Suzy wrote a computer program to find the total area of multiple rooms of an apartment. Her classmate Amber reviewed her program and suggested that the use of variables will improve it.

Homework Help: Questions and Answers: Suzy wrote a computer program to find the total area of multiple rooms of an apartment. Her classmate Amber reviewed her program and suggested that the use of variables will improve it. Why are variables important when it comes to computers and data?

Suzy wrote a computer program to find the total area of multiple rooms of an apartment. Her classmate Amber reviewed her program and suggested that the use of variables will improve it. Why are variables important when it comes to computers and data?
A. Variables' value does not change during program execution.
B. Variables are better than constants.
C. Variables increase the complexity of the code.
D. Variables make it easier to access memory locations.
E. Variables can be given meaningful names.

A. Variables’ value does not change during program execution.
B. Variables are better than constants.
C. Variables increase the complexity of the code.
D. Variables make it easier to access memory locations.
E. Variables can be given meaningful names.


First, let’s understand what variables are in programming:  Variables are containers for storing data values that can change during program execution.

Given Options: Step by Step Answering

A) Variables’ value does not change during program execution.

  • This statement is incorrect. By definition, the value of a variable can change during the execution of a program, which is why they are called variables. Constants, on the other hand, have fixed values.

B) Variables are better than constants.

  • This is not correct. Whether variables are better or worse than constants depends on the context. Constants are used to represent fixed values, while variables are used for values that change. Each serves a distinct purpose, and saying one is “better” is an oversimplification. .

C) Variables increase the complexity of the code.

  • Variables, when used properly, generally reduce complexity by making code more readable and maintainable. They can help in structuring the program, avoiding hard-coded values, and making future changes easier.

D) Variables make it easier to access memory locations.

  • Variables provide a way to refer to a value in memory, but their primary importance is not about directly accessing memory locations. Instead, they provide an abstraction that makes programming more manageable.
  • This is partially true but doesn’t directly explain why they are useful for Suzy’s context.

E) Variables can be given meaningful names.

  • This statement is correct. Using meaningful variable names helps make the code more readable and easier to understand, which is one of the main benefits of using variables.

Final Answer:

Based on the above analysis, the correct answer is: 

E) Variables can be given meaningful names

This is correct because:

  • Meaningful variable names make code more readable and understandable.
  • In Suzy’s case, she could use variables like “room_length”, “room_width”, “total_area” which clearly describe what data they hold.
  • This makes the code easier to debug, maintain, and modify in the future.

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