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What is one major ethical concern in the use of generative AI?

Fdaytalk Homework Help: Questions and Answers: What is one major ethical concern in the use of generative AI?

What is one major ethical concern in the use of generative AI?

a) Efficient data storage
b) Model interpretability
c) Creation of biased content
d) Faster model training


The question is about a major ethical concern in the use of generative AI. Let’s analyze each option step by step to find out the correct answer:

Given Options:

a) Efficient data storage

Efficient data storage pertains to the technical aspect of how data is stored and managed in systems. While it is  important, but it is not directly related to ethical concerns.

b) Model interpretability

Model interpretability refers to the ability to understand and explain how AI models make decisions. Although this is a significant concern in AI, it leans more towards transparency and trust rather than being a primary ethical concern.

c) Creation of biased content

The creation of biased content involves the generation of outputs that reflect or perpetuate existing biases in the training data. This can lead to ethical issues such as reinforcing stereotypes, discrimination, and unfair treatment of certain groups. 

This is a major ethical concern as it directly impacts fairness and equity in AI-generated outputs.

d) Faster model training 

Faster model training refers to the efficiency and speed with which AI models are trained. This is a technical improvement rather than an ethical issue.

Based on the above analysis, the correct options is:

Correct answer: Option C

Among the given options, creation of biased content (Option c) is a major ethical concern in the use of generative AI because it directly affects the fairness and impartiality of AI-generated outputs.

Therefore, the correct answer is c) Creation of biased content.

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