Why do IoT devices pose a greater risk than other computing devices on a network?

Homework Help: Questions and Answers: Why do IoT devices pose a greater risk than other computing devices on a network?

a) Most IoT devices do not receive frequent firmware updates.
b) IoT devices cannot function on an isolated network with only an Internet connection.
c) IoT devices require unencrypted wireless connections.
d) Most IoT devices do not require an Internet connection and are unable to receive new updates.


First, let’s understand the question: Its about to find IoT devices that pose a greater risk than other computing devices on a network.

Given Options: Step by Step Answering

a) Most IoT devices do not receive frequent firmware updates

  • Many IoT devices are not regularly updated by manufacturers, leaving them vulnerable to known security exploits. This is a common issue and increases risk on a network.

b)  IoT devices cannot function on an isolated network with only an Internet connection

  • This is not true. Many IoT devices can work on isolated networks or private networks. They do not inherently require continuous interaction with other devices over the Internet.

c) IoT devices require unencrypted wireless connections

  • While some older or poorly designed IoT devices may have insecure connections, this is not a general requirement for all IoT devices..

d) Most IoT devices do not require an Internet connection and are unable to receive new updates.

  • This is incorrect because many IoT devices do rely on an Internet connection, but the issue is more about receiving updates, not the lack of an Internet connection itself.

Final Answer

Based on the above analysis, the correct answer is:

(a) Most IoT devices do not receive frequent firmware updates.

This option correctly identifies a major security concern with IoT devices that makes them riskier than other computing devices on a network.

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