Grammar & Composition Revised Edition 1st Edition (Wren and Martin)
3. English Grammar & Composition (S. C. Gupta)
General Essay
1. Selected Contemporary Essays Paperback – by
2. ESSAYS for Civil Services and Other Competitive Examinations – by Pulkit Khare
History, Culture and Geography
1. History Of Modern India – Bipan Chandra (History)
2. India’s Struggle For Independence – Bipan Chandra (History)
3. India’s Ancient Past – R.S. Sharma. (History)
4. History Of Medieval India – Satish Chandra. (History)
5. India After Gandhi – Ramchandra Guha (History)
6. The Wonder That Was India – A.L. Bhasham (Culture)
7. Geography of India – Majid Husain (Geography)
8. Telangana Regional Geography by
9. Telangana History-Culture [ English Medium ] by
10. Oxford School Atlas – Oxford (Geography)
Indian Society, Constitution and Governance
1. Social Problems In India – Ram Ahuja (Indian Society)
2. Indian Polity – M. Laxmikanth. (Polity)
3. Governance in India. (Governance)
Economy and Development
1. Indian Economy – Ramesh Singh. (Economy)
4. Environmental Studies: From Crisis to Cure – Rajagopalan. (Environment)
5. Environment Studies – Khuller. (Environment)
Science & Technology and Data Interpretation
1. Science and Technology in India – TMH. (Science and Technology)
2. Analytical Reasoning – M. K. Pandey
3. Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning – R. S.Aggarwal
Other Books
1. NCERT Books Set (Set of 27 books or 40 books)
2. India Year Book (Current Affairs)
3. Manorama Yearbook. (Current Affairs)
Recommended Books for GK/GS
2. Arihant – General Knowledge 2019
3. Lucent’s General Knowledge (Objective)
6. Arihant- General Studies, 14000+ Objective Questions
Recommended Books For GK/GS (Telugu Medium)
2. General Science by Vijetha Competition
3. GK by Hitech
Recommended Books for Quantitative and Aptitude
1. Quantitative Aptitude(Fully Sloved) – S.Chand
2. Quantitative Aptitude – R S Aggarwal
3. Verbal and Reasoning – R S Aggarwal
4. Logical Reasoning – R S Aggarwal
5. Verbal and Reasoning – Arihant
Recommended Books For Indian Polity
2. The Constitution of India – P M Bakshi
3. Indian Polity – UPSC portal
4. Indian Polity (Telugu) – LaxmiKanth
Recommended Books for Telangana History and AP History
Recommended Books for 
Indian Economy
1. Indian Economy – Ramesh Singh
2. Indian Economy for civils exams – Ramesh Singh
Books for Geography
2. Human Geography – Majid Husain
3. Geography of India – Majid Husain
4. India and World Geography – Majid Husian
Recommended Books for RPF SI and Constable
Books for RRB ALP Exam
1. Assistant Loco Pilot – Arihant
Book for TS Police SI and Constable
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