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Which characteristic is common to closed source large language models?

Fdaytalk Homework Help: Questions and Answers: Which characteristic is common to closed source large language models?

Which characteristic is common to closed source large language models?

a) Open licensing
b) Publicly available source code
c) Proprietary technology
d) Community contributions


First, let’s understand what ‘closed source’ means- Closed source refers to software whose source code is not publicly available. To determine the characteristic common to closed source large language models, let’s analyze each option step by step.

Given Options: Step by step Analysis

a) Open licensing:

  • Open licensing typically refers to licenses that allow users to freely use, modify, and distribute the software or content. Examples such as MIT, Apache, and GPL licenses. But closed source models do not use open licenses. Instead, they use restrictive licenses that limit access to the source code and usage. So, this is not a characteristic of closed source models.

b) Publicly available source code:

  • Publicly available source code means the code is accessible for anyone to view, use, modify, and distribute. But in case of closed source models, they do not make their source code publicly available. The source code is kept private and proprietary. This is also not a characteristic of closed source models.

c) Proprietary technology:

  • Proprietary technology refers to technology owned by an individual or company with restricted access and usage rights. In case of closed-source models, similar to proprietary technology, are built on exclusive technology where the company or organization retains rights to the source code, algorithms, and data. This is a characteristic of closed source models.

d) Community contributions:

  • Community contributions refer to collaborative development where the community can contribute to the project, such as submitting code, fixing bugs, or adding features. In case of closed source models, they do not typically accept community contributions because the source code is not accessible to the public. Development is usually done internally by the organization.  This is not a characteristic of closed source models. 

Based on the above analysis, the correct options is:

Correct answer:  Proprietary technology (Option C)

This option aligns with the closed nature of these models, where the technology is owned and controlled by the company or entity that developed it.

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