Study Guide

A researcher is using a generative AI tool to find out about an event that happened two days ago. What is likely to happen?

Fdaytalk Homework Help: Questions and Answers: A researcher is using a generative AI tool to find out about an event that happened two days ago. What is likely to happen?

A researcher is using a generative AI tool to find out about an event that happened two days ago. What is likely to happen?

a) The tool may not know about anything so recent
b) There will be a few responses in a randomized order
c) The tool will produce one very specific summary
d) There may be too many responses to sort through
e) I don’t know this yet


First, let’s understand what generative AI tools are and how they work:

  • They are trained on large datasets of information
  • Their training data typically has a cutoff date
  • They don’t have real-time access to current events or the internet

With this understanding, let’s solve this given question: How generative AI tools typically operate?

Given Options: Step-by-Step Analysis

a) The tool may not know about anything so recent

  • Generative AI tools may not have access to the latest information that happened just two days ago unless they are explicitly designed to have real-time updates or browsing capabilities. Most AI tools have a knowledge cutoff and aren’t updated daily.

b) There will be a few responses in a randomized order

  • While generative AI tools can produce multiple responses, but they are usually based on the available data rather than being randomized.

c) The tool will produce one very specific summary

  • This is less likely because if the event is very recent and the tool has been not updated, it may not produce a specific summary. This might possible if the tool has real-time data access.

d) There may be too many responses to sort through

  • This is also less likely since the tool might not have any information about a very recent event to generate multiple responses.

e) I don’t know this yet

  • We’ll consider this if none of the other options seem correct.

Final Answer

Based on the above analysis, the correct answer is:

a) The tool may not know about anything so recent

Generative AI tools typically require updated training data to know about recent events, the most likely outcome is that the tool may not have information about something that happened just two days ago.

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