Automating Log Cleanup for GBase 8a MPP Clusters: A Step-by-Step Guide Using Shell Script and Crontab

Efficient log management is crucial for maintaining the stability and performance of GBase 8a MPP Clusters. Over time, system logs can accumulate, consuming significant storage space and potentially impacting system operations. Implementing an automated log cleanup process ensures optimal storage utilization and simplifies maintenance tasks. This article gives a method to set up automatic log cleanup using a shell script and crontab.

Automated Log Cleanup for GBase 8a
Automated Log Cleanup for GBase 8a

1. Developing the Cleanup Script

The first step involves creating a shell script,, which defines the maximum allowable log file size (ceiling) and specifies the log files to monitor. The script checks each log file’s size and clears its contents if it exceeds the defined threshold. Additionally, it removes loader log directories older than a day.

Below is a sample script:


# Load environment variables
if [ -f /home/gbase/.gbase_profile ]; then
    . /home/gbase/.gbase_profile
    echo "Error: Environment profile not found."
    exit 1

# Default maximum log file size (10GB)

# Set ceiling value from command-line argument or use default

# Define log file for script actions

# Function to log messages
log_message() {
    echo "$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') - $1" >> "$script_log"

# Function to clear log if it exceeds the ceiling
clear_log_if_exceeds() {
    local log_file=$1
    if [ -f "$log_file" ]; then
        local size=$(stat -c %s "$log_file")
        if [ "$size" -gt "$ceiling" ]; then
            : > "$log_file"
            if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
                log_message "Cleared $log_file (size: $size bytes)"
                log_message "Failed to clear $log_file"
        log_message "Log file $log_file does not exist."

# Define log file paths

# Clear specific logs
clear_log_if_exceeds "$gc_log_home/express.log"
clear_log_if_exceeds "$gn_log_home/express.log"
clear_log_if_exceeds "$gc_log_home/system.log"
clear_log_if_exceeds "$gn_log_home/system.log"
clear_log_if_exceeds "$gcware_home/gcware.log"

# Remove loader log directories older than a day
if [ -d "$loader_log_home" ]; then
    find "$loader_log_home" -type d -mtime +0 -exec rm -rf {} + 2>/dev/null
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
        log_message "Removed loader log directories older than a day in $loader_log_home."
        log_message "Failed to remove some loader log directories in $loader_log_home."
    log_message "Loader log directory $loader_log_home does not exist."

2. Setting Script Permissions

Ensure the script is executable by the gbase user:

chmod +x /opt/gbasetools/

3. Scheduling the Script with crontab

To automate the execution of the cleanup script, configure crontab to run it at a desired interval. For instance, to execute it at midnight on the first day of each month:

  1. Edit the crontab for the gbase user:
   crontab -e
  1. Add the following line to schedule the script:
   0 0 1 * * /opt/gbasetools/
  1. Save and exit the editor.

4. Verifying the crontab Configuration

To confirm the scheduled task:

crontab -l

This setup will help maintain log sizes within acceptable limits, ensuring smoother operations for your GBase 8a MPP Cluster.

Note: Adjust the ceiling value and script paths as needed to fit your specific environment.

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