RRB Mock Test 8

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RRB Mock Test 8

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1) World war I took place between the years ?
a) 1914 – 1918
b) 1939 – 1945
c) 1915 – 1919
d) 1938 – 1944

2) Which planet is known as evening star and morning star?
a) Mercury
b) Jupiter
c) Mars
d) Venus

3) Full Form of RDX Bomb ?
a) Research and development explosive
b) Rhenium Oxide and Diiodine Tetroxide explosive
c) Ruthenium Selenide and Diiodine Tetroxide explosive
d) Rbidium Telluride and Diiodine Tetroxide explosive

4) Which disease spreads due to water pollution ?
a) Cholera
b) Typhoid
c) Hepatitis
d) Jaundice
e) All

5) Which planet is known as Earth’s twin ?
a) Mercury
b) Jupiter
c) Mars
d) Venus

6) Which planet is known as winter planet ?
a) Mercury
b) Jupiter
c) Mars
d) Venus

7) Third 3rd Buddhist council held in ?
a) Patliputra
b) Kashmir
c) Vaishali
d) Rajgriha

8) Who is the founder of Lodhi dynasty ?
a) Sikander Lodi
b) Ibrahim Lodi
c) Bahlul Khan Lodi
d) None of the above

9) Igneous rocks are ?
a) Harder and Granular
b) Soft and Granular
c) Granular
d) Soft

10) Study of Earth quake is known as ?
a) Seismology
b) Geology
c) Pedology
d) Anthology

11) Boundary lines between Germany and Poland is called ?
a) Durand line
b) Maginot line
c) Hindenburg line
d) 38th Parallel line

12) Which are known as Ferromagnetic substance ?
a) Iron
b) Cobalt
c) Nickel
d) All of the above

13) Which are known as Paramagnetic substance ?
a) Aluminum
b) Platinum
c) Manganese
d) Oxygen
e) All the above
Note: Sodium is also known as Paramagnetic substance

14) Father of Periodic table ?
a) Mendeleev
b) Lavoisier
c) Dobereiner
d) Triads

15) Human kidney weighs approximately of ?
a) 1 – 3 Kgs
b) 10 -100 grams
c) 125 -170 grams
d) exactly 170 grams

16) Stones formed in kidney were of ?
a) Calcium Oxide
b) Calcium Oxalate
c) Calcium Osmium
d) Calcium Oganesson

17) Who is known as Deenbandhu ?
a) C.R.Das
b) Dadabhai Naoroji
c) C.Rajagopalachari
d) C.F. Andrews

18) What are the two satellites of Planet Mars ?
a) Phobes and Demos
b) Phobes and Ganymede
c) Titan and Demos
d) Demos and Ganymede

19) Founder of Nalanda university ?
a) Kumaragupta I
b) Gopala Dharmapala
c) Kumaragupta II
d) Kumaragupta III

20) Symbol of first 1st Tirthankara’s Rishabha is ?
a) Elephants
b) Horse
c) Bull
d) Monkey

21) Who was the last king of Khilji Dynasty ?
a) Ghazi Malik
b) Khusrau Khan
c) Mubarak Khan
d) Ghiyasuddin Khan

22) Author of book Laila Manju ?
a) Amir Khusrau
b) Alberuni
c) Firoz Shah
d) Ziauddin Barani

23) World war II took place between years ?
a) 1914 – 1918
b) 1939 – 1945
c) 1915 – 1919
d) 1938 – 1944

24) What are the Diamagnetic substance ?
a) Bismuth
b) Zinc
c) Copper
d) Silver
e) All the above
Note: Gold, Diamond, water and mercury were also called as Diamagnetic substance

25) What is the main functions of kidney ?
A) Purification of blood plasma
b) Filtration of urine
c) Glucose Sugar removing in blood
d) All the above

26) Who is known as Deshbandhu ?
a) C.R.Das
b) Dadabhai Naoroji
c) C.Rajagopalachari
d) C.F. Andrews

27) What is the full form of U.S.S.R ?
a) Union of Soviet Socialist Reforms
b) Union of Socialist Soviet Republics
c) Union of sovereign Socialist Republics
d) Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

