Application for Apprentices in Hindustan Aeronautics Limited Nasik 2022

Application for Apprentices in Hindustan Aeronautics Limited Nasik 2022

Apprentices HAL Nasik 2022: Graduates/ Dipmola were invited to apply for a position as an apprentice trainee at Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Nasik Division, for one (1) year, complete information below:


For Engineering graduate apprentices:

♦ Candidates must have graduated in the field of engineering, technology, or nursing. The time between the date of joining for apprentice training and the graduation date cannot exceed three (3) years. (Gap Not More than 3 years).

For technician (diploma) apprentices:

♦ Candidates must hold a diploma in one of the following disciplines or subject areas: engineering, technology, hotel management, or laboratory technology.

Note: The time between the date of joining for apprentice training and the date of qualifying for the diploma cannot exceed three years(Gap Not More than 3 years).


HAL GRADUATE APPRENTICES (Stipend: Rs.9000/- per Month)

Branch NameNo of SeatsQualification
Aeronautical Engineer5Graduates in the respective
branch of Engineering
Computer Engineer7
Civil Engineer4
Electrical Engineer13
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineer (E&TC)15
Mechanical Engineer43
Production Engineer4
Pharmacist3Graduate in Pharmacy
Nursing Assistant5Graduate (B SC) in Nursing

HAL DIPLOMA APPRENTICES (Stipend: Rs.8000/- per Month)

Branch NameNo of SeatsQualification
Aeronautical Engineer3Diploma in Respective branch of Engineering
Civil Engineer4
Computer Engineer6
Electrical Engineer15
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineer (E&TC)12
Mechanical Engineer33
Lab Assistant3Diploma in Medical Lab technology
Hotel Management3Diploma in Hotel Management

How to Apply online for apprentice trainee at Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), Nasik 2022-23

Candidates who are interested and qualified and who meet the requirements should follow the steps below.

STEP 1: Register on the apprenticeship portal at To submit an application, you must first register on this portal.

STEP 2: Submit an application through the HAL Nasik website (Google form) Open the application form by clicking the link provided below:

Link: Google Forms

Complete the application form with the necessary information, then submit it.

Step 3: Attend the physical document verification at HAL Nasik in accordance with the schedule that will be sent to the applicants via email. The 3rd and 4th weeks of August 2022 are the projected dates.

Important Dates

  • Apprenticeship applications open on July 22, 2022.
  • Last date for applications: August 10, 2022.
  • Document verification is from August 16 to August 31, 2022.

Important Instructions while applying HAL:

1. The applicant should confirm that they meet the requirements before applying. The applicant should also make sure that all of the information they provided in the application form is correct. Any time a discrepancy is found during the hiring process or apprenticeship training, or if it is found that the applicant provided inaccurate or false information or omitted any significant facts, his or her application will be rejected.

2. Candidates are only eligible if they have an original or provisional certificate of the above educational qualification.

3. Applicants must enter their NAME exactly as it appears on their SSC certificate.

5. Candidates are urged to enter accurate information in the apprenticeship portal, including their email address, mobile phone number, Aadhaar number, date of birth, category, council, and trade information.

6. Candidates are urged to call the helplines listed in the portal if they have any questions about problems with the web portal.

7. After being shortlisted, candidates must be able to begin their one-year apprenticeship training at HAL-Nasik on the specified start date. It will be assumed that the candidate is uninterested in the apprenticeship if he or she fails to show up on the designated date, and their application will be forfeited.

8. Upon completion of the apprenticeship training period in HAL-Nasik, the apprenticeship will be terminated, and HAL-Nasik will not be obligated to offer the apprentice any employment.

9. Candidates who have completed an apprenticeship, are completing an apprenticeship of a similar nature, or have registered for an apprenticeship in the relevant discipline under the Apprentice Act elsewhere are NOT ELIGIBLE.

10. All original certificates and documents must be presented when registering for an apprenticeship.

12. HAL retains the right to revoke the advertisement and/or the subsequent selection procedure.

13. Before starting training, shortlisted candidates must meet medical requirements. To join as an apprentice trainee, you will need a medical fitness certificate from the Civil Surgeon.

14. The applicant must make his or her own travel and lodging arrangements for the recruitment process and the apprenticeship training period.

Learn More | Apprentices HAL Nasik 2022

Official Website: HAL

Full Notification: HAL INIDA

Link: Latest Job Notification 

Link: Download Telangana Economy PDF

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