APRCET Recruitment 2018 | Last Date: 25/7/2018

APRCET Recruitment 2018


Andhra Pradesh Research Common Entrance Test 2018


Applications invited for Andhra Pradesh Research Common Entrance Test 2018(Aprcet recruitment 2018)

Start date of application: 04/07/2018 

Close date of application: 25/07/2018

Total Vacancies available: 696

1) Brief Information of APRCET 2018

Andhra University has released notification  to conduct Andhra Pradesh Research Common Entrance Test (APRCET) 2018 through AP State Council of Higher Education (APSCHE) for the Admissions into Ph.D & M.Phil programmes for both full-time & part-time candidates in 14 Universities in the state.

Candidates can apply on or before the close date of application.

2) Application Fee for APRCET 2018


For OC,OBC,BC: Rs 1400/-

For SC,ST,PWD: Rs 1000/-


3) Important Dates For APRCET 2018

Starting Date to Apply Online: 04-07-2018  

Last Date to Apply Online: 25-07-2018

Last Date with Late fee: Rs.2000/- (03-08-2018)

Last Date with Late fee: Rs.5000/- (10-08-2018)

Date of downloading Hall Tickets: 14-08-2018 to 17-08-2018

Date of Exam: 22-08-2018 to 28-08-2018

Date of Declaration of Result: Sept 2018

4) Qualification For APRCET 2018

Post Graduation, M.Phil/Ph.D(Relevant Disciplines)


5) Vacancy Details And Universities For APRCET 2018


AP State Council of Higher Education (APSCHE), admission into Ph.D & M.Phil programmes for both full-time & part-time candidates in 14 Universities in the state.

Candidates can check the details by using the university official site links mentioned below.

University List

S.NoName Of The UniversityUniversity Websites
1Acharya Nagarjuna University, Gunturwww.nagarjunauniversity.ac.in
2Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Srikakulam www.brau.edu.in
3Vikrama Simhapuri University, Nellore www.simhapuriuniv.ac.in
4Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapuramu skuniversity.ac.in
5Andhra University, Visakhapatnam www.andhrauniversity.edu.in.
6Dravidian University, Kuppam www.dravidianuniversity.ac.in
7JNTU, Anantapuramu www.jntua.ac.in
8JNTU, Kakinada www.jntuk.edu.in
9Krishna University, Machilipatnam www.krishnauniversity.ac.in
10Rayalaseema University, Kurnool www.ruk.ac.in
11Sri Padmavathi Mahila Visvavidyalayam, Tirupati www.spmvv.ac.in
12Sri Venkateswara University,Tirupati www.svuniversity.edu.in
13Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa www.yogivemanauniversity.ac.in
14Adikavi Nannaya University, Rajamahendravaram www.nannayauniversity.info


6) Eligibility Criteria For APRCET 2018

Full Time Course

1. Candidates for admission to M.Phil./Ph.D. programme should have a Master’s degree or a professional degree or its equivalent with at least 55% marks in aggregate

2. Relaxation of 5% of marks, from 55% to 50%  for those belonging to SC/ST/BC/PWD and other categories of candidates as per the decision of the University Grants Commission.

Part Time Course

Candidate satisfying the eligibility conditions noted for Full time (F.T) can be admitted as Part-time candidate through entrance test

Admission into Part-time category will be made on the basis of service seniority in the respective categories.

1. Regular Faculty working in the University or the P.G. Centers.

2. (a) Faculty working in Post graduate and Professional colleges having completed at least two years of service.

Note: It is not applicable to Faculty teaching Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Humanities in professional colleges or Faculty/Librarians/Asst. Librarians working in affiliated degree colleges or Faculty working in Polytechnic/Government 

