Gowthami Putra Satakarni | Great Kings of India

Gowthami Putra Satakarni Great Kings of India

Hala to Pulomavi-3 of Satavhana dynasty. Gowthami Putra Satakarni was one of the greatest kings of satavhana dynasty and the first person to include his mother’s first name with his name.

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Hala, the 17th ruler of satavahana dynasty, Hala was himself a great poet and his “Gathasaptayati” in prakrit was well received by all.

Gunadhya“, the minister of Hala was the author of “Brihatkadha“.
Lilavathi Parinayam“, written by Kuthuhaludu.

According to the evidence of lilavathi parinayam, Hala was married with “Princes of simhala” in Saptagodavari (Draksharamam).

He ruled for a period of  5 years.

Gautamiputra satakarni

The 23rd ruler of this satavahana dynasty, who ascended the throne in AD 62

Their Kingdom made a sharp recovery of the lost territories from the western Kshatrapas in Gautamiputra satakarni regime.

Nasik inscription describes him as the restorer of the glory of the Satavahanas.

This Nasik inscription inscribed by “Gautami balasri“, mother of Gautamiputra satakarni.

According to the evidence of Nasik inscription, Gautamiputra Satakarni was awarded with the names of Agamanitaya, Akabrahmana, Trisamudrathoya pitarhahana, Vamsrama darmodaraka.

Gautamiputra defeated Nahapanudu, ruler of “Kshaharata” and Gautamiputra awarded  with name of “Kshaharata vamsha Niravashekara“.

Nasik inscription was written by Shiva swami and Mahaguptulu.

Gautamiputra also has a name of “Benakataka swami“.

Gautamiputra, shifted capital to “Prathistana puram“.

According to the evidence of “Junagad inscription“, Gautamiputra defeated by “Rudradama”.

Gautami putra was the first person to include mother’s first name with his name.

His kingdom includes the territories of Asika, Assaka, Mulaka, Savrashtra, kukura Aparanta, Anupa, Vidarbha, Akara and Avanti and the mountainous regions of Vindhya, Achavata, Pariyatra, sahya,Kanhagiri, siritana, malaya, mahendra, sata and Chakora.

It is clear that, Gautamiputra’s kingdom covered not only the peninsular India, but also the southern parts of Gujarat,Rajasthan,Madhya pradesh and orissa.

Pulomavi-2 (Vasishtiputra Pulomavi)

Pulamavi-2 son of Gautamiputra’s, the 24th ruler of this dynasty and ruled for 28 year’s.

According to Nasik inscription, he has name of “Dakshana Padeshwara” and also having with name of “Navanagara Swamy

He was the first ruler of satavahana dynasty, who created the Coins with ship stamp.

He was defeated by the ruler of “Kashtra” (shaka).

Yagnasri satakarni

Yagnasri satakarni, the last greatest rule in satavahana dynastyi.

“Harsha Charitra”, written by “Bhanudu“.

According to Harsha Charitra, Yagnasri has a name with “Trisamudradishwarudu” and also with name of “Poosonda Sathan”.

Amaravathi stupa was built by Yagnasri and also “Budda Stupa”.


His the last ruler of the Satavahana dynasty.

Myaka dhoni inscription was printed in the period of Pulomavi-3.

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By Swetha 

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Gowthami Putra Satakarni

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