28) Which article in Indian constitution is known as soul of constitution ?
a) Article 30
b) Article 31
c) Article 32
d) Article 33

29) S.I Unit of magnetic induction ?
a) Henry
b) Weber
c) Farad
d) Coulomb

30) In Conversions, 1 Feet is equal to ?
a) 0.8 meter
b) 0.3 meter
c) 0.9 meter
d) 0.7 meter

31) What is the pH value of milk ?
a) 4.5
b) 10.5
c) 12.5
d) 6.5

32) What is the pH value of Urine ?
a) 4.5
b) 10.5
c) 12.5
d) 6.5

33) What is the full form of HTML in computer terminology ?
a) High text markup language
b) Hyper text Markup Language
c) Hyper text Marking Language
d) High texting Markup Language

34) Atomic number of Oxygen ?
a) 6
b) 7
c) 9
d) 8

35) S.I unit of magnetic flux ?
a) Henry
b) Farad
c) Weber
b) Coulomb

36) In Conversions, 1 Pound is equal is to ?
a) 0.4537 kilogram
b) 0.9854 kilogram
c) 0.2565 kilogram
d) 0.1555 kilogram

37) What is the pH value of lemon juice ?
a) 12.5
b) 10.2
c) 2.5
d) 7

38) Whats is the full form OMR ?
a) Optical Marking Reader
b) Optical Marks Reader
c) Optical Mark Reader
d) Optic Marks Reader

39) Which of the following is known as father of aromatic compounds ?
a) Benzene
b) Nitrobenzene
c) Aniline
d) Phenol

40) Which is used as preservative of fruits juices ?
a) Acetic acid
b) Actaldehyde Benzoic acid
c) Formic acid
d) Glucose

41) Which organic acid presents in Wheat ?
a) Benzoid
b) Tartaric acid
c) Acetic acid
d) Glutamic acid

42) At which place famous Bhakra dam is located ?
a) Kangra, Himachal Pradesh
b) Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh
c) Chamba, Himachal Pradesh
d) Dakpathar, Himachal Pradesh

43) Who is known as Indian Einstein ?
a) Nagarjuna
b) Samudragupta
c) Ramanujan
d) Charaka

44) Normal temperature of the human body is of ?
a) 610 K
b) 310 K
c) 410 K
d) 34 K

45) Which organic acid presents in fruit juices ?
a) Oxalic acid
b) Citric acid
c) Acetic acid
d) Formic acid

46) Hanging garden is located at ?
a) Mumbai
b) Hyderabad
c) Kolkata
d) Pune

47) Who is known as father of local self government ?
a) Mahatma Gandhi
b) Nehru
c) Vallabhbhai Patel
d) Lord Ripon

48) Latent heat of vaporization of substance is ?
a) Heat required to convert 1 kg of substance from liquid to vapour state
b) Heat required to convert 1 kg of substance from vapour to liquid state
c) Heat required to convert 10 kg of substance from liquid to vapour state
d) Heat required to convert 10 kg of substance from vapour to liquid state

49) Which device is used to accelerate positively charged ions and particles ?
a) Cyclotron
b) Coolidge tude
c) Cathode ray
d) Cytotron

50) Diamonds were used for ?
a) Rock drilling machines
b) Glass cutting devices
c) Gem cutter
d) All the above

51) By which hormone, seedless fruits were produced ?
a) Cytokinin
b) Ethlene
c) Calin Hormone
d) Auxins Hormone

52) Tobacco mosaic disease is a plant disease which destroys chlorophyll of the leaves is a ?
a) Viral disease
b) Bacterial disease
c) fungal disease
d) None of the above

53) ALU stands for ?
a) Arithmetic and logical unit
b) Arithmetic and level unit
c) Arithmetic and logic unit
d) Arithmetical and logical unit

54) Which short cut key is to used copy ?
a) Control + C
b) Control + V
c) Control + X
d) Control + Z

55) Who is the author of book Mein Kampf ?
a) Adam smith
b) Adolf Hitler
c) Vladimir Nabokov
d) Aristotle

56) Head quarter of international labour organisation ILO ?
a) Paris
b) Geneva
c) London
d) Newyork

