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An Accenture employee wants to create a meeting summary during a Teams call. How can they do this using generative Al?

Fdaytalk Homework Help: Questions and Answers: An Accenture employee wants to create a meeting summary during a Teams call. How can they do this using generative Al?

An Accenture employee wants to create a meeting summary during a Teams call

a) Type a request into Amethyst
b) Navigate to GitHub depository
c) Use Copilot to get a transcript
d) Use a Viva Engage community.
e) I don’t know this yet


First, we need to understand what the question is asking. It’s about creating a meeting summary during a Teams call using generative AI.

To solve this problem, we need to identify the appropriate tool or method for creating a meeting summary using generative AI during a Teams call.

Understanding given options:

  • Amethyst: Not a commonly known tool related to Microsoft Teams or generative AI.
  • GitHub depository: Typically used for hosting code repositories, not directly related to generating meeting summaries.
  • Copilot: Known as GitHub Copilot, an AI pair programmer. However, if “Copilot” refers to a feature in Microsoft products, it might be relevant.
  • Viva Engage community: Part of Microsoft Viva, which focuses on employee engagement and learning, not directly related to generating meeting summaries.

Since the question is about creating a meeting summary during a Teams call using generative AI, the most plausible option would involve a tool that directly integrates with Microsoft Teams and offers AI capabilities.

Analysis options: Step by step

a) Type a request into Amethyst: This option is unclear as Amethyst is not a widely recognized tool in this context.

b) Navigate to GitHub depository: This option is unrelated to generating meeting summaries. GitHub is primarily for code repositories, not for meeting summaries.

c) Use Copilot to get a transcript: If referring to a feature within the Microsoft ecosystem, this could be the right choice.

d) Use a Viva Engage community: This option does not directly relate to creating a meeting summary. Viva Engage is a social platform for employees, not typically used for real-time meeting summaries.

Final Answer:

Based on the above analysis, the correct answer is:

Correct answer: Use Copilot to get a transcript (Option C)

This option looks suggests using an AI tool integrated with Microsoft Teams that can assist in transcribing and summarizing meeting content.

While option (b) might be considered because even GitHub is primarily known for code repositories and it’s possible that Accenture has set up a specific GitHub repository for AI-powered meeting summaries or transcripts. Some companies do use GitHub for documentation and other non-code purposes, so this isn’t entirely out of the realm of possibility.

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