3. Technical employees working in research institutes having completed at least five years of service.

Test Subject and Eligibility Criteria for Aprcet recruitment 2018
S.NoSubjects in which test is conductedEligibility Criteria
1Adult Education Adult and Continuing Education
2Anthropology Anthropology
3Archaeology Archaeology
4Buddhist Jaina Gandhian and Peace StudiesBuddhism /any other allied areas
6Comparative Dravidian Literature Kannada, Telugu, Tamil/any other allied areas
7EconomicsEconomics /Applied Economics/Econometrics
8Education Education/Special Education
10Fine Arts(Visual Arts)Fine Arts/any other allied areas
11Folk LiteratureFolk Literature
14International and Area Studies Area Studies/any other allied areas
15Journalism and Mass CommunicationJournalism and Mass Communication
16Kannada Kannada
Labour Welfare & Human Resource
HRM, IRPM, Labour Welfare
19Library & Information Science Library Sciences
21ManagementManagement, Business administration/any other allied areas
22Music Music
23Performing Arts – Dance & Drama TheatreDance, Drama, Theatre of Arts
24Philosophy Philosophy
25Physical EducationPhysical Education/Sports Science
26Political SciencePolitical Science
27Population Studies
Population Studies, Geography (with specialisation population
Studies) or Mathematics/Statistics (with demography
28Psychology Psychology
29Public AdministrationPublic Administration
30Research in Dr. Ambedkar Chair
Sociology and
Social work, Legal Studies, History, Economics,
Political Sciences, English, Rural Development, Education,
Human Resource Management, Journalism and Mass
31Rural Development Rural Development
33Social Work Social Work
34Sociology Sociology
36Telugu Telugu
37Tourism Administration & ManagementTourism Administration & Management/any other allied areas
38Tulu Tulu
39Woman Studies Humanities (Including literature) & Social Science
41Applied Life Sciences
Bio technology, Micro biology, Bio chemistry, Human
genetics, Virology any other allied areas
42Botany and Plant Sciences
Botany, plant sciences/Horticulture and landscape
management/Agriculture bio technology and any other allied
43Chemical Sciences Chemistry with any specialization or its allied areas
44Computer Science And ApplicationComputer Application/Computer Science
45Electronics and InstrumentationElectronics/Instrumentation
46Environmental Sciences Environmental Sciences/any other allied areas
47Geography Geography
Geology/Applied geology/Marine geology/Earth
Sciences/any other allied areas
Geo Physics/Hydrology, Marine geo Sciences, Applied geo
physics, Marine geo physics, Mineral exploration and other
allied areas
50Home ScienceHome Science, Food Nutrition
51Material Science & NanotechnologyMaterial Science & Nanotechnology any other allied areas
52MathematicsMathematics/Applied mathematics/Engineering mathematics
Meteorology/Space Technology/Atmospheric Sciences
Meteorology/Space Technology / Atmospheric Sciences any
other allied areas
54Ocean SciencesPhysical oceanography/Ocean science any other allied areas
55Physical Sciences Physics/Nuclear Physics any other allied areas
Statistics/SQC and OR Applied Statistics/Statistics with
computer science any other allied areas
58Zoology and Animal Sciences
Zoology/Marine living resource/Fisheries/Aqua culture and
any other allied areas
59Architecture And Planning
Architecture and Planning with any specialization/any other
allied areas
60Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering with any specialization/Any other allied
61Chemical Engineering
Chemical Engineering with any specialization/Any other
allied areas
Computer Science and Engineering,
Information Technology
Computer Science And Engineering with any specialization/
Information Technology/Any other allied areas
63Electrical EngineeringElectrical Engineering with any specialization
64Electronics & Communication Engineering
Electronics & Communication Engineering with any
specialization/Any other allied areas
65Food Technology
Food Technology with any specialization/Any other allied
66Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering with any specialization/Aircraft
Engineering/Automobile Engineering/Production
Engineering/Industrial/ Any other allied areas
67Metallurgical Engineering
Metallurgical Engineering with any specialization/Any other
allied areas
Naval Architecture and Marine
Naval Architecture/Marine Engineering/with any
specialization/Any other allied areas
69Pharmaceutical Sciences
Pharmaceutical Sciences with any specialization/Any other
allied areas

Google Books Aprcet recruitment 2018

S.NoBook Name Link
1Plant ScienceClick Here
2PathologyClick Here
3EconomicsClick Here
4AgronomyClick Here
Important Links

Official Website : Click Here

Apply Online : Click Here

For More exam pattern and syllabusClick Here


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