57) What is the chemical name of vitamin B6 ?
a) Pyridoxine
b) Biotin
c) Ascorbic acid
d) Calciferol

58) Sucrose converts sucrose into ?
a) Glucose and Fructose
b) Glasctose
c) Maltose
d) Glucose

59) In heart, valves exist in ?
a) Artery
b) Vein
c) Artery and Vein
d) None of the above

60) Who is know as father of Genetics ?
a) Gregor Johann Mendel
b) Antoine Lavoisier
c) Andreas Vesalius
d) None of the above

61) Symbol of 23rd Tirthankara’s Parshvanath ?
a) Lotus
b) Serpent
c) Tortoise
d) Lion

62) Royal emblem of Chola dynasty ?
a) Bow
b) Fish
c) Tiger
d) Pig

63) Who is the author of book Ain-i-Akbari ?
a) Abul Fazl
b) Akbar
c) Fazl Akbari
d) None of the above

64) Who said “Dilli Chalo” ?
a) Mahatma Gandhi
b) Tilak Bal Gangadhar
c) Lala Lajput Rai
d) Subhash Chandra Bose

65) Doctrine of lapse introduced by ?
a) Lord Dalhousie
b) Lord Canning
c) Lord Ripon
d) Lord Bentick

66) Rust of wheat occurs in plants, which is ?
a) Viral disease
b) Fungal disease
c) Bacterial disease
d) None of the above

67) Head quarter of WHO – World Health organization ?
a) Paris
b) Geneva
c) New York
d) Rome

68) What is the chemical Name of Vitamin D ?
a) Pyridoxine
b) Biotin
c) Ascorbic acid
d) Calciferol

69) What is the second largest planet in the solar system ?
a) Saturn
b) Jupiter
c) Mars
d) Earth

70) On which day summer solstice ?
a) June 21
b) December 21
c) June 22
d) December 22

71) On which day winter solstice ?
a) June 21
b) December 21
c) June 22
d) December 22

72) Which gases predominant constitutes the SUN ?
a) Hydrogen
b) Helium
c) Carbon dioxide
d) A and B

73) Which country is called as land of golden fleece ?
a) India
b) USA
c) Australia
d) Pakistan

74) Indian constitution is adopted on ?
a) 26 Nov 1949
b) 26 Nov 1948
c) 26 Nov 1950
d) 26 Nov 1951

75) By which Act Supreme court is established in Calcutta ?
a) Regulating Act of 1773
b) Regulating Act of 1784
c) Regulating Act of 1853
d) Regulating Act of 1892

76) Primary sector of Indian economy ?
a) Industries
b) Agriculture
c) Manufacturing
d) Telecommunication and service

77) Which 5 year plan is known as John W.Miller Model ?
a) 5th Five year plan
b) 6th Five year plan
c) 7th Five year plan
d) 8th Five year plan

78) Head quarter of credit rating agency, MOODY’S located at ?
a) Mumbai
b) Delhi
c) New York
d) Paris

79) Ionic compounds has properties of ?
a) High Melting point
b) High Boiling point
c) High conductivity
d) A and B

80) Examples of Nobel metals ?
a) Gold
b) Platinum
c) sliver
d) Mercury
e) All the above

1) a 2) d 3) a 4) e 5) d 6) b 7) a 8) c 9) a 10) a 11) c 12) d 13) e 14) a 15) c 16) b 17) d 18) a 19) a 20) c 21) b 22) a 23) b 24) e 25) a 26) a 27) d 28) c 29) a 30) b 31) d 32) a 33) b 34) d 35) c 36) a 37) c 38) b 39) a 40) c 41) d 42) b 43) a 44) b 45) c 46) a 47) d 48) a 49) a 50) d 51) d 52) a 53) c 54) b 56) b 57) a 58) a 59) b 60) a 61) b 62) c 63) a 64) d 65) b 66) b 67) b 68) d 69) a 70) a 71) d 72) d 73) c 74) a 75) a 76) b 77) d 78) c 79) d 80) e

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Link 1 – RRB Mock test Practice Papers Download

Link 2 – Banking Awareness Notes 2019

Link 3 – Indian Polity Notes 2019 for Competitive Exams

Link 4 – RRB Results NTPC RRC 01/2